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7 Jan 2024
@kasbah:matrix.orgkasbahwas the darling repo in gitea not up to date b4?11:29:57
@ghanem__:matrix.orgAbdulrhmn Ghanem
In reply to @kasbah:matrix.org
was the darling repo in gitea not up to date b4?
@ghanem__:matrix.orgAbdulrhmn GhanemI cleaned the s3 buckets now to try syncing everything again11:32:30
@ghanem__:matrix.orgAbdulrhmn Ghanem
In reply to @kasbah:matrix.org
(how come we use docker but stuff still just changes under us?)
We haven't touched the project in six months so it's not that bad 😂
In reply to @ghanem__:matrix.org
I cleaned the s3 buckets now to try syncing everything again
i'm not sure that's the best approach. it's the "turn everything off and on again" solution that gives us less ideas about what's happening
@ghanem__:matrix.orgAbdulrhmn Ghanem
In reply to @kasbah:matrix.org
i'm not sure that's the best approach. it's the "turn everything off and on again" solution that gives us less ideas about what's happening
I know but I am in the middle of my final exams right now 😬
In reply to @ghanem__:matrix.org
We haven't touched the project in six months so it's not that bad 😂
but that's what i mean. i don't understand what's changing
In reply to @ghanem__:matrix.org
I know but I am in the middle of my final exams right now 😬
aha! stop doing this and go study :D
@ghanem__:matrix.orgAbdulrhmn Ghanem I will finish Jan 24th if you want to schedule a week after it to actually release v2 I am more than happy to do so 11:36:50
@ghanem__:matrix.orgAbdulrhmn GhanemThe processor is broken for a fresh build too!11:58:55
8 Jan 2024

setting GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM reveals the issue is actually postgres:

PostgreSQL Database directory appears to contain a database; Skipping initialization

2024-01-08 06:36:00.649 GMT [1] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 14.10 (Debian 14.10-1.pgdg120+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0, 64-bit
2024-01-08 06:36:00.649 GMT [1] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
2024-01-08 06:36:00.649 GMT [1] LOG:  listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
2024-01-08 06:36:00.654 GMT [1] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
2024-01-08 06:36:00.661 GMT [26] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2024-01-08 06:16:27 GMT
2024-01-08 06:36:00.661 GMT [26] LOG:  invalid primary checkpoint record
2024-01-08 06:36:00.661 GMT [26] PANIC:  could not locate a valid checkpoint record
2024-01-08 06:36:00.795 GMT [1] LOG:  startup process (PID 26) was terminated by signal 6: Aborted
2024-01-08 06:36:00.795 GMT [1] LOG:  aborting startup due to startup process failure
2024-01-08 06:36:00.796 GMT [1] LOG:  database system is shut down

i deleted the gitea/db volumes and now the problem is back to processor:

Error: Command failed: cd /data/checkout/m3cinc/infidel && git pull
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

    at ChildProcess.exithandler (node:child_process:402:12)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:513:28)
    at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1100:16)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:304:5) {
  code: 128,
  killed: false,
  signal: null,
  cmd: 'cd /data/checkout/m3cinc/infidel && git pull',
  stdout: '',
  stderr: 'fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git\n'
@kasbah:matrix.orgkasbahcheckout is indeed empty10:44:03
@ghanem__:matrix.orgAbdulrhmn GhanemThe deployment on https://abdo-dev.staging.kitspace.dev/ was successful11:08:48
13 Jan 2024
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their profile picture.21:08:30
15 Jan 2024
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their profile picture.08:21:09
18 Jan 2024
@ghanem__:matrix.orgAbdulrhmn GhanemI realized we don't need the patched version of gitea for the alpha release because we removed all the the features that depend on it16:25:13
@ghanem__:matrix.orgAbdulrhmn GhanemI will test the application with the go-gitea/gitea and see if there is any problem16:25:53
@kasbah:matrix.orgkasbahreally? i think we still need patches for auth, no?16:38:23
@ghanem__:matrix.orgAbdulrhmn GhanemWe aren't using authentication in alpha21:41:05
@ghanem__:matrix.orgAbdulrhmn Ghanemonly admin token for importing boards21:41:16
@ghanem__:matrix.orgAbdulrhmn GhanemAny ways I have face a new issue: nginx doesn't get initialized successfully 21:42:30
@ghanem__:matrix.orgAbdulrhmn Ghanem11#11: unexpected "l" in /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:1421:42:37
@kasbah:matrix.orgkasbahi don't think we are touching the default.conf 🤔21:52:11
@ghanem__:matrix.orgAbdulrhmn GhanemWe are re-writing it21:52:34
@kasbah:matrix.orgkasbahoh, right, that's the template21:52:54
@kasbah:matrix.orgkasbahi'm forgetting everything21:53:07
@ghanem__:matrix.orgAbdulrhmn Ghanemhttps://github.com/kitspace/kitspace-v2/blob/5d510394b94daf31c9f43fbae19bb2f6b75ddf19/nginx/command#L1421:53:08
@ghanem__:matrix.orgAbdulrhmn Ghanembut this only happening locally21:53:36
@ghanem__:matrix.orgAbdulrhmn Ghanempartinfo is down23:05:13

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