
Conspiracy Room

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Javascript is a jesuit conspiracy to make americans bad at code1 Servers

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22 Nov 2017
@ratot:matrix.orgratotso i switched to Disconnect instead00:41:42
@ratot:matrix.orgratotbecause its also used by firefox for private navigation00:41:55
@ratot:matrix.orgratotby default00:42:09
@ratot:matrix.orgratotso it must be ok00:42:20
@in1t3r:matrix.org@shiva:matrix.orgyeah I knw I do not use disconnect as it actually track your searches by adding that so called anonymized hash it still save it somewhere00:42:54
@in1t3r:matrix.org@shiva:matrix.orgswitch to ddg :)00:43:00
@in1t3r:matrix.org@shiva:matrix.orgIt do not track you00:43:05
@in1t3r:matrix.org@shiva:matrix.orgespecially if you are using it through TOR network00:43:24
@ratot:matrix.orgratoti use ddg00:43:26
@ratot:matrix.orgratotno TOR00:43:47
@ratot:matrix.orgratotsee u later00:43:49
@in1t3r:matrix.org@shiva:matrix.orgdunno I used disconnect years ago and that used some hash that is added yto each of your searches then I watch tehir technical video where they are explaining the way they intended to use it and didn't like it.00:44:37
@in1t3r:matrix.org@shiva:matrix.orgBtw also firefox is written in C++ and basically engine and most of code is C++ htey just recently started adding other languages. SO its base is still pure C++. In difference from Chrome which is V javascript engine writen in C and then most of the other functionalities of the browser wrotten in JS.00:46:36
@in1t3r:matrix.org@shiva:matrix.orghey ratot you up?10:51:55
@ratot:matrix.orgratoti am now21:42:05
** Unable to decrypt: The sender's device has not sent us the keys for this message. **
@ratot:matrix.orgratotin the other room21:42:47
23 Nov 2017
@in1t3r:matrix.org@shiva:matrix.orgdamn not sure why you get that error10:42:46
@in1t3r:matrix.org@shiva:matrix.orgso what are you doing kids?15:11:58
@in1t3r:matrix.org@shiva:matrix.orgJust writing a funny way to exploit - meaning here use with fun making jokes about JS - the one of the simple JS libraries that remind us on the good old days. https://www.cssscript.com/terminal-style-text-typing-animation-typewriting-js/15:13:27
@ratot:matrix.orgratotnice JS hack16:15:52
@ratot:matrix.orgratotare u making a web shell for haks16:16:10
@in1t3r:matrix.org@shiva:matrix.orgnot really :)22:51:20
@in1t3r:matrix.org@shiva:matrix.orgall of js is a bug22:51:38
@in1t3r:matrix.org@shiva:matrix.orgcan you reconnect like login again in your riot client?22:52:06
24 Nov 2017
@ratot:matrix.orgratoti should do that22:41:46
16 Jul 2018
@zoltanzuberi:matrix.orgzoltanzuberi joined the room.01:26:44

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