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25 Apr 2024
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol Seems a unit test is failing 22:03:58
26 Apr 2024
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4C5DHACT:matrix.orgsimonstewart I chew away on how to do this in the java code sometimes. We have a bunch of async code, but we’d like to raise exceptions on the main thread. Nicely done cracking that nut in .Net! 🙂 01:17:47
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4C5DHACT:matrix.orgsimonstewart https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/pull/13879 01:47:34
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4C5DHACT:matrix.orgsimonstewart Until we migrate the atoms to TypeScript, I think we’re stuck with google closure 01:47:57
@_slack_seleniumhq_U0C7KQ0P6:matrix.orgp0deje Can we avoid rules_closure_dependencies altogether? 01:48:54
@_slack_seleniumhq_U0C7KQ0P6:matrix.orgp0deje Ah, it’s Closure, not Proto, nevermind then! 01:49:19
@_slack_seleniumhq_U0C7KQ0P6:matrix.orgp0deje I wonder how hard is it to convert from Closure to TS using https://github.com/angular/clutz?tab=readme-ov-file#gents---closure-to-typescript-converter 01:50:45
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4C5DHACT:matrix.orgsimonstewart I think AutomatedTester tried it before without success 01:53:11
@_slack_seleniumhq_U0C7KQ0P6:matrix.orgp0deje I’ve released Ruby bindings 4.20.1 with a fix https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/issues/13876 01:54:55
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol But this
ENV['CHROMEDRIVER_BIN'] = Selenium::WebDriver::DriverFinder.path(options, Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Service).driver_path
Is still failing
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol The static method is back but the invocation produces the same error 05:27:31
@_slack_seleniumhq_ULQS746TV:matrix.orgAutomatedTester I didn’t get far because I was put off by the aspect dev stuff. There is a lot of dead code in the atoms that if we cleaned up would make the migration simpler 06:28:01
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4C5DHACT:matrix.orgsimonstewart The aspect migration has now been done. 06:33:16
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4C5DHACT:matrix.orgsimonstewart I shall share the horror stories once we’re all in the same place again 06:33:45
@_slack_seleniumhq_ULQS746TV:matrix.orgAutomatedTester Closure is still screwing the pooch for me... I have the latest HEAD and have done bazel clean --expunge and then bazel test //py:unit and still get the linker error 10:13:48
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4C5DHACT:matrix.orgsimonstewart Just having dinner. Once I’m done, want to pair on it? 10:15:41
@_slack_seleniumhq_ULQS746TV:matrix.orgAutomatedTester yep sounds good but also... I don't want to take you from your family 10:16:09
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4C5DHACT:matrix.orgsimonstewart My work day is split into two bits anyway so I have some overlap with my team back home. 10:16:44
@_slack_seleniumhq_U21JWNZ1C:matrix.orgjimevans Credit where it's due, I did take some inspiration from the Puppeteer .NET implementation. If people are interested, I'm happy to discuss it at the summit. 13:05:37
@_slack_seleniumhq_U0C7KQ0P6:matrix.orgp0deje You shouldn’t call .driver_path in the end 13:45:28
@_slack_seleniumhq_U0C7KQ0P6:matrix.orgp0deje That wasn’t part of original code, was it? 13:46:12
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol Ah ok 13:47:21
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol you are right 13:47:23
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol How does the new invocation look like? 13:47:42
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol Like this?
finder = Selenium::WebDriver::DriverFinder.new(options, Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Service.new)
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol Yes, that works 13:49:44
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol I need to learn how to read code 13:49:52
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol Conceptually, why is that different? https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/seleniumhq.github.io/commit/9b3fc3606afb0d379b5d4d8cbc405d8fa9ddc60c 14:19:01
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol Why I needed the new in the service code I had before your change. 14:19:22
@_slack_seleniumhq_U4WHRRY6Q:matrix.orgdiemol Is the new implicit when this is done? service = Selenium::WebDriver::Service.chrome 14:19:51

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