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13 May 2020
@wayneoutthere:matrix.orgwayneoutthere joined the room.12:23:39
@sorunome:sorunome.deSorunomesoru sees them, perhaps your homeserver is still loading / fetching that emote?12:24:00
@sorunome:sorunome.deSorunomeit'll display the fallback until the emote is loaded12:24:05
@sorunome:sorunome.deSorunomehttps://mayeul.net/_matrix/media/r0/thumbnail/ubports.chat/IWTpKVipZGsAQeUcDgzXkWdC?width=800&height=32 the image loads fine here, huh12:24:34
In reply to @sorunome:sorunome.de
it'll display the fallback until the emote is loaded
blurhashes for emotes when
In reply to @tulir:maunium.net
blurhashes for emotes when
there is an msc for it
@sorunome:sorunome.deSorunomewhich won't get merged until at least a year probably12:24:52
@wayneoutthere:matrix.orgwayneoutthereHello? Hello? What just happened? Where am I? Is everyone OK? ;)12:24:55
In reply to @sorunome:sorunome.de
there is an msc for it
yes it's the same msc, I mean when are you implementing it :D
In reply to @sorunome:sorunome.de
yeah, in that new status bar all on top if you tap on their avatars you can see their status
Cool! Thanks! Do I need to have them added as contacts or something? Or can I see anyone's status?
@AndresCuccaro:matrix.orgAndy:fluffy: test12:25:26
In reply to @AndresCuccaro:matrix.org
Cool! Thanks! Do I need to have them added as contacts or something? Or can I see anyone's status?
you can see anyones status whom you share a room with, be it a 1:1 room or a multi-person room
In reply to @AndresCuccaro:matrix.org
:fluffy: test
In reply to @tulir:maunium.net
yes it's the same msc, I mean when are you implementing it :D
In reply to @sorunome:sorunome.de
you can see anyones status whom you share a room with, be it a 1:1 room or a multi-person room
Thank you!
@sorunome:sorunome.deSorunomemaybe soon-ish?12:25:59
@thewinner666:matrix.orgTheWinner joined the room.12:26:21
@mayeul:mayeul.netMayeulC Yup, I see the emote in the room serrings, but not inline.
I don't see the newly uploaded room avatar either, for now.
but my homeserver recently went from 300/300Mibps to slow 900/200kiBps ADSL
@mayeul:mayeul.netMayeulCwhich might explain some delays12:28:13
@mayeul:mayeul.netMayeulC hum, room avatar is here after restarting (thanks), but not :'( 12:31:20
@tulir:maunium.nettulirhmm why does fluffy.chat go to a gitlab 401 page12:32:16
@sorunome:sorunome.deSorunomeyeah, soru would blame your homeserver, then12:32:27
@mayeul:mayeul.netMayeulCeh, it appeared for this message, but not every one of them o/12:32:30
In reply to @tulir:maunium.net
hmm why does fluffy.chat go to a gitlab 401 page
@dobey:matrix.orgdobey joined the room.12:33:13
@restf:matrix.org🍸 joined the room.12:34:15
In reply to @tulir:maunium.net
hmm why does fluffy.chat go to a gitlab 401 page
it redirects to https://christianpauly.gitlab.io/fluffychat-website/
@krille:ubports.chatkrillethe page is working fine for me 🤔12:35:12
@sorunome:sorunome.deSorunometry signing out of gitlab12:35:19
In reply to @krille:ubports.chat
it redirects to https://christianpauly.gitlab.io/fluffychat-website/
it did that before for me too, but now it goes to https://projects.gitlab.io/auth?domain=http://www.fluffy.chat&state=...

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