
#sysadmin | Systems Administrators

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19 Jul 2024
In reply to @ifiguero:matrix.org
Also it is somewhat of a common practice to keep the host os on a different medium than the data (guests). Some even comes with some redundant flash storage. But flash can fail if the hypervisor gets updated often
Yes, thats I know from other (not vm based) concepts. So it would be better to separate host & guest.
@j0hnny:yatrix.orgj0hnnyFlash is always a bad idea19:22:16
In reply to @ifiguero:matrix.org
Without knowing your workload. Disk could be a bottleneck or it might not. Sometimes the workload is heavy on ram, sometimes is heavy on IO
Yeah, i will check it out. Its a good point.
@j0hnny:yatrix.orgj0hnnyIf I have a license for win server 19 standard, I have also automatically 2 licenses for same kind of VMs, isnt it? But can I install it on another machine? So 1 win server natively on one bare metal and the VMs on another bare metal with proxmox? Or is it just possible to install 2 win server VMs within the win server itself via hyper-v?19:29:30
@ifiguero:matrix.orgifiguero You can run as many windows servers VMs as you want. Licencewise I have no idea what is the current model. I know there is some windows server datacenter that allows unlimited guest I guess. But I don't know how the standard works 19:33:45
@d3nt0n:matrix.orgd3nt0nJust use these: https://github.com/massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts19:35:17
@j0hnny:yatrix.orgj0hnnyBut as I understand it doesnt answer the question, if its allowed to install the two VMs within windows server license on another bare metal.19:39:36
@d3nt0n:matrix.orgd3nt0nI believe the vm license only applies to another windows 19 vm running under hyper v. you can't transfer that to another machine20:53:42
In reply to @d3nt0n:matrix.org
I believe the vm license only applies to another windows 19 vm running under hyper v. you can't transfer that to another machine
I also suppose that, but is there any official info about such topic I can find?
@screen:tedomum.netscreen joined the room.21:53:39
20 Jul 2024
@kezkch:digitalprivacy.diyKezkch joined the room.13:39:50
@cruthachail:infosec.exchangeCruthachail left the room.14:06:26
21 Jul 2024
@gpsktm111:matrix.orgsushil pun joined the room.15:49:57
@katin:4d2.orgkatin set a profile picture.18:31:51
@katin:4d2.orgkatin changed their profile picture.18:32:20
@katin:4d2.orgkatin changed their profile picture.18:32:35
@katin:4d2.orgkatin changed their profile picture.18:32:48
@katin:4d2.orgkatin changed their profile picture.18:33:15
23 Jul 2024
@punit_arya:matrix.orgPunit Arya left the room.04:33:32
@kbum:matrix.orgDarius Tarog left the room.04:51:54
In reply to @ifiguero:matrix.org
You can run as many windows servers VMs as you want. Licencewise I have no idea what is the current model. I know there is some windows server datacenter that allows unlimited guest I guess. But I don't know how the standard works
oracle style per physical core or CAL licenses iirc
@voidyote:bark.lgbtluna changed their profile picture.23:18:26
@voidyote:bark.lgbtluna changed their profile picture.23:19:42
24 Jul 2024
@myned:bjork.techMyned joined the room.04:42:49
@isilzha314:infosec.exchangedory changed their profile picture.08:07:18
@jack:matrix.sdf.orgjack joined the room.10:32:10
@marijek:matrix.orgMarioHello. Does anyone have an experience with integrating Azure SSO (SAML2) into SaaS application? Context: Our clients are only business customers, some of them have local auth access on app, but we also for some enterprises provide SSO Azure login for which they have to configure application on their tenant and they provide config parameters to us. Is it possible to implement multi-organization setup but on single domain? In current setup, for all different clients we configure separate subdomains which are used to forward auth to correct identity provider URL. I'm wondering if there is a way to correctly relay login requests to azure from a single domain, independent on which organizations user is trying to authenticate.14:19:37
25 Jul 2024
@serpic0:matrix.orgSERP!COyou may consider using subdomains with multipart stem domains00:16:45
@levi:envs.netᥫ᭡ 𐑖ミꪜᴵ𝔦 ᥫ᭡ set a profile picture.07:55:15
@levi:envs.netᥫ᭡ 𐑖ミꪜᴵ𝔦 ᥫ᭡ changed their profile picture.22:10:12

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