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17 Jan 2019
@dorgsog:matrix.orgAsgeir joined the room.03:58:21
@dorgsog:matrix.orgAsgeirThis all looks great. We shuld add this stuff as GitHub issues04:06:25
@dorgsog:matrix.orgAsgeirMaybe create a UX proposal?04:08:35
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliThat sounds like a great idea @Asgeir!05:32:25
18 Jan 2019
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli set the room topic to "Chats: https://riot.im/app/#/group/+dorgtech:matrix.org".01:36:28
19 Jan 2019
@orishim:matrix.orgorishimBeing able to flip through the pages without necessarily filling out the info would be nice00:39:55
@ontologymachine:matrix.orgontologymachine agreed this is a big one - let’s be sure to include a survey question testing if users agree 💫 00:42:30
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliI can try to add this. It’d be nice to have this feedback in Stack Ranked order00:45:37
@ontologymachine:matrix.orgontologymachine can you elaborate on what that would involve? we want to ensure the feedback translates as directly to explicit action items for y’all as possible 00:47:25
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliIt means we make tasks for each, and the tasks get completed in order of highest rated00:49:01
@orishim:matrix.orgorishimWhere would that happen? Github issues?00:49:13
@orishim:matrix.orgorishimSorry but I'm going to keep dumping my thoughts here and turn into issues later01:08:07
@orishim:matrix.orgorishimuser shouldn't have to log into metamask until the deployment step01:08:39
@ontologymachine:matrix.orgontologymachineyes please do that!!!01:09:48
@ontologymachine:matrix.orgontologymachinedump all the ideas and opinions01:10:26
@ontologymachine:matrix.orgontologymachine flight taking off but can’t wait to check later 01:10:27
In reply to @orishim:matrix.org
user shouldn't have to log into metamask until the deployment step
This is such a good point! BChain access / failures should be localized to only the components that need them, not gatekeep the whole app / experience
@dorgsog:matrix.orgAsgeirThe problem then is that a user who does not have MetaMask would go through the whole process only to find out at the end that they could not complete. Some of the steps like founders and voting machine could have taken a long time to fill out. At least for me; this would result in an outrage :P10:05:26
@dorgsog:matrix.orgAsgeirIf you do not have MetaMask (or another dApp browser/plugin) there is really nothing you can do with the DAOcreator. I think that all functionality that is not possible to have a result should be "locked down" by the check for MetaMask, and propded for installation if it's not available.10:06:42
@dorgsog:matrix.orgAsgeirAt least I want to know as soon as possible if what I am working on is going to work or not. Or if I have to install a browser plugin to complete the operation.10:08:11
@dorgsog:matrix.orgAsgeirWe should A/B test this. With setting a user in front of the DAOcreator and tell them to create a DAO (in a browser without MetaMask). Then see how what gives the best result10:09:32
@dorgsog:matrix.orgAsgeirRedacted or Malformed Event10:16:25
@dorgsog:matrix.orgAsgeir** I think that all functionality that is not possible to yield a result should be "locked down" by the check for MetaMask, and prompted for installation if it's not available.10:16:40
@usernameyeeey:matrix.orgØz joined the room.12:13:50
@usernameyeeey:matrix.orgØz changed their display name from usernameyeeey to wØz.12:22:37
@usernameyeeey:matrix.orgØz changed their display name from wØz to Øz.12:22:49
@usernameyeeey:matrix.orgØz set a profile picture.12:25:00

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