
Virtual Assembly

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31 Oct 2018
@guillaume_av:matrix.orgguillaume_avSwann gives training courses, he won't be there today I think .. When are you coming at VA @Jonas ?08:26:07
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.orgOk. I will be there in probably 40 minutes08:37:04
@guillaume_av:matrix.orgguillaume_avOok ! I be there at 13.3010:33:05
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.orgLinux Weekly News article about Solid: https://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/769334/3c29ababc6fcb445/19:58:36
2 Nov 2018
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.organyone at Les Grand Voisins today? I would love to meet esp. with Lois but also with others, but have no key so too boring if noone else is there...11:08:25
8 Nov 2018
@guillaume_av:matrix.orgguillaume_avOups ! The keys are at the entry of grands voisins (n° 74)14:41:28
@bouviermullerp:matrix.orgPierre https://code.fairphone.com/projects/fp-osos/ 18:54:01
10 Nov 2018
@swann:matrix.org@swann:matrix.orgHello ! J'ai retrouvé mes identifiants...09:48:49
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.orghi @swann:matrix.org - sorry, I don't speak french, so if you are saying something that I might benefit from (or you might benefit from me) then please try english (or german)10:30:44
In reply to @jonas.s:matrix.org
@swann:matrix.org: I am curious to meet you - will you perhaps be at VA tomorrow?
I was working hard until yesterday. I am now available. Are you still in Paris ?
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.orgno, too bad: I went home yesterday morning :-(12:49:37
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.org(or more accurately: I departed in the morning - 6:30 from Pierr's apartment) and arrived home at around 23 after a nice full-day metro+train+ferry+train+car ride)12:51:12
@swann:matrix.org@swann:matrix.orgouchhh... where are you now ?12:52:01
@swann:matrix.org@swann:matrix.orgAlaska ???? :-D12:52:08
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.orgsee footer of this page: https://couchdesign.dk/ :-)12:53:18
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.org(the very last square on that page links to OpenStreetmaps)12:53:57
@swann:matrix.org@swann:matrix.orgnice.... An island surrounded by an island..13:00:30
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.orgyup - such is Denmark :-)13:09:32
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.orgah right - even more acurately that list of vehicles should be metro+train+train-on-ferry+train+car+car-on-ferry+car :-)13:11:06
@swann:matrix.org@swann:matrix.orgIs it possible to put a bus on the ferry ?13:11:25
@swann:matrix.org@swann:matrix.orgGood, I might come to see you with my family in a near futur then ^^13:11:46
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.orgit is not a row boat13:11:47
@swann:matrix.org@swann:matrix.org"near" has an extensive meaning... cough cough13:12:14
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.orgalso, that last "car+car-on-ferry+car" can be replaced with "train+ferry" (and a 30 minutes walk which is without a vehicle so not listed) - car ride was because I arrived too late for the ferry near train station, so had my partner pick me up at another station and get me via another car-only ferry13:14:29
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.orgyou are all most welcome, whenever!13:15:04
@swann:matrix.org@swann:matrix.orgthank you !13:31:54
13 Nov 2018
@bouviermullerp:matrix.orgPierre jonas: https://fr.ulule.com/nectop-l-ordinateur-francais/ this is a french project not available in english (yet?) - are you able to use a webservice to translate it ?
@bouviermullerp:matrix.orgPierreI'm not sure this is a fantastic project, anyway good for the benchmark :)08:59:26

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