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19 Feb 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <djudjuu>k, that makes sense. So in general my basic aragon-app setup for allowing my apps to forward evm-scripts would be to have a Kernel, an ACL, and an EVMScriptRegistry… I was looking aroud a little bit in the repos for a knd of minimal example and found that the newDao(address root) seems to come quite close.

or is there a better one? Maybe some sequence of aragon cli commands that establish the basic setup for the voting on vault-transfer setup?

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <djudjuu>Ah thanks,… that makes sense. So in general my basic aragon-app setup for allowing my apps to forward evm-scripts would be to have a Kernel, an ACL, and an EVMScriptRegistry… I was looking aroud a little bit in the repos for a knd of minimal example and found that the newDao(address root) seems to come quite close.

or is there a better one? Maybe some sequence of aragon cli commands that establish the basic setup for the voting on vault-transfer setup?

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <mcormier>Hey djudjuu I sent you a pm to discuss this further 17:23:55
20 Feb 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <cryptowanderer>Hey all. How does one go about easily crafting either:

  1. A vote
  2. Changing the permissions of who can create votes

From a multisig account that is the root owner of a DAO? Or, alternatively, what is the best way of using Agent to do this?

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <cryptowanderer>Am guessing the trick is here: https://hack.aragon.org/docs/cli-dao-commands#dao-acl-create 11:47:03
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <cryptowanderer>But still searching around for the right role to pass in etc. And, ideally, for how this is done from Agent (rather than creating a new permission for a single EOA to create votes, which we would never do on mainnet anyway) 11:47:47
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <mcormier>Hey cryptowanderer, I just sent you a DM to help you out with this. 12:33:43
21 Feb 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <alsco77>Hey Aragon chat. I am working on a DeFi project that has a system token (used throughout the protocol) and will use an Aragon DAO with that token in the future. We had intended on utilising a custom implementation of the MiniMeToken, much like ANT, however it does not feel like the most optimal solution, given that the token spec was finalised in late 2017, and although it conforms to IERC20, does not utilise any of the Zeppelin libraries created since then (SafeMath, ERC20). Is this still the most optimal solution for creating a future proof system token for a DAO? Does anyone know if there been any Solc 0.5.x implementations of MiniMe? 09:58:09
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <victor.porton>I am trying to fix an important bug in Aragon. I need an explanation how present code works. Details at https://github.com/aragon/aragon.js/issues/362 11:31:51
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <mcormier>Hi alsco77, that is a good question. As far as I know, Aragon plans to keep using the MiniMe token in the near future. Even though it doesn’t use all the latest libraries, it is a safe contract that has been thoroughly tested over the years. 14:20:45
22 Feb 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <victor.porton>What happens if I publish a project having both backend (in the project directory) and frontend (in app/ subdirectory)? Both the project root and app/ subdir have package.json. Will it publish two apps? or whatever? And I tried to publish to Rinkeby and get an app with name undefined. What’s wrong? 14:46:31
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <victor.porton>Which source file the "Vault" string identifying the Vault app is stored? We have no Vault string in both package.json and arrapp.json at https://github.com/aragon/aragon-apps/tree/master/apps/vault - I wonder where the system extracts the name of the app from 14:49:36
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <alsco77>Thanks for that. And do you know if there is some purpose for the TokenController interface (using the methods onApproval, onTransfer) that provides callbacks whenever certain actions take place? This seems like it could pose some reentrancy threats, so if there is a purpose for it within the bounds of governance it would be good to know 15:50:25
24 Feb 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <mcormier>Answered in private 03:14:54
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <mcormier>Yes the TokenController interface is implemented by some of the Aragon apps, like the Token Manager (https://github.com/aragon/aragon-apps/blob/master/apps/token-manager/contracts/TokenManager.sol) to validate if it allows a transfer or not. To my knowledge, no vulnerability has been found in these contracts throughout the various audits. 03:34:28
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <alsco77>Aside from the threats, we were considering removing these functions from the base MiniMe, to allow us to assign controllers, that are contracts, that aren’t specifically TokenControllers. Need to understand a bit more about the benefits/purposes of these functions in the Aragon suite, and the threats posed if we were to remove 13:06:42
25 Feb 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <mcormier>Discussed in DM 05:01:00
26 Feb 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <victor.porton>Please help to deploy this app to Rinkeby. It fails in some reason (seem an Aragon bug): https://github.com/vporton/courts - the bug: https://github.com/aragon/aragon-cli/issues/1513 - please explain what’s wrong! 21:40:11
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <mcormier>Hi Victor, I will have a look at your issue. Can you also add your aragonCLI version and NodeJs version? 23:59:10
29 Feb 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <victor.porton>
$ npx dao install testrewardcourt3 reward.open.aragonpm.eth --environment rinkeby
  ❯ Fetching reward.open.aragonpm.eth@latest
    ✖ Get Repo
      → Cannot find artifacts in aragonPM repo. Please make sure the package is published and IPFS or your HTTP server running.
    Checking installed version
    Deploying app instance
    Fetching deployed app
✖ Cannot find artifacts in aragonPM repo. Please make sure the package is published and IPFS or your HTTP server running.
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <victor.porton>
$ npx dao install testrewardcourt3 reward.open.aragonpm.eth --environment rinkeby
  ❯ Fetching reward.open.aragonpm.eth@latest
    ✖ Get Repo
      → Cannot find artifacts in aragonPM repo. Please make sure the package is published and IPFS or your HTTP server running.
    Checking installed version
    Deploying app instance
    Fetching deployed app
✖ Cannot find artifacts in aragonPM repo. Please make sure the package is published and IPFS or your HTTP server running.

Is it because I didn’t pin IPFS?

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <victor.porton>I have a very weird error: After changes in source code of my app and restarting npm start, what the browser displays is not changed. Probably the error appeared after ran ipfs pin. Deleting dist/ and ~/.ipfs did not help. I am amazed where the old code that is displayed instead of the new code is stored. Help! 21:32:03
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <victor.porton>Clearing network cache also does not help. 21:32:54
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <benesjan>We are calling the function on our contract with 2 parameters - a string and uint, we would like users to see these which would allow them to actually see what they are voting on 23:15:37
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <benesjan>thanks a lot 23:15:40
1 Mar 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <mcormier>Hi Jan, Aragon uses the following method registry to lookup method names: https://etherscan.io/address/0x44691b39d1a75dc4e0a0346cbb15e310e6ed1e86#writeContract
You can submit the method signature of your contract using the register function.
2 Mar 2020
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <BenThotsaphon>I have same your issue before. i still fixed but I don’t sure It’s the right to fix an issue or not.
Did you fix file in migrations folder as 2_deploy_contracts.js check as artifacts.require('<YOUR_SMART_CONTRACT>.sol') is the name of your > smart contract ?
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <victor.porton>@BenThotsaphon I have there:

var RewardCourts = artifacts.require('RewardCourts.sol')
var RewardCourtNames = artifacts.require('RewardCourtNames.sol')

module.exports = function(deployer) {
    res => deployer.deploy(RewardCourtNames, res.address)

But how is it related to my issue?

@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <BenThotsaphon>before i have the issue with this and also with IPFS 08:25:12
@bridge-bot:matrix.orgbridge-bot <victor.porton>Details? I am very lost why IPFS works this way. 08:25:59

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