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10 Jan 2019
@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.org@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.orgnot to many people enrolled yet so we'll see00:25:15
@freenode_AdmiralAsshat:matrix.org@freenode_AdmiralAsshat:matrix.orgSo, upon login, after getting the LUKS decryption prompt and decrypting successfully, the system then passes on to...GDM? Or is it plymouth that takes over at that point?02:58:31
@freenode_ozjd:matrix.org@freenode_ozjd:matrix.orgAdmiralAsshat: it is LightDm but appears to be using the standard greeter rather than the Slick greeter Korora was using03:08:57
@freenode_ozjd:matrix.org@freenode_ozjd:matrix.org jmiahman: install to hard drive gives an Untrusted Application Launcher error 03:09:35
@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.org@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.org AdmiralAsshat: should be plymouth 03:11:26
@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.org@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.orgYeah I have to do some work on the greeter, ie autologin as well03:11:55
@freenode_ozjd:matrix.org@freenode_ozjd:matrix.org sorry yeah there is plymouth and then it goes to LightDM, shows a login screen which live system don't usually bit it works 03:12:23
@freenode_ozjd:matrix.org@freenode_ozjd:matrix.org jmiahman: has the same theme, icon issue that the Korora one had 03:13:46
@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.org@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.orgI just pushed a xfce-settings package03:15:16
@freenode_ozjd:matrix.org@freenode_ozjd:matrix.orgdespite the anaconda error it runs okay03:17:02
@freenode_AdmiralAsshat:matrix.org@freenode_AdmiralAsshat:matrix.orghmm. Ever since I did the install to F29, about half the time after I enter the LUKS password and it finished decrypting, I just get a black screen. It never proceeds to the greeter.03:21:46
@freenode_AdmiralAsshat:matrix.org@freenode_AdmiralAsshat:matrix.org Then I've gotta Ctrl+Alt+F2 to a tty, which seems to work. I can browse /home and /var/log, so I think LUKS completed successfully, but can't see anything in the logs to indicat a problem, so I issue a shutdown command and try again. The next time it might work. 03:22:38
@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.org@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.orgThat's no bueno03:23:08
@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.org@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.orgdoes it drop you to login?03:23:10
@freenode_AdmiralAsshat:matrix.org@freenode_AdmiralAsshat:matrix.org at the black screen, or when it's successful? 03:23:37
@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.org@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.orgwhen you switch tty03:23:51
@freenode_AdmiralAsshat:matrix.org@freenode_AdmiralAsshat:matrix.orgYeah, I can login from there.03:24:06
@freenode_ozjd:matrix.org@freenode_ozjd:matrix.org jmiahman: gpg errors when updating 03:24:38
@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.org@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.org AdmiralAsshat: maybe see if something is failing systemctl list-units --state=failed 03:25:12
@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.org@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.orgwhat repo?03:25:29
@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.org@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.org ozjd: ^ 03:25:37
@freenode_AdmiralAsshat:matrix.org@freenode_AdmiralAsshat:matrix.org sorry for the eject...I hit ctrl+alt+f2 just to see if I'd get a login prompt now and it must've killed my graphical session 03:26:11
@freenode_AdmiralAsshat:matrix.org@freenode_AdmiralAsshat:matrix.org I get this selinux error now whenever the DE launches, wondering if it's related: SELinux is preventing plymouthd from getattr access on the directory /sys/firmware/efi/efivars. 03:26:51
@freenode_AdmiralAsshat:matrix.org@freenode_AdmiralAsshat:matrix.org That's why I was asking whether it's LightDM or Plymouth that takes over 03:27:03
@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.org@freenode_jmiahman[m]:matrix.orgwhat a turd03:27:23
@freenode_ozjd:matrix.org@freenode_ozjd:matrix.org jmiahman: only packages in update was unity-release so Unity repo 03:29:16
@freenode_ozjd:matrix.org@freenode_ozjd:matrix.org can't set the icon theme even after installation and panel isn't accepting the theme either, weird 03:30:20
@freenode_ozjd:matrix.org@freenode_ozjd:matrix.orgmmm. very vanilla package selection :)03:30:37
@freenode_ozjd:matrix.org@freenode_ozjd:matrix.orgno gimp or libreoffice03:31:06

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