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20 Jul 2024
@mahyar.kazazi:matrix.orgMahyar Kazazi changed their profile picture.05:03:23
@agentkilo:nitro.chatAgent Kilo left the room.08:53:50
@tauoverpi:tchncs.deLevysoon https://github.com/ziglang/zig/pull/1959314:35:24
@pjals:private.coffeepjalswait, you can write shaders in zig??14:47:30
@pjals:private.coffeepjalsman i thought transpiling glsl into other shader languages was cool14:47:53
@pjals:private.coffeepjalsnext we're gonna see llvm running on gl shaders ;)14:48:20
@tauoverpi:tchncs.deLevythis is a self-hosted backend so no llvm involved16:39:52
@tauoverpi:tchncs.deLevythere's also a plan to move llvm out of the compiler as an optional module16:40:56
@pjals:private.coffeepjalsyea, i know how zig works, but it would be funny to see rust or java or some other language that shouldn't be running on the gpu to write shaders17:29:26
@tauoverpi:tchncs.deLevyrust gpu already exists18:03:39
@pjals:private.coffeepjalsblazingly fast18:09:57
21 Jul 2024
@me:decipher2k.comdecipher pjals: same for java:
@me:decipher2k.comdecipher * pjals: 3d for java:
@me:decipher2k.comdecipherthere's even OpenGL for brainf**k04:37:30
@me:decipher2k.comdecipher * there's even OpenGL for brainf**k x) 04:37:51
@tauoverpi:tchncs.deLevynot the same thing07:45:32
@me:decipher2k.comdecipherit's other shaders?08:29:49
@tauoverpi:tchncs.deLevyno, the rust and zig ones compile to spirv while the java docs are an opengl wrapper09:19:58
@tauoverpi:tchncs.deLevyso the rust/zig code runs on the gpu itself09:20:22
@me:decipher2k.comdecipheri see. spirv is vulkan?09:20:56
@tauoverpi:tchncs.deLevy can be used with opengl 4.6 or vulkan 09:26:00
@tauoverpi:tchncs.deLevyit's IR which is later translated to that which runs on the gpu14:16:09
@tauoverpi:tchncs.deLevyso you can compile glsl to it but also many other languages14:16:50
@tauoverpi:tchncs.deLevya bit like wasm14:16:55
22 Jul 2024
@citizen:frei.chatcitizen joined the room.19:57:28
23 Jul 2024
@saezheneia:matrix.imconfluentDemiurge changed their display name from eden to confluentDemiurge.16:49:34
26 Jul 2024
@casey_jones:nope.chatCasey Jones joined the room.20:23:15

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