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26 Jul 2024
@Zlopez:matrix.orgZlopez You should be able to get python backtrace by using py-bt 17:10:06
@humaton:fedora.imjednorozec I will be around to fix things during the weekend 17:36:29
@Zlopez:matrix.orgZlopezWe can just block the offending toddlers on staging and fix the things on Monday17:40:57
@Zlopez:matrix.orgZlopezThe changes are now deployed on staging17:50:25
@Zlopez:matrix.orgZlopezNo error during deployment17:51:50
@Zlopez:matrix.orgZlopezAnd I'm logging out for today17:51:58
@Zlopez:matrix.orgZlopezBye everyone17:52:07
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirik night Zlopez. Have a great weekend. 18:31:38
@humaton:fedora.imjednorozec ha now I finally have the correct data for the bz sync toddler 18:53:46
@humaton:fedora.imjednorozec nirik: so what about I deploy the new toddlers and disable pdc in prod on monday morning local time. By the time you are online everything should be just enough under fire 18:55:35
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirikalright. works for me.18:57:15
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirik Jeremy Cline: added some stack traces to https://pagure.io/sigul/issue/25 if you can make anything of em... 22:01:39
@jcline:fedora.imJeremy Cline Mm, if you are still attached does py-bt work? 22:03:32
@jcline:fedora.imJeremy Cline
In reply to @nirik:matrix.scrye.com
Jeremy Cline: added some stack traces to https://pagure.io/sigul/issue/25 if you can make anything of em...
https://wiki.python.org/moin/DebuggingWithGdb has instructions (valid as of centos 7) on setting up the python extension for gdb if py-bt doesn't work
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirikI'm not, but it does not.22:11:20
@carlwgeorge:matrix.orgCarl George nirik: think i could pick your brain for a few minutes about bodhi stuff? 22:14:09
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comniriksure, but trying to debug sigul, so could it wait a bit?22:14:27
@carlwgeorge:matrix.orgCarl Georgeof course22:14:39
@carlwgeorge:matrix.orgCarl Georgei'll just type it up here and you can reply whenever you're ready so we don't play too much tag22:14:59
@carlwgeorge:matrix.orgCarl Georgei realize that we never updated get_active_releases_from_bodhi() in owner-sync-pagure to account for epelX-next branches. https://pagure.io/fedora-infra/ansible/blob/main/f/roles/bodhi2/backend/templates/owner-sync-pagure.j2 i'm not aware of any negative effects from missing that. if that's fine, do you think it will be fine only care about syncing ownership with the epel10 branch, and having this script ignore branches like epel10.0 and epel10.1? in theory there shouldn't be any difference in ownership between epel10 and epel10.0, just like in theory there shouldn't be any between epel9 and epel9-next.22:19:50
@jcline:fedora.imJeremy Cline
In reply to @nirik:matrix.scrye.com
I'm not, but it does not.
Ah, it starts working automagically if you install python3-debuginfo I think
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirikyes, figured that. just spent a while getting the stupid debuginfo installed. ;)22:32:08
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirikit's installed and gdb is attached, so next time I can just control -c and py-bt it.22:32:26
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirik Carl George: if ownership isn't going to be different per branch, and if epel10.x inherits from epel10, yeah, no need to sync that. It's largely unused anyhow... I think the fails to build script uses it? or something small like that... 22:33:57
@carlwgeorge:matrix.orgCarl Georgeyeah i'm not 100% clear on the value of this script. there is just one owner in koji, right? and there is only one main admin in pagure, so we shouldn't ever have variance between branches, even between fedora and epel. the only difference would be if we were accounting for collaborator perms for just epel, but that would require koji having a concept of multiple owners.22:37:16
@carlwgeorge:matrix.orgCarl Georgelet me know if i'm off base on any of that22:37:23
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirikyep.. it's really for some corner cases and we should probibly find those and fix them anyhow.23:32:31
@carlwgeorge:matrix.orgCarl Georgei'm gonna spend some more time wrapping my head around this script so i can make sure we have the necessary epel10 adjustments23:38:24
@carlwgeorge:matrix.orgCarl Georgebreaking the assumption of tag name == branch name is going to have some interesting side effects, in this script and in other places23:39:09

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