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19 Jul 2024
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩 @stu:4d2.org: you will need echo dbus=YES >> /etc/rc.conf echo famd=YES >> /etc/rc.conf echo rpcbind=YES >> /etc/rc.conf 18:14:37
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩cp /usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/famd /etc/rc.d/ cp /usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/dbus /etc/rc.d/18:15:06
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩echo exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch --exit-with-session xfce4-session >> /home/${user}/.xinitrc18:16:10
@stu:4d2.orgstuThanks 👍18:37:53
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩Let me know if any problem starting xfce 18:55:12
In reply to @Jaypatelani:matrix.org
Let me know if any problem starting xfce
Thanks I will
@stu:4d2.orgstu @Jaypatelani:matrix.org: How come I can't cp those items 19:17:53
In reply to @Jaypatelani:matrix.org
cp /usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/famd /etc/rc.d/
cp /usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/dbus /etc/rc.d/
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩 @stu:4d2.org: pkgin install fam xfce4 xfce4-extras 19:20:55
In reply to @stu:4d2.org
Can't copy the second one
@stu:4d2.orgstuWeird 19:29:59
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩Also you need to be in operator group 19:32:05
@telegram_698921630:t2bot.io✝️🌞😎 HD Scania changed their profile picture.23:40:37
21 Jul 2024
22 Jul 2024
@telegram_847258285:t2bot.iobittin (on low energy) changed their display name from bittin i am off for now, don't have energy with internet drama to bittin (on low energy).06:57:05
23 Jul 2024
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩From Linux to NetBSD, with SSH only : https://cloudbsd.xyz/main12:52:18
24 Jul 2024
@telegram_847258285:t2bot.iobittin (on low energy)Catching up with some BSD Now03:22:19
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩 @telegram_847258285:t2bot.io: 👍 03:26:13
@foritus:rjt.cxCharlotte changed their display name from Charlotte Thorne to Charlotte.07:01:56
In reply to @telegram_847258285:t2bot.io
Catching up with some BSD Now
Did you mean 2.11bsd patch 446
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩BSDnow episodes 😀07:06:59
@4gsatnsunyfyqllc2s97:matrix.orginfinteI mean something like elks07:08:14
@telegram_847258285:t2bot.iobittin (on low energy)
In reply to @4gsatnsunyfyqllc2s97:matrix.org
Did you mean 2.11bsd patch 446
@telegram_847258285:t2bot.iobittin (on low energy) i did mean https://www.bsdnow.tv/ 07:06:58
25 Jul 2024
26 Jul 2024
@Jaypatelani:matrix.orgJaypatelani🚩Happy SystemAdmin Day all16:53:10
@telegram_48886423:t2bot.ioJo joined the room.16:57:37
In reply to @Jaypatelani:matrix.org
Happy SystemAdmin Day all
@telegram_280534600:t2bot.ioNoob Guy ® changed their profile picture.19:14:42

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