
Arch Linux

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24 Jul 2024
@stellarsoda:matrix.org@stellarsoda:matrix.org left the room.12:55:23
@lainsrs:matrix.org@lainsrs:matrix.org left the room.17:12:39
@vermium:zyner.orgVermium Sifell changed their display name from vermium to Vermium Sifell.19:40:32
@pkgbuild:matrix.orgmando changed their display name from pkgbuild to mando.20:14:57
25 Jul 2024
@digit4lsh4d0w:matrix.orgdigit4lsh4d0w changed their profile picture.07:37:07
@ada:chat.blahaj.zone@ada:chat.blahaj.zone left the room.10:38:40
@mitkoh:matrix.orgmitko changed their profile picture.11:51:14
@mitkoh:matrix.orgmitko changed their display name from t to mitko.11:51:59
@mitkoh:matrix.orgmitko changed their profile picture.11:53:14
@icyp:matrix.orgmari changed their profile picture.13:05:33
@suffet:matrix.orgError changed their display name from Umun to Error.13:37:02
@suffet:matrix.orgError changed their profile picture.13:39:23
@hungryhenry:matrix.orgHenry left the room.15:04:30
@kingdomkind:matrix.orgkingdomkind left the room.17:10:07
@ambiguous_yelp:matrix.orgAmbiguous Yelp changed their display name from Ambiguous Yelp to Ambiguous Yeast.19:47:25
@ambiguous_yelp:matrix.orgAmbiguous Yelp changed their display name from Ambiguous Yeast to Ambiguous Yelp.19:51:30
@freemo:qoto.orgJeffrey Phillips Freeman (He, UTC-4) changed their display name from Jeffrey Phillips Freeman (He, UTC+7) to Jeffrey Phillips Freeman (He, UTC-4).20:48:09
26 Jul 2024
@vermium:zyner.orgVermium Sifell left the room.00:30:28
@unixburger:burggit.moeunixburger left the room.07:10:36
@mtxn:matrix.orgmtxn changed their profile picture.09:04:03
@wowski-303:matrix.orgJoseph changed their profile picture.11:35:27
@wowski-303:matrix.orgJoseph left the room.11:39:30
@levifig:matrix.orglevifig set a profile picture.12:16:20
@darkchild:matrix.orgdarkchild left the room.16:05:25
@mtxn:matrix.orgmtxn left the room.16:53:08
@chandeleer:matrix.orgchandeleer left the room.18:55:03
@ren.penguin:matrix.org@ren.penguin:matrix.org joined the room.22:14:03
@ren.penguin:matrix.org@ren.penguin:matrix.org joined the room.22:14:07
@ren.penguin:matrix.org@ren.penguin:matrix.org left the room.22:14:20
@genkin_desu:matrix.orgCash changed their profile picture.22:22:26

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