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16 Jun 2022
@benthetechguy:fairydust.spaceBenTheTechGuyI use both of them, I would know21:50:59
@admin:matrix.beparanoid.dehnhxokay great21:51:12
@admin:matrix.beparanoid.dehnhxbut sid will be fine21:51:16
@jjj333_p_1325:matrix.orgjjj333_p (any/any) changed their display name from jjj333_p (any) to jjj333_p (any/any).21:52:00
@via:the-apothecary.clubvia (it/its)so uh22:02:32
@via:the-apothecary.clubvia (it/its)getting the same error I do when I run the newer java versions22:02:40
@via:the-apothecary.clubvia (it/its)is there something im missing22:02:54
@via:the-apothecary.clubvia (it/its)should i start the java executable differently?22:03:02
@benthetechguy:fairydust.spaceBenTheTechGuyYou have to use update-alternatives to make Java 8 the default22:03:37
@benthetechguy:fairydust.spaceBenTheTechGuy(or call Java 8 directly)22:03:45
@via:the-apothecary.clubvia (it/its)
In reply to @benthetechguy:fairydust.space
(or call Java 8 directly)
how could I do that
@via:the-apothecary.clubvia (it/its) rn im just running it with java executablename 22:04:27
@admin:matrix.beparanoid.dehnhxwhen you do22:04:30
@admin:matrix.beparanoid.dehnhxjava --version22:04:31
@admin:matrix.beparanoid.dehnhxwhat does it return?22:04:35
@via:the-apothecary.clubvia (it/its)Redacted or Malformed Event22:04:48
@via:the-apothecary.clubvia (it/its)
openjdk 11.0.15 2022-04-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.15+10-post-Debian-1deb11u1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.15+10-post-Debian-1deb11u1, mixed mode, sharing)
@via:the-apothecary.clubvia (it/its)lol22:04:58
@via:the-apothecary.clubvia (it/its)idk i had that copied22:05:01
@via:the-apothecary.clubvia (it/its)xd22:05:03
@via:the-apothecary.clubvia (it/its)ctrl shift c failed me22:05:11
@admin:matrix.beparanoid.dehnhxwell you need to change your java version22:05:13
@admin:matrix.beparanoid.dehnhxopenjdk is usually installed under /opt22:05:20
@via:the-apothecary.clubvia (it/its)can i just choose to only run that exec under java 822:05:40
@via:the-apothecary.clubvia (it/its)i dont want to change the default22:05:49
@via:the-apothecary.clubvia (it/its)how do I do that?22:05:52

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