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6 Mar 2024
@raghanag-563d1d7516b6c7089cb9c498:gitter.imlonewolf changed their display name from raghanag (raghanag) to lonewolf.01:24:56
@raghanag-563d1d7516b6c7089cb9c498:gitter.imlonewolf removed their profile picture.01:25:06
@sreaz:matrix.orgSreazHello, I deactivated my account in order to create a new one with an other username. But since I’ve done that when I try to login with my GitHub account I have an error message informing me that my account is deactivated and I can create a new account or contact server administrator. How to create a new account with my GitHub ?12:33:17
@sreaz:matrix.orgSreaz set a profile picture.17:41:08
@glitter83:gitter.imglitter83 joined the room.20:18:08
7 Mar 2024
@josephj11-5a3f34bfd73408ce4f84a5df:gitter.imjosephj11 (Joe)AFAIK, all issues related to Gitter should be directed to the Matrix project which took over Gitter. It's unclear what support, if any, is being allocated to Gitter. They originally hired the author of Gitter, but laid him off in July.08:50:31
@sreaz:matrix.orgSreazThanks a lot. I'll contact Matrix support then. 09:01:53
10 Mar 2024
@wsdjeg:mozilla.orgEric Wong changed their display name from wsdjeg to Eric Wong.10:37:53
11 Mar 2024
@ivanrid1:gitter.imivanrid1 joined the room.17:58:11
15 Mar 2024
@crischutu07:matrix.murderdrones.xyzcrischutu07 joined the room.11:37:26
22 Mar 2024
@vedantmgoyal2009:gitter.imVedanthttps://github.com/rustreleaser-org - please star this repo, I need to reach 100 stars so I can setup open source collective (https://docs.oscollective.org/getting-started/how-to-apply/github-verification)15:58:24
23 Mar 2024
@jgonggrijp-59b2ff26d73408ce4f74f2f9:gitter.imJulian Gonggrijp

Vedant: Please don't send the same message to multiple channels. I understand you want to reach as many people as possible, but you can already do so by just picking one room with a lot of members. If you do cross-post, you risk annoying people who visit more than one of them.

Besides, this channel in particular is about gitter, not about development of other projects or audience recruitment.

@vedantmgoyal2009:gitter.imVedantOkay, will remember this next time 🙂03:42:22
25 Mar 2024
@reg-e-xer_gitlab:gitter.imIbrahim Muhammed joined the room.10:05:22
26 Mar 2024
@ekiac98:matrix.orgCaikeSKappler joined the room.03:09:14
@ekiac98:matrix.orgCaikeSKappler left the room.03:11:39
31 Mar 2024
@kushalshukla-web-6144ca1a6da037398485eedd:gitter.imkushalShukla-web (kushalShukla-web) changed their profile picture.10:01:11
4 Apr 2024
@supermaxusa-61d94c726da03739848ddca6:gitter.imSuperMaxusa joined the room.15:33:41
@supermaxusa-61d94c726da03739848ddca6:gitter.imSuperMaxusa Hello, I have some problem with encrypted messages in rooms (m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2), which opened by me.
When user sends a message, (from Gitter or other synapse instance) I can't read it, instead I get an error: ** Unable to decrypt: DecryptionError: The sender's device has not sent us the keys for this message. **. I use a second password for a encrypted sessions, on other clients (FluffyChat, Matrix for Android) it's the same.
@bkmdev-5a4bce6dd73408ce4f85bd0b:gitter.imbkmdev (BN) changed their display name from bkmdev (Brian Miller) to bkmdev (BN).16:44:28
@bkmdev-5a4bce6dd73408ce4f85bd0b:gitter.imbkmdev (BN) changed their profile picture.16:46:16
@supermaxusa-61d94c726da03739848ddca6:gitter.imSuperMaxusa * Hello, I have some problem with encrypted messages in rooms (m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2), which opened by me.
When user sends a message, (from Gitter or other synapse instance) I can't read it, instead I get an error: ** Unable to decrypt: DecryptionError: The sender's device has not sent us the keys for this message. **. I use a second password for a encrypted sessions, on other clients (FluffyChat, Element for Android) it's the same.
6 Apr 2024
@josephj11-5a3f34bfd73408ce4f84a5df:gitter.imjosephj11 (Joe)This isn't the best place to ask for project related tihings, but: IDK where a better place is. Just curious: I looked at your GH page and it looks like you're currently a one person project. Given that, whey wouldn't you start out using a personal funding method? Anything like PayPal, Patreon, or a Bitcoin public key would do just fine. Unless you think you can get organizational funding, there's probably no need for something like the OSC yet. Once you have a record of donations, etc., that should make it easier to convince larger donors that your project has legs. The project I work with gets occasional offers of funds, but we're too small to use a service like this and have more than one contributor, so so a simple funding method like the above won't work for us either.13:02:56
@josephj11-5a3f34bfd73408ce4f84a5df:gitter.imjosephj11 (Joe) * This isn't the best place to ask for project related tihings, but:
IDK where a better place is.
Just curious: I looked at your GH page and it looks like you're currently a one person project. Given that, why wouldn't you start out using a personal funding method? Anything like PayPal, Patreon, or a Bitcoin public key would do just fine. Unless you think you can get organizational funding, there's probably no need for something like the OSC yet. Once you have a record of donations, etc., that should make it easier to convince larger donors that your project has legs. The project I work with gets occasional offers of funds, but we're too small to use a service like this and have more than one contributor, so so a simple funding method like the above won't work for us either.
@josephj11-5a3f34bfd73408ce4f84a5df:gitter.imjosephj11 (Joe) * This isn't the best place to ask for project related things, but:
IDK where a better place is.
Just curious: I looked at your GH page and it looks like you're currently a one person project. Given that, why wouldn't you start out using a personal funding method? Anything like PayPal, Patreon, or a Bitcoin public key would do just fine. Unless you think you can get organizational funding, there's probably no need for something like the OSC yet. Once you have a record of donations, etc., that should make it easier to convince larger donors that your project has legs. The project I work with gets occasional offers of funds, but we're too small to use a service like this and have more than one contributor, so so a simple funding method like the above won't work for us either.
11 Apr 2024
@vedantmgoyal:beeper.comVedant joined the room.14:57:29
@vedantmgoyal2009:gitter.imVedant left the room.14:58:04
15 Apr 2024
@uzrd:matrix.orguzrd joined the room.19:15:12

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