
Virtual Assembly

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21 Nov 2018
@pierre:matrix.virtual-assembly.orgpierre joined the room.11:01:16
22 Nov 2018
@pierre:matrix.virtual-assembly.orgpierre set a profile picture.12:11:38
26 Nov 2018
@swann:matrix.org@swann:matrix.org jonas: https://matrix.virtual-assembly.org/ still send me on apache classical home page, listing files. 18:20:19
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.orgthere is no website there18:28:48
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.orgif you want to connect to Matrix at that _domain_ then provide it to your Matrix client - as either a bare domain or as base URL depending on the Matrix client you use18:30:22
28 Nov 2018
@benoit_ferc:matrix.orgbenoit_fJ'ai un problème avec le HackMD, j'ai été déconnecté et je n'arrive pas à retrouver le mot de passe donc je me peux pas y participer... est-ce que quelqu'un a trouvé la procédure pour récupérer son mot de passe ?18:40:54
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.orgif you can write that in english then I might be able to answer18:44:07
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.org...because I guess by the question mark that you are raising a question :-)18:44:36
1 Dec 2018
@benoit_ferc:matrix.orgbenoit_fexact : but don't mind, it's not a big issue now I don't have time for that point ( which is the fact that there'sno way to get a lost password from HackMD )18:15:36
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.orgah - I cannot help with that anyway (not a big user of HackMD myself)18:16:23
@benoit_ferc:matrix.orgbenoit_fthanks anyway ;)18:16:38
* @jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.org appreciate knowing he didn't miss anything exciting :-)18:17:12
In reply to * @jonas.s:matrix.org
appreciate knowing he didn't miss anything exciting :-)
@benoit_ferc:matrix.orgbenoit_fwoops, I'm not good at using Matrix still...18:21:46
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.org(you are also chatting in our old sort-of abandoned room now )18:22:06
@benoit_ferc:matrix.orgbenoit_f😁 thats' it18:22:22
@benoit_ferc:matrix.orgbenoit_fyes, in fact I'm reading the documentation, trying to figure how to join the "ontologies" chanel18:22:52
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.orgheh - I just posted how to do that - in the Ontologies channel :-P18:23:29
@benoit_ferc:matrix.orgbenoit_foh, ok, great, thank you18:24:43
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.orgI am not usin gthe Riot client now, so maybe it won't work - try this: #ontologies:matrix.virtual-assembly.org18:24:55
@benoit_ferc:matrix.orgbenoit_ffirstly, I need to understand how to use smileys18:25:02
In reply to @jonas.s:matrix.org
I am not usin gthe Riot client now, so maybe it won't work - try this: #ontologies:matrix.virtual-assembly.org
it works
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.orgI use good old ASCII smileys - "drawing" them by typing the letters involved: :-)18:25:45
@benoit_ferc:matrix.orgbenoit_fthat's important18:26:03
@jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.org...and I then prefer smileys with nose18:26:15
* @jonas.s:matrix.org@jonas.s:matrix.org dislike those fancy Unicode smileys!18:26:37
@benoit_ferc:matrix.orgbenoit_f changed their display name from benoit_ferc to benoit_f.23:27:35
@benoit_ferc:matrix.orgbenoit_f set a profile picture.23:27:56
5 Dec 2018
@swann:matrix.org@swann:matrix.orgAm I the only one having great difficulties leaving slack ?08:06:46

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