

10 Members
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16 Jan 2019
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".22:48:39
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli invited @ontologymachine:matrix.orgontologymachine.22:51:58
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli invited @cd10012:matrix.orgcd10012.22:51:59
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli invited @cemfd:matrix.orgcemfd.22:51:59
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli invited @dorgsog:matrix.orgAsgeir.22:52:00
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli invited @orishim:matrix.orgorishim.22:52:01
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelli invited @cryptodani:matrix.orgcryptodani.22:52:01
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellichanged room power levels.22:52:17
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellichanged room power levels.22:52:26
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellichanged room power levels.22:52:30
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellichanged room power levels.22:52:37
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellichanged room power levels.22:52:43
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellichanged room power levels.22:52:49
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellichanged room power levels.22:52:53
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliThis channel's purpose? Trash on the tools we're actively developing! 😀 I'm serious too. Go on, it's fun, here look: Why t'f' is it asking me to make a token... I just wanted a DAO...22:54:53
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJellihttps://dorg.tech/ 🤦22:55:41
@cd10012:matrix.orgcd10012 joined the room.23:19:08
@orishim:matrix.orgorishim joined the room.23:21:30
@orishim:matrix.orgorishimWhy tf didn't you tell me I had to be on Kovan!?23:22:57
@orishim:matrix.orgorishim(Add Founders) Am I minting these tokens out of thin air!? Are these erc20’s? What is reputation? (Select Features) What’s the difference between “Feature Registrar” and “Global Constraint Registrar” vs. “Upgrade”? Don’t they both imply the ability to change initial conditions?? It would be great to have a visual (mockup of the future UI component for it…?) of each feature pop-up when I miss over it. Also a link to the GitHub code where the scheme is implemented. Why would DAO to DAO Voting ever not be a thing? Is this actually its own scheme? Can’t every DAO invoke any function call on any deployed smart contract? ICO and Token Vesting shouldn’t be on/off switch, they should be their own skippable pages since that sort of thing would come with a lot more parameters. “Organization Register”- what is a registry…….?23:34:09
@orishim:matrix.orgorishim{these are all rhetorical questions that I imagine a user having}23:34:36
@dorgjelli:matrix.orgdOrgJelliYessss moar moar moar!!! 😈😂23:35:28

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