
Arch Linux

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17 May 2021
@abigcarrot:matrix.orgabigcarrotmy brain is upgraded02:30:28
In reply to @abigcarrot:matrix.org
turns out my entire dwm is broken
In reply to @lordrishav:matrix.org
What is actually upgraded in Room Upgrades?
@abigcarrot:matrix.orgabigcarrotwhats the go package called02:38:05
@abigcarrot:matrix.orgabigcarrotin the aur02:38:09
@abigcarrot:matrix.orgabigcarrotit's go...02:38:58
@dreedo:matrix.orgdreedo joined the room.02:43:33
@blue_penquin:fairydust.spaceblue_penquin joined the room.02:47:03
In reply to @abigcarrot:matrix.org
it's go...
@y3l0b3b5z2u=:matrix.orgcytopyge joined the room.02:56:49
@phahkoh:matrix.orgphahkoh joined the room.03:03:58
@eskoone:matrix.orgeskoONE joined the room.03:09:42
@eskoone:matrix.orgeskoONEHow does one enable a less standard keyboard layout when installing arch? I can set my keyboard layout to gb colemak_dh once i installed arch through localectl but that doesn't work when installing arch from the iso.03:13:21
@yy7pswyb9wjb:matrix.org0mn1.7 joined the room.03:16:52
@tara:matrix.terralanzo.detara joined the room.03:29:27
@eskoone:matrix.orgeskoONEBut that doesn't work.03:35:33
@dan:pwoss.orgDan joined the room.03:35:44
@tatertotmctrot:matrix.orgKX8 joined the room.03:48:56
@tauin0349:matrix.org@tauin0349:matrix.org joined the room.03:51:34
@tauin0349:matrix.org@tauin0349:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event03:51:52
@lordofallcubes:cubeland.ems.hostlordofallcubesthe feds took it03:59:21
@thebiblelover7:tchncs.dethebiblelover7 joined the room.04:01:21
@reddish_blue:matrix.orgreddish_blue joined the room.04:07:15
@deviavir:matrix.orgChase joined the room.04:07:15
@reddish_blue:matrix.orgreddish_bluewhat are feds gonna do with a linux channel tho 🤔04:07:57
@u9000:envs.netu9000 joined the room.04:10:03
@bober182:matrix.orgbober182 joined the room.04:16:54
@terryzk:matrix.orgterryzk joined the room.04:19:55

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