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25 Jul 2024
@lkiesow:uni-osnabrueck.deLars Kiesow
In reply to @glogan:matrix.org
I despise how I can't easily/obviously get from that run page to the actual PR that caused the run
Well, there is no pull request yet :D
This is the patch:
@lkiesow:uni-osnabrueck.deLars KiesowI wanted to make sure it actually works before I create the pull request21:48:23
@glogan:matrix.orgGreg Loganheh, fair21:48:33
@glogan:matrix.orgGreg LoganI've noticed this in actual PRs too21:48:40
@lkiesow:uni-osnabrueck.deLars KiesowScreenshot from 2024-07-25 23-51-18.png
Download Screenshot from 2024-07-25 23-51-18.png
@lkiesow:uni-osnabrueck.deLars KiesowIf there is a pull request, the UI should link it21:52:14
@glogan:matrix.orgGreg Loganhuh, weird21:53:35
@glogan:matrix.orgGreg LoganI coulda sworn that wasn't there a while ago21:53:49
@lkiesow:uni-osnabrueck.deLars KiesowIntegration test works. Now there is a pull request. https://github.com/opencast/opencast/pull/6043 And I'm off for today. n822:20:52
26 Jul 2024
@therealkings:sagt.xyzStephanMaybe someone can help me very quick? I had some issues with the streaming URL in the Wowza Distribution service. Now i try to Publish the videos again and i'm getting the following error: 2024-07-26T10:00:27,947 | ERROR | (ConfigurablePublishWorkflowOperationHandler:434) - Job 'Job {id:589700860, operation:Distribute, status:FINISHED}' returned payload (null) that could not be parsed to media package elements org.opencastproject.mediapackage.MediaPackageException: null It seems that the process had finished, but didn't find the MediaPackage. That's the only part of the partial-publish that fails :/ 08:08:26
@therealkings:sagt.xyzStephanMore logging: 2024-07-26T10:00:27,948 | ERROR | (WorkflowOperationWorker:140) - Workflow operation 'operation:'publish-configure, state:'FAILED'' failed08:09:08
@therealkings:sagt.xyzStephancomplete log: https://pastebin.com/r6XFaNux08:10:30
@gedion:matrix.orggedionGood morning everyone, I was reinstalling oc on a different machine and I'm having trouble with the videos. how can i fix this?08:12:50
Download oc-db-error.png
@gedion:matrix.orggedionis this a database issue?09:52:31
@ihler:elan-ev.deKatrin Ihler (elan e.V.)
In reply to @therealkings:sagt.xyz
Maybe someone can help me very quick? I had some issues with the streaming URL in the Wowza Distribution service. Now i try to Publish the videos again and i'm getting the following error:

2024-07-26T10:00:27,947 | ERROR | (ConfigurablePublishWorkflowOperationHandler:434) - Job 'Job {id:589700860, operation:Distribute, status:FINISHED}' returned payload (null) that could not be parsed to media package elements
org.opencastproject.mediapackage.MediaPackageException: null

It seems that the process had finished, but didn't find the MediaPackage. That's the only part of the partial-publish that fails :/
Any more logs for that distribution job? Could also be on a different server.
In reply to @ihler:elan-ev.de
Any more logs for that distribution job? Could also be on a different server.
Opencast tells me, the job was on the admin Node and this is the output (steps of the workflow) but let me check the engage node
In reply to @ihler:elan-ev.de
Any more logs for that distribution job? Could also be on a different server.
* Opencast tells me, the job was on the admin Node and this is the output (steps of the workflow) but let me check the presemtation node
@therealkings:sagt.xyzStephanPerhaps this? 2024-07-26T12:42:36,730 | ERROR | (JAXRSUtils:2068) - Problem with writing the data, class org.opencastproject.search.api.SearchResultImpl, ContentType: application/json 2024-07-26T12:42:36,731 | WARN | (WebApplicationExceptionMapper:73) - javax.ws.rs.InternalServerErrorException: HTTP 500 Internal Server Error 11:45:54
@therealkings:sagt.xyzStephanOkay, that's not an Error of the mediapackage11:48:21
@therealkings:sagt.xyzStephanJust this Error: 2024-07-26T11:12:52,824 | ERROR | (ConfigurablePublishWorkflowOperationHandler:434) - Job 'Job {id:589712090, operation:Distribute, status:FINISHED}' returned payload (null) that could not be parsed to media package elements No more logs sadly11:50:16
@di67qel:matrix.lrz.deDaniel HuberDo you use a different domain for the new installation? The console/network monitor of your browser probably can give you some hints why the images could no be loaded...12:10:03
@lunzenauer:elan-ev.deMarcus Eibrink-Lunzenauer (🌴19.08.) changed their display name from Marcus Eibrink-Lunzenauer to Marcus Eibrink-Lunzenauer (🌴19.08.).12:16:37
@gedion:matrix.orggedionNo, I am not using a different domain. I am testing it on another machine, but I deleted the videos from the old machine. However, I am using the same database structure on the new machine. Could this be causing the problem?12:27:39
@di67qel:matrix.lrz.deDaniel HuberAs long as you are using the same OC version on both installations I don't think it should be a problem to reuse the db structure12:40:30
@glogan:matrix.orgGreg Logan Philipp Schüttlöffel: the eta on getting that fixed is a fair way out. I won't have time for this for a long time. If you want to take a crack at it by all means. Shouldn't be too hard. 13:17:37
@ihler:elan-ev.deKatrin Ihler (elan e.V.)
In reply to @therealkings:sagt.xyz
Perhaps this?
2024-07-26T12:42:36,730 | ERROR | (JAXRSUtils:2068) - Problem with writing the data, class org.opencastproject.search.api.SearchResultImpl, ContentType: application/json
2024-07-26T12:42:36,731 | WARN | (WebApplicationExceptionMapper:73) - javax.ws.rs.InternalServerErrorException: HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
Looks like the file wasn't distributed properly, but I can't say why.
@geichelberger:matrix.orggeichelbergerDid you migrate the data or only the database?14:29:01
@gedion:matrix.orggedioni migrate the data too14:30:24
27 Jul 2024
@lkiesow:uni-osnabrueck.deLars Kiesow

ℹ️ Opencast 16.2 release date moved to Tuesday

With the discussion from Tuesday and the issues we found following that during this week, I think there might be some confusion about when the 16.2 release will now happen. My current plan is to release 16.2 on Tuesday evening (CEST), some time after the Technical meeting. The condition for that is for #6042 to be merged since together with #6034 and a few problems in the admin interface, they fix very serious issues which could lead to data corruption.

Speaking of the admin interface, I will cut a new admin interface release for 16.2. The new version already includes a fix for #852 which I think is an actual thread when it comes to data corruption. #855 is similar, but needs more obscure conditions seldom being met in production systems. I'll make sure to include it regardless. There are still a bunch of open pull requests fixing issues though. It would be great if you can find time for a quick round of reviews until Tuesday.

This is also kind of true for the Opencast core which also would appreciate a few reviews for the open pull requests against the release branches.


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