

365 Members
Implementing ipfs in rust44 Servers

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21 Apr 2024
@tewuzij:beeper.comNguyễn Trọng Cường joined the room.08:56:27
22 Apr 2024
@rkuhn:matrix.org@rkuhn:matrix.org left the room.07:57:25
23 Apr 2024
@tanja:catgirl.cloudTanja (she/her) changed their display name from Tanja to Tanja (she/her).12:30:04
@tanja-6584:matrix.orgTanja (Old; I'm now @tanja:catgirl.cloud) changed their display name from Tanja (Old) to Tanja (Old; I'm now @tanja:catgirl.cloud).12:30:18
24 Apr 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F to David | W3F - Traveling.08:22:14
29 Apr 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - Traveling to David | W3F.07:52:00
30 Apr 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F to David | W3F - OOO (1 May).18:53:45
2 May 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - OOO (1 May) to David | W3F.06:14:36
3 May 2024
@merbst:matrix.orgMatt Erbst set a profile picture.08:52:15
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F to David | W3F - OOO May 13.18:06:28
12 May 2024
@rotarur:matrix.orgrotarur joined the room.11:52:25
13 May 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - OOO May 13 to David | W3F.06:31:16
19 May 2024
@jhulten:matrix.orgjhulten joined the room.04:23:39
27 May 2024
@tanja:catgirl.cloudTanja (she/her) changed their display name from Tanja (she/her) to Tanja (☎️ 6920 at GPN22, she/her).20:36:06
28 May 2024
@chase.fil:matrix.org@chase.fil:matrix.org left the room.18:44:23
2 Jun 2024
@hugomrdias:matrix.org@hugomrdias:matrix.org changed their display name from Hugo Dias (Old) to Hugo Dias.12:18:43
@hugomrdias:matrix.org@hugomrdias:matrix.org changed their profile picture.12:18:46
@hugomrdias:matrix.org@hugomrdias:matrix.org left the room.12:21:32
3 Jun 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F to David | W3F - Slow responses until June 7.13:10:53
4 Jun 2024
@tanja:catgirl.cloudTanja (she/her) changed their display name from Tanja (☎️ 6920 at GPN22, she/her) to Tanja (she/her).18:51:39
7 Jun 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - Slow responses until June 7 to David | W3F.09:33:53
17 Jun 2024
@linux6:matrix.orgJamie | manta network changed their display name from matters | manta network to Jamie | manta network.02:11:34
21 Jun 2024
@andar1an:matrix.organdar1an joined the room.15:45:59
28 Jun 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F to David | W3F - OOO (sick).06:22:18
1 Jul 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - OOO (sick) to David | W3F.06:36:13
3 Jul 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F to David | W3F - OOO July 8.11:05:37
@sergd85:matrix.org@sergd85:matrix.org left the room.20:32:31
8 Jul 2024
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - OOO July 8 to David | W3F.06:50:50
14 Jul 2024
@renning:matrix.org@renning:matrix.org left the room.13:11:49
26 Jul 2024
@kotovalexarian0:matrix.org@kotovalexarian0:matrix.org left the room.13:25:24

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