
Vegan on a Desert Island

725 Members
Cheeky adventure game about activism and animal liberation (WIP). https://gitlab.com/voadi/voadi42 Servers

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14 Dec 2018
@_discord_399599648546750466:t2bot.iowekhter changed their display name from wekhter to wekhter (jeti/fontenddev).19:40:01
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex Gleason!gitlab issue create voadi/voadi Set dialog box position so it doesn't overlap Rachel Sometimes a dialog box can cover Rachel (and whoever she is talking to) because she is at the bottom of the screen, and the dialog box always appears in the same place. Let's just check Rachel's Y position and move the box to the top if it would overlap her.20:44:22
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason opened issue Set dialog box position so it doesn't overlap Rachel (#85) 20:44:36
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island#master] 2 new commits by Alex Gleason 21:04:27
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications
  • beach --> overworld (for now), hook most stuff back up (e4146837)
  • Overworld map improvements (938f5d4a)
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex GleasonRedacted or Malformed Event21:05:33
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab NotificationsRedacted or Malformed Event21:05:35
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex Gleason!gitlab issue create voadi/voadi Ability to talk to bartender over counter The npc sprite is only 16x16, but I need the ability to interact with him at the counter as well. Could use another invisible npc sprite here and make it trigger the same functions in the script.21:05:46
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason opened issue Ability to talk to bartender over counter (#86) 21:05:53
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island#master] 1 new commit by Alex Gleason 21:50:50
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications
  • Fix sign glitch (3f065bfa)
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island#master] 2 new commits by Alex Gleason 22:40:52
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications
  • Ability to talk to bartender over bar (903bd9ca)
  • Improve teepee (4f47a473)
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason commented on issue Change the sea turtle's dialog (#83) 22:41:52
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason closed issue Change the sea turtle's dialog (#83) 22:41:53
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason commented on issue Document quest file organization (#74) 22:42:29
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason closed issue Document quest file organization (#74) 22:42:29
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason commented on issue Tag Zoria tileset with named pattern IDs (#78) 22:43:10
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason closed issue Tag Zoria tileset with named pattern IDs (#78) 22:43:10
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island#master] 1 new commit by Alex Gleason 22:49:11
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications
  • Make bartender counter tile change the bartender's direction (b9b4e5ba)
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason commented on issue Ability to talk to bartender over counter (#86) 23:16:00
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason closed issue Ability to talk to bartender over counter (#86) 23:16:00
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island#master] 2 new commits by Alex Gleason 23:42:58
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications
  • Sprite origin 8x12 --> 8x13 (2019b2d9)
  • Remove bunny sprites (e2fcf3b0)
15 Dec 2018
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island#master] 1 new commit by Alex Gleason 00:38:49
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications
  • Add coconuts to title graphic (8db11c4a)
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason commented on issue Title screen: add coconuts to the graphic (#80) 00:39:10
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason closed issue Title screen: add coconuts to the graphic (#80) 00:39:10
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason commented on issue Break overworld up into 256x144 screens (#77) 00:39:45

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