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This is a room to talk about ntfy | More rooms: https://matrix.to/#/#ntfy-space:matrix.org | Website: https://ntfy.sh/ | GitHub: https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy | Docs: https://ntfy.sh/docs/ | This room is bridged from Discord: https://discord.com/invite/cT7ECsZj9w179 Servers

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6 Feb 2025
@_discord_217658063945990147:t2bot.io.oge so no more refresing issues 17:20:29
@fineas:matrix.orgfineas joined the room.17:32:42
@_discord_217658063945990147:t2bot.io.oge basically i had to manually go into the app and refresh to get notifications 19:04:05
@_discord_332665175578509312:t2bot.iosauriodino .oge wunter8 that solved my issue and I has the same problem as you 19:14:23
@_discord_332665175578509312:t2bot.iosauriodino These are the things you need to do to get iOS push notifications to work:

1. open a browser to the web app of your ntfy instance and copy the URL (including "http://" or "https://", your domain or IP address, and any ports, and excluding any trailing slashes)
2. put the URL you copied in the ntfy base-url config in server.yml or NTFY_BASE_URL in env variables
3. put the URL you copied in the default server URL setting in the iOS ntfy app
4. set upstream-base-url in server.yml or NTFY_UPSTREAM_BASE_URL in env variables to "https://ntfy.sh" (without a trailing slash)

Webpush keys are for something totally separate. They are for the PWA, which you install by accessing the web app in Safari. The PWA has more reliable notifications and more features, so that's what I recommend people use on iOS
@_discord_771884149190950932:t2bot.iowunter8 Yeah, following the instructions posted above should fix that problem 19:22:06
@_discord_771884149190950932:t2bot.iowunter8 (although, I feel like we may have tried working through those instructions in the past...) 19:22:42
@arsain:matrix.arsain.xyzArsain 🐱 joined the room.19:23:30
@_discord_217658063945990147:t2bot.io.oge sauriodino please can you dm me this 19:28:47
@sheylin:matrix.orgSheylin joined the room.23:45:17
@willar33:matrix.orgwillar33 joined the room.23:45:19
@sheylin:matrix.orgSheylin left the room.23:45:27
7 Feb 2025
@sheylin:matrix.orgSheylin joined the room.00:20:34
@sheylin:matrix.orgSheylin left the room.00:20:46
In reply to @_discord_217658063945990147:t2bot.io
hey guys, how is the ios situation currently for latest beta?
Didn’t realise the iOS app was getting some love lately. Is this something which can be checked out in testflight?
@_discord_771884149190950932:t2bot.iowunter8 There's no activity on our side. They might have been talking about the latest iOS beta? 00:49:10
@_discord_217658063945990147:t2bot.io.oge yeah, i meant iOS beta 01:00:19
@batwam:matrix.orgbatwamoh, ok, nevermind03:20:05
@_discord_80860929259999232:t2bot.iothe.neeb joined the room.09:45:22
@_discord_574636573191045153:t2bot.iowhitesugar69 joined the room.13:02:45
@arsain:matrix.arsain.xyzArsain 🐱 left the room.13:24:50
@mantixlu:matrix.orgGabriel Olivardia joined the room.15:17:20
@mantixlu:matrix.orgGabriel Olivardia left the room.15:17:32
@baxowip854:matrix.orgbaxow joined the room.20:15:04
@yamaha72:matrix.orgyamaha72 joined the room.22:27:59
@yamaha72:matrix.orgyamaha72 left the room.22:29:22
8 Feb 2025
@_discord_245071132330426370:t2bot.ioteamcoltra Can server connections go in a different room like #welcome ? Just a friendly thought. 02:56:57
@bingbong:cybre.spacebingbong joined the room.03:13:38
@bingbong:cybre.spacebingbong left the room.03:14:04
@notmyjunie:catgirl.cloudJun changed their profile picture.05:40:54

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