

164 Members
GNUnet is a new network protocol stack for building secure, distributed, and privacy-preserving applications. -- https://gnunet.org22 Servers

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2 Oct 2023
@parnikkapore:matrix.orgParnikkapore 😁Is the GNUnet network still around? I was trying it out, and it looks like the TUM bootstrap peers are no longer reachable at the denoted ports16:03:48
@parnikkapore:matrix.orgParnikkapore 😁 * Is the GNUnet network still around? I was trying it out, and it looks like the TUM bootstrap peers are no longer reachable at the ports in the hostlist16:04:06
@t3sserakt:tchncs.det3sseraktWe realized yesterday, that we had to restart the TUM peer. Maybe there is some persistent problem, because it is again not reachable. I have to ask those who can check what is wrong with the peer.16:30:29
@schanzen:matrix.orgschanzenyeah its not running atm17:06:32
@schanzen:matrix.orgschanzenI will update and restart it17:06:38
@schanzen:matrix.orgschanzenbut we are moving to our transport rewrite soon(TM), so it will not last too long17:07:05
3 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.orgtemp4096 left the room.09:44:39
11 Oct 2023
@xyhhx:envs.netxyhhx 🔌 changed their display name from xyhhx to xyhhx (spooky).04:12:59
16 Oct 2023
@xyhhx:envs.netxyhhx 🔌 changed their display name from xyhhx (spooky) to xyhhx 👻 (spooky).05:58:56
2 Nov 2023
@xyhhx:envs.netxyhhx 🔌 changed their display name from xyhhx 👻 (spooky) to xyhhx 😮‍💨.16:20:00
4 Nov 2023
@arbaro:c-base.orgarbaro joined the room.15:18:34
8 Nov 2023
@xyhhx:envs.netxyhhx 🔌 changed their display name from xyhhx 😮‍💨 to xyhhx 🔌.19:31:44
14 Nov 2023
@player0780:matrix.orgplayer0780 joined the room.07:24:09
27 Nov 2023
@sim_g:matrix.orgS1m joined the room.14:42:28
3 Dec 2023
@array:matrix.orgarray changed their profile picture.09:46:23
@array:matrix.orgarray changed their profile picture.10:06:02
1 Mar 2024
@tomberek:matrix.orgtomberek set a profile picture.15:21:00
15 Mar 2024
@sxrmn:matrix.orgsxrmn left the room.10:55:37
3 Apr 2024
@saces:c-base.orgsaces set a profile picture.22:32:25
6 Apr 2024
@lamer0:matrix.orglamer0 joined the room.16:09:51
7 Apr 2024
@lamer0:matrix.orglamer0 left the room.20:25:10
18 Apr 2024
@rankofmatrix:matrix.orgrankofmatrix We Need To Rewild The Internet https://www.noemamag.com/we-need-to-rewild-the-internet/ "The internet has become an extractive and fragile monoculture. But we can revitalize it using lessons learned by ecologists." 02:52:26
@rankofmatrix:matrix.orgrankofmatrixCould Taler be used in or as apart of alternative settlement systems to SWIFT, like what BRICS are proposing? And preferable without the Bank of International Settlements (BIS)...? A BRICS Alternative to the SWIFT Payment System Could Accelerate De-Dollarization Mike Maharrey, April 5th, 2024 https://www.moneymetals.com/news/2024/04/05/a-brics-alternative-to-the-swift-payment-system-could-accelerate-de-dollarization-003097 "Russia has created its own payment system to compete with SWIFT. The Russians began developing the System for Transmitting Financial Messages (SPFS) in 2014 after the U.S. locked Russian banks out of SWIFT for the first time. By the end of 2020, 23 foreign banks connected to the SPFS. Most of these banks are in developing countries and nations with rocky relationships with the U.S., but they include banks in Germany and Switzerland. According to Nabiullina, the SPFS currently has 159 foreign participants in 20 countries."03:00:58
19 Apr 2024
@areia:norge.chatareia joined the room.07:34:41
25 Apr 2024
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.netSergio Massa removed their profile picture.22:30:30
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.netSergio Massa left the room.23:10:24
8 Jun 2024
@hydrobnk:matrix.orgJellybeen changed their display name from jellybeeeen to jellybeen.18:40:27
9 Jun 2024
@hydrobnk:matrix.orgJellybeen changed their display name from jellybeen to Jellybeen.14:32:04
14 Jun 2024
@hydrobnk:matrix.orgJellybeen changed their profile picture.04:07:27
@hydrobnk:matrix.orgJellybeen changed their profile picture.04:08:04

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