

14 Members
Systems Engineering riot room for Space Decentral1 Servers

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19 Jan 2019
@paurd:matrix.orgPatrick Donovanhere's something exciting to sink our teeth into: numerical conventions!22:05:22
In reply to @paurd:matrix.org
here's something exciting to sink our teeth into: numerical conventions!
Not sure what you're thinking afa scope, but at least for within the context of python scripts, I've been utilizing a unit registry module for handling unit conversions https://pint.readthedocs.io/en/0.9/
@drbriefs:matrix.orgseanastropy also has a comparably good unit registry module.23:24:43
23 Jan 2019
@suzi.bianco:matrix.orgsuzi.bianco invited @johnpaterson:matrix.orgjohnpaterson.18:30:51
@suzi.bianco:matrix.orgsuzi.bianco invited @ceame:matrix.org@ceame:matrix.org.19:49:24
@drbriefs:matrix.orgsean @room Opened an issue aptly titled Trade study for down-selecting a systems engineering platform . Unless there are more immediate blockers, I'm thinking this should be the primary agenda item for tomorrow's meeting. Any thoughts? 21:09:43

Agreeing, add in a note on a basic 750w genset from existing high TRL items by rhe mfg setup as a feedback systems for metric, if those are acceptable as a first defined spec, all mfg limited to that.

I contacted Dessault's services for a bid on having this done, it can be done in a week, if I had the cash it'd be on your table already to move on to magnetic gensets, the 1500w for robotics 81mm dia. x 45mm tall..

@tmallard:matrix.orgtmallard This url nasa using PE for rad shielding, tables of results ... as a redundant enclosure of any boards the idea. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-01707-2 23:41:45
@tmallard:matrix.orgtmallardCan be dust protection on rovers a flash ...23:43:45
24 Jan 2019
@johnpaterson:matrix.orgjohnpaterson joined the room.03:26:45
@johnpaterson:matrix.orgjohnpaterson(Sean: sorry I forgot you cant use enter key) I have successfully joined Riot. To answer above question on trade study for SE platform, (the requirements database) that sounds like a good idea. I also wanted to ask you if you have an example of a con-ops that is not a narrative but flowchart or other graphical format ? If I can see one I can help 'translate' my narrative. Will participate thurs nite.03:42:07
@johnpaterson:matrix.orgjohnpaterson set a profile picture.03:43:31
@drbriefs:matrix.orgsean Hey johnpaterson: glad you could join! I started a general template that was heavily borrowed from the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011 spec here. With the exception of the UML use case diagram, It's mostly text that details what a ConOps should contain; I haven't quite put together a good working example of what a ConOps itself would look like. 05:44:47
@ceame:matrix.org@ceame:matrix.org joined the room.09:49:42
@paurd:matrix.orgPatrick Donovanfor tonight's planning and systems meeting, how does focusing on the ConOps sound as the main agenda item?14:28:33
@outbound:matrix.orgoutboundDo it.15:21:55
@drbriefs:matrix.orgseanfocus on conops sounds fine. I guess i'll shelve the SE platform discussion for a later week18:26:24
25 Jan 2019
@suzi.bianco:matrix.orgsuzi.bianco Hey all, I'm sorry but I had a very crappy day today and really can't be at the meeting tonight... But work on the Con Ops sounds like a good use of time! 00:20:11
@paurd:matrix.orgPatrick Donovan@sea03:42:30
@paurd:matrix.orgPatrick Donovan sean: i might've missed you bringing up that item, if you think it deserves attention we can cover that, too 03:42:53
@drbriefs:matrix.orgseanI feel like it'd be a length discussion item, so I'd rather we not shoehorn it into the agenda list. It's probably not the sexiest discussion topic, but I do think it deserves attention, nonetheless.03:53:41
@paurd:matrix.orgPatrick Donovanand hope you feel better Suzi03:58:48
@outbound:matrix.orgoutboundCould somebody send me the meeting notice again? Thx...04:03:01
@paurd:matrix.orgPatrick Donovanhttps://zoom.us/j/71378591804:04:34
@outbound:matrix.orgoutboundI'll use that, but I'd really like to have the calendar notice emailed to me too, when you have a moment.04:05:07
@paurd:matrix.orgPatrick Donovanwilco04:05:26

This is the microwave method summary able to build a safe landing pad, 30m/93ft bullseye to the first thrust wall, is that enough?

It slopes down to the core, paved for moving loads, walls are melted surfaces to insulate from Debye currents at one's feet when touching them. Sizes & shapes to come, have to-scale wand sketches, reflectors are simple sheet metal troughs with a mesh backing 1.24cm wide by 38.55cm a wavelength long for the paver, or a multiple. The wands are a set of turntable tools on a 4-axis from 4-15cm wide x 38.55cm for walls, a pair of wands can set both sides and do curves and domes.




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