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3 Feb 2025
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩That would help 19:09:53
@barongoones:matrix.orgBaronGoonesDownload 20250203_210001_7083925185079322492.mp420:02:11
@barongoones:matrix.orgBaronGoonesBlurry but i hope that you van see what i'm talking about20:02:47
@barongoones:matrix.orgBaronGoones* Blurry but i hope that you can see what i'm talking about20:06:11
4 Feb 2025
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩 @barongoones:matrix.org: looks normal 01:42:29
@barongoones:matrix.orgBaronGoonesThat's normal? 🥶06:16:14
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩 @barongoones:matrix.org: it's still faster than Fedora's packagekit dnf 🤣 06:34:38
@barongoones:matrix.orgBaronGoonesI nave to us it as a proxy forwarder/dns/nas with some routing capabilities like access point and vlan (if i need to), and i was a bit scared after seeing that about the performance that it will add to my daily routine06:44:22
@barongoones:matrix.orgBaronGoones* I nave to use it as a proxy forwarder/dns/nas with some routing capabilities like access point and vlan (if i need to), and i was a bit scared after seeing that about the performance that it will add to my daily routine06:44:52
@barongoones:matrix.orgBaronGoonesI gues that's only a pkgin problem? 06:45:28
@barongoones:matrix.orgBaronGoonesI swear06:45:33
In reply to @barongoones:matrix.org
I gues that's only a pkgin problem?
@telegram_1627298994:t2bot.io𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚢𝚊𝚗 changed their profile picture.20:07:36
5 Feb 2025
@telegram_1627298994:t2bot.io𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚢𝚊𝚗 changed their profile picture.12:55:04
11 Nov 2021
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩 set the history visibility to "world_readable".07:43:07
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩 set the join rule to "public".07:43:07
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩 set the room name to "BSD".07:43:07
Room Avatar Renderer.07:43:07
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩 banned @babaca:matrix.org@babaca:matrix.org.07:43:08
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩 banned @makongofmyg0t:matrix.org@makongofmyg0t:matrix.org (spam ).07:43:08
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩 banned @panteraonly:matrix.org@panteraonly:matrix.org (spammer).07:43:08
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩 banned @placancomal1972:matrix.org@placancomal1972:matrix.org (spammer).07:43:08
@slackbot:matrix.orgSlack Integration joined the room.07:43:09
@rss:maunium.netRSS joined the room.07:43:09
@telegrambot:nil.imTelegram Bridge Bot joined the room.07:43:10
@appservice-irc:matrix.org@appservice-irc:matrix.org joined the room.07:43:12
@codysseus:matrix.orgcodysseus joined the room.07:43:19
@telegram_648404870:nil.imDamjan Jovanovic joined the room.08:11:03
@telegram_648404870:nil.imDamjan Jovanovic
In reply to UNiqx
I am not a direct GNOME consumer. But I use apps which are GTK based. It is really hard to avoid. So of the good apps are GTK based.

And KDE apps are a PITA dependency wise. Bizillion dependencies for a small app. That is why I depend GTK over QT. This got better while I used FreeBSD or other point releases. But when I have to use rolling releases like Arch, it feels like a ticking time bomb.
Absolutely. Also third party UI frameworks like Java's Swing, wxWidgets etc. have GTK backends but no Qt

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