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17 Apr 2024
@dkliban:matrix.orgdkliban dralley: thank you very much 17:45:08
18 Apr 2024
@hyagi:matrix.orghyagiHi team, can someone help me with: https://discourse.pulpproject.org/t/error-with-pulp-operator-in-openshift/1156/15 ? I guess the database was corrupt and after recovery some artifacts are missing15:18:18
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanlooks like discourse is not working 15:19:31
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibani pinged the discourse admins15:20:34
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanyeah ... it seems like his database crashed and is now corrupted15:34:15
@hyagi:matrix.orghyagiThank you! I'll suggest the user to check https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Corruption (when discourse get back)17:31:42
@dkliban:matrix.orgdkliban hyagi: i was planning to comment with a suggestion to forget about this database and start with a fresh one and give it some more resources. 17:41:44
@hyagi:matrix.orghyagioh... ok, your idea seems to be better17:42:32
@hyagi:matrix.orghyagi * dkliban: oh... ok, your idea seems to be better 17:42:45
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanit's frustrating the discourse is still not working17:43:13
22 Apr 2024
@francisco:matrix.videowindow.eufrancisco joined the room.14:30:07
@francisco:matrix.videowindow.eufrancisco 14:32:34
@francisco:matrix.videowindow.eufranciscoIs it possible to use pulp with an OAuth or SAML identity provider? My company is using Authentik.14:39:44
@bmbouter:matrix.orgbmbouterHaving oauth support is something we want to do and something we think we are somewhat close to having19:02:44
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanWe are working on adding OAuth support. 19:43:38
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanWe recently added the ability for an administrator to add a new security scheme to the OpenAPI schema that Pulp advertises. We are now working on adding support to pulp-cli to use that OpenAPI schema to introspect as to where a client_id and client_secret can be used to obtain a token that can be used to make the request to Pulp. 19:45:40
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanHowever, we are relying on a gateway/reverse proxy in front of Pulp to validate the token and add a header to the request that will tell Pulp the username of the user making the request19:46:42
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanthe gateway is expected to add a header to the request that Pulp can introspect 19:49:28
@dkliban:matrix.orgdkliban francisco: does this kind of workflow make sense for your use case? 19:49:52
23 Apr 2024
@francisco:matrix.videowindow.eufranciscoSo is the gateway/reverse proxy something the user provides, or that pulp already implements?06:12:03
@x9c4:x9c4.spdns.orgx9c4 https://www.nginx.com/blog/validating-oauth-2-0-access-tokens-nginx/ <- This kind of workflow should be supported with the RemoteAuthentication feature. 07:06:50
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanThe user provides. 12:26:11
@x9c4:x9c4.spdns.orgx9c4Depends. The reverse proxy is running in the single container, and the operator has an nginx resource also.13:59:12
@x9c4:x9c4.spdns.orgx9c4You can obviously reverse proxy the reverse proxy again...13:59:58
@dkliban:matrix.orgdklibanthat is true14:00:09
@dkliban:matrix.orgdkliban thank you for that clarification x9c4 14:00:34

All plugin writers are encouraged to run the CI update job on their respective repositories if ci_update_docs: true is set in template_config.yml.

We fixed a CI issue that caused the docs runner to fail. See https://github.com/pulp/plugin_template/pull/859.

@ggainey:matrix.orgggaineythe core PRs are merged - I'm'a re-run the nightly-ci job and see how it goes, I expect green :)15:30:32

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