
Yggdrasil Community

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26 Jul 2024
@uffr_7894:matrix.u-group13.orguffr_7894 ⚡️ I have this one, just not way to use it since I don't have a supported radio:
@whitepaperkat:katchat.ddns.netwhitepaperkatCool 23:45:25
@uffr_7894:matrix.u-group13.orguffr_7894 ⚡️ Also this one I guess:
@whitepaperkat:katchat.ddns.netwhitepaperkatRadio would be ideal for a mesh network but the problem is it's a very heavily regulated space because people use that for emergency communications23:49:28
@uffr_7894:matrix.u-group13.orguffr_7894 ⚡️Not to mention degradation of quality and general clutter in the airspace.23:49:55
@whitepaperkat:katchat.ddns.netwhitepaperkatTrue 23:50:28
@whitepaperkat:katchat.ddns.netwhitepaperkatUnless we somehow figure out how to more efficiently transmit data wirelessly and efficiently without any interference with any other emergency communications23:51:19
@whitepaperkat:katchat.ddns.netwhitepaperkatI'd say something like a led street light might be possible 23:52:06
@whitepaperkat:katchat.ddns.netwhitepaperkatOr even a laser it has been done before23:54:41
27 Jul 2024
@whitepaperkat:katchat.ddns.netwhitepaperkatAnd no I am not going to suggest the carrier pigeon protocol00:18:10
@uffr_7894:matrix.u-group13.orguffr_7894 ⚡️
  1. Have message
  2. Encrypt via PGP/age
  3. To base64
    4 rint -> mail
@uffr_7894:matrix.u-group13.orguffr_7894 ⚡️ *
  1. Have message
  2. Encrypt via PGP/age
  3. To base64
    4 Print
  4. mail
@uffr_7894:matrix.u-group13.orguffr_7894 ⚡️ *
  1. Have message
  2. Encrypt via PGP/age
  3. To base64
  4. Print
  5. Mail
@whitepaperkat:katchat.ddns.netwhitepaperkatIP over snail mail 00:25:13
@ravfx:xmr.mxRavFXDepending where you are its probably faster than IP over avian00:25:43
@whitepaperkat:katchat.ddns.netwhitepaperkatOr you could use drones in the place of birds but that would kind of defeat the purpose00:26:36
@uffr_7894:matrix.u-group13.orguffr_7894 ⚡️Staggering 68¢ (current in US) per packet.00:26:38
@uffr_7894:matrix.u-group13.orguffr_7894 ⚡️
In reply to @ravfx:xmr.mx
Depending where you are its probably faster than IP over avian
Possibly more reliable too.
@uffr_7894:matrix.u-group13.orguffr_7894 ⚡️
In reply to @uffr_7894:matrix.u-group13.org
Staggering 68¢ (current in US) per packet.
$1.50 for international, if I recall.
@whitepaperkat:katchat.ddns.netwhitepaperkatYou probably would drop less packets too00:27:15
@uffr_7894:matrix.u-group13.orguffr_7894 ⚡️Just gotta hope you have good OCR software.00:29:48
@whitepaperkat:katchat.ddns.netwhitepaperkatYup 00:31:35
@multix:frei.chatmultixAnyone doing SIP over Yggdrasil?06:02:47
@basilgello:matrix.orgbasilgelloCan not say about SIP but TCP/UDP port forwarding for Rustdesk works fi e with yggstack06:04:19
@deavmi:envs.netTristan B. Velloza KildaireJPEG_20240727_121800_5065429178458947757.jpg
Download JPEG_20240727_121800_5065429178458947757.jpg
@deavmi:envs.netTristan B. Velloza Kildaire
In reply to @neilalexander:matrix.org
I wonder what they’d make of Ygg or something like it

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