
Vegan on a Desert Island

723 Members
Cheeky adventure game about activism and animal liberation (WIP). https://gitlab.com/voadi/voadi42 Servers

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24 Jun 2019
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications
  • Strato --> Siltocyn (81618ea3)
@eaterjolly:matrix.orgeaterjollyty for the tips .. Unlike sex, diet qualifies not as a hard interspecies dimorphism. (dimorphism: ~ categorical difference/criteria) Herbivores mostly cannot consume flesh, due to hormone cross-over ( ~ undigested/absorbed hormones indistinct from native hormones [i.e. estrogen versus phyto-estrogen, in mammals]). Herbivores loosely tend to lack renewable resources in their stomaches (i.e. certain kinds of bacteria or enzymes) to defensively digest such hormones. Strict carnivores digest most, if not close to possibly all hormones they might encounter, whereas they lack renewable stomache resources to defensively digest anti-nutrients ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antinutrient ) in plants. However most if not close to all among either class, can develop the other's resources through slow transition (which shifting proportions of different gut flora) paired with consuming certain ferments if necessary.22:29:41
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason created page on wiki notes (#0) 22:30:15
@_discord_592849118125359121:t2bot.ioJeanie512 joined the room.22:53:43
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason created page on wiki scenarios (#0) 23:10:00
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason created page on wiki context (#0) 23:12:37
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason updated page on wiki context (#0) 23:25:15
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason updated page on wiki notes (#0) 23:46:28
@_discord_592787444563312697:t2bot.ioAnne1725 joined the room.23:58:19
@_discord_592787444563312697:t2bot.ioAnne1725 changed their display name from Anne1725 to Anne1725#9004.23:58:27
@_discord_592787444563312697:t2bot.ioAnne1725 changed their display name from Anne1725#9004 to Anne1725.23:58:29
25 Jun 2019
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonI started writing up some context in a more organized way: https://gitlab.com/voadi/voadi/wikis/context00:11:03
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonThis will go on the website eventually00:11:25
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island#master] 1 new commit by Alex Gleason 00:14:56
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications
  • Neperforto, prey --> herbivore (c1b12877)
@_discord_592873601061879859:t2bot.ioLaurie661 joined the room.00:30:22
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex Gleason daniel-molina: I might be too busy tomorrow too. I'll be fully back on Wednesday 01:19:01
@_discord_592787444563312697:t2bot.ioAnne1725 left the room.01:43:02
@_discord_347893657732644874:t2bot.ioMcWally joined the room.04:13:39
@_discord_347893657732644874:t2bot.ioMcWally changed their display name from McWally to McWally#6893.04:13:41
@_discord_347893657732644874:t2bot.ioMcWally changed their display name from McWally#6893 to McWally.04:14:04
@_discord_212148861852975104:t2bot.iomkqasim Woah 05:53:00
@_discord_592880344550735872:t2bot.ioClaudie663 joined the room.06:11:00
@_discord_592880344550735872:t2bot.ioClaudie663 left the room.07:34:12
@_discord_587464955259781140:t2bot.ioStefanie1572 joined the room.12:30:42
@_discord_587648704551452685:t2bot.ioIsobel1914 joined the room.12:38:41
@_discord_587648704551452685:t2bot.ioIsobel1914 changed their display name from Isobel1914 to Isobel1914#6179.12:38:42
@_discord_587648704551452685:t2bot.ioIsobel1914 changed their display name from Isobel1914#6179 to Isobel1914.12:38:46
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge invited @_discord_588300458905305098:t2bot.ioBridgette917.12:44:45
@_discord_588300458905305098:t2bot.ioBridgette917 joined the room.12:44:46

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