
Conlangs General

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General discussion of constructed languages. Both art and auxiliary languages are welcome. Esperanto, Ido, Interlingua, Occidental / Interlingue, Lojban, Lingwa de Planeta, Elefen, etc23 Servers

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25 Jul 2024
@tartratartrat:gemeinsam.jetztTartrat Oh sowwy xD I love Red Dwarf and other quirky sitcoms 21:49:45
@partime:matrix.orgPartimeI am Human, for we are many (cells)21:49:45
@tartratartrat:gemeinsam.jetztTartratNah, in this case it's a gestalt entity composed by the main characters21:51:14
@partime:matrix.orgPartimeYeah, saw that. Could you qualify it a singular entity in that case?21:52:03
@tartratartrat:gemeinsam.jetztTartratIt shares the Dwarfers' consciences, it knows what they are thinking of and caters to their desires and needs21:52:04
In reply to @partime:matrix.org
Yeah, saw that. Could you qualify it a singular entity in that case?
Seems that way given it is greater than the sum of its parts
In reply to @tartratartrat:gemeinsam.jetzt
Seems that way given it is greater than the sum of its parts
Is it? There are two competing ideas of emergence.
In reply to @partime:matrix.org
Not that one?…
In reply to @partime:matrix.org
Is it? There are two competing ideas of emergence.
Well, it is a fictional entity and the show's writers decided that it would be like that
@tartratartrat:gemeinsam.jetztTartrat Given that it's the sum of the characters' consciousnesses, it is capable of combining all of their rationality and their irrationality 21:53:41
In reply to @tartratartrat:gemeinsam.jetzt
Not that one?…
I meant regarding brains being split and acting a bit on their own.
@tartratartrat:gemeinsam.jetztTartratOh, good point21:53:55
@tartratartrat:gemeinsam.jetztTartratYeah they didn't count on that21:54:07

The affected person may sometimes reach for objects and manipulate them without wanting to do so, even to the point of having to use the controllable hand to restrain the alien hand.

To think of the talking side as "person" and the other as "something else". Haha

In reply to @ulriko:matrix.org
I'd guess that vp is not intentionally part of the training set. Even if it was, there are two versions of vp (or three, to be more exact), both (all) simply called volapük, and the existing texts are mostly not labelled to make known which variation they belong to.
nothing is intentionally part of the training set, they just use the whole fricking internet for the training sets haha
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina(a bit of an exaggeration but close enough for the big companies :P )22:28:44
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina there's bound to be some volapuk in there 22:32:04
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaheck there's even a volapük wikipedia which is there for sure22:32:14
26 Jul 2024
@ellenor2000-gh:matrix.orgUrsidinoj volapukaĵoj 02:20:04
In reply to @rampoina:matrix.org
(a bit of an exaggeration but close enough for the big companies :P )
not really that much of an exaggeration either · see cadence.moe/blog/2024-05-28-the-internet-has-run-out-of-training-data
archived at web.archive.org/web/20240702220147/https://cadence.moe/blog/2024-05-28-the-internet-has-run-out-of-training-data
In reply to @ulriko:matrix.org
When I asked for Volapük it said it couldn't do it, but shortly after produced some volapukish poem which wasn't well-formed Volapük, but pretty much looked like it.
In reply to @akizet:matrix.org
not really that much of an exaggeration either · see cadence.moe/blog/2024-05-28-the-internet-has-run-out-of-training-data
archived at web.archive.org/web/20240702220147/https://cadence.moe/blog/2024-05-28-the-internet-has-run-out-of-training-data
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinathat animation on hover on the "donate" button 😂11:50:31
@akizet:matrix.orgakizet yeah the animations are somewhat silly 11:50:59
@akizet:matrix.orgakizet there are also seals 11:51:04
@skivling:mtrx.nzskivling changed their profile picture.11:52:03
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinait's great12:07:13
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinathe background is a bit ugly though :P12:08:38

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