

2459 Members
This is a room to talk about ntfy | More rooms: https://matrix.to/#/#ntfy-space:matrix.org | Website: https://ntfy.sh/ | GitHub: https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy | Docs: https://ntfy.sh/docs/ | This room is bridged from Discord: https://discord.com/invite/cT7ECsZj9w158 Servers

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25 Jul 2024
@_discord_771884149190950932:t2bot.iowunter8 * If the main ntfy server gets corrupted, though, what's going to send the notification to your phone server? 13:21:45
@hhee1:matrix.orgHesh. #p3pch4t:matrix.org #veilid:matrix.org #i2pchat:matrix.org right now, it uses another server with installed ntfy, it sends - cat /proc/mdstat | grep "md1 : inactive"
if [ $RET -eq 0 ];then
curl \
@hhee1:matrix.orgHesh. #p3pch4t:matrix.org #veilid:matrix.org #i2pchat:matrix.orgmd1 is array with all VMs and one has this ntfy server too13:23:48
@_discord_771884149190950932:t2bot.iowunter8 I'm not sure of any way to run a Go binary outside of termux 13:45:46
@_discord_771884149190950932:t2bot.iowunter8 * I'm not sure of any way to run a Go binary on an Android device outside of termux 13:46:17
@_discord_771884149190950932:t2bot.iowunter8 You don't want to just subscribe to a randomly generated topic on the public instance and use that for notifications of catastrophic failures? 13:46:49
@hhee1:matrix.orgHesh. #p3pch4t:matrix.org #veilid:matrix.org #i2pchat:matrix.orgI use my another server for it14:27:09
@_discord_1266038945582551092:t2bot.ioalex_757063 joined the room.14:29:49
@_discord_771884149190950932:t2bot.iowunter8 So you already have 2 ntfy servers running on different hardware? Then why do you need a third on your phone? 14:42:52
@hhee1:matrix.orgHesh. #p3pch4t:matrix.org #veilid:matrix.org #i2pchat:matrix.orgyes. it would be better instead having second server just small app on phone which has basic things of big ntfy server14:53:56
@_discord_771884149190950932:t2bot.iowunter8 Got it. Yeah, termux is the only thing I'm aware of 15:04:35
@fazz20:matrix.org@fazz20:matrix.org left the room.22:21:59
26 Jul 2024
@cmerrill:matrix.orgcmerrill joined the room.00:50:57
@davidmartinez:matrix.orgdavidmartinez joined the room.01:15:25
@_discord_390992459150393366:t2bot.ioiptvcld Hey wunter8 any improvements on the action buttons? 04:27:38
@_discord_390992459150393366:t2bot.ioiptvcld been searching high and low for a self hosted app just for notifications and your project keeps coming up - but i wished it just worked 04:28:23
@_discord_390992459150393366:t2bot.ioiptvcld matterMost seems to have that option to edit or delete a message on button press but its a full blown chat server 04:29:07
@dark__knight:matrix.org@dark__knight:matrix.org joined the room.08:07:16
@dark__knight:matrix.org@dark__knight:matrix.org Can anyone help me to add ntfy with fluffychat 08:08:05
@dark__knight:matrix.org@dark__knight:matrix.org left the room.08:42:29
@merry.sam:matrix.avi.pwSam 09:47:06
@madic:geekbundle.orgMadicInstalle fluffychat from f-droid store, configure ntfy on your phone, start fluffy chat --> Done10:04:56
@madic:geekbundle.orgMadicIt automatically registers at ntfy10:05:36
@_discord_94630361346080768:t2bot.iomikewaggs If you're using a hosted version of ntfy, will it still work with apprise? 15:43:26
@fiveseven:matrix.orgDale Gribbleyes23:47:45
@fiveseven:matrix.orgDale Gribble https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki/Notify_ntfy 23:48:14
@fiveseven:matrix.orgDale Gribbleit asks for a URL so you can specify any server23:48:38
27 Jul 2024
@_discord_192089631070748672:t2bot.iooneweeknotice Thanks again for the help.

[PR has been made based on our conversation + more](https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/pull/1161)

pretty sure I didn't need to broadcast that here as you most likely will received the github notification but I wanted to cover my basis.

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