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12 Jan 2019
@dtw:matrix.orgdtw joined the room.06:56:07
@finlaydag33k:matrix.org@finlaydag33k:matrix.orgI'm back :p 15:48:22
@dtw:matrix.orgdtw left the room.16:51:49
@finlaydag33k:matrix.org@finlaydag33k:matrix.orgI wish there where more keysign parties around here...21:05:36
@wiktor:stratum0.orgwiktor Just go to FOSDEM, it'll get your key really well connected :) 21:11:14
@finlaydag33k:matrix.org@finlaydag33k:matrix.orgI tought FOSDEM was in america lol, but it's in Brussels (which is "do-able" from where I live)21:12:22
@wiktor:stratum0.orgwiktor Yep https://fosdem.org/2019/keysigning/ 21:13:05
@finlaydag33k:matrix.org@finlaydag33k:matrix.orgThere are some interesting stands, but I'd need to find somebody to go with (social anxiety n stuff)21:14:30
@wiktor:stratum0.orgwiktorI know how it feels, I took my wife, she thought it was a funny experience :)21:16:25
@finlaydag33k:matrix.org@finlaydag33k:matrix.orgye, my gf doesn't care about the stuff XD21:16:40
@wiktor:stratum0.orgwiktor I don't know where did you get the idea my wife did care 😂 21:17:17
@wiktor:stratum0.orgwiktor I promised a nice trip around Brussels, that's all 21:17:37
@finlaydag33k:matrix.org@finlaydag33k:matrix.orgyou just tricked her rofl21:18:37
@wiktor:stratum0.orgwiktor Nah I told her there will be a weird nerd party I'll attend, it was a combined transaction haha 21:19:39
@finlaydag33k:matrix.org@finlaydag33k:matrix.orgI do want my gf to dive into computer stuff more, though it's already a wonder she started using Linux...21:24:38
@wiktor:stratum0.orgwiktorYeah, Linux is quite polished for normal users nowadays, browsers, that people use most of the time are fine. Libreoffice works, printers works, very nice.21:28:22
@finlaydag33k:matrix.org@finlaydag33k:matrix.orgyea. only problem is my gf doesn't know how to read (in a sense of: get's error, doesn't read it, instantly asks me what it is) XD which is real fun when she tries to install something XD21:29:59
@finlaydag33k:matrix.org@finlaydag33k:matrix.orgalso, I wish it would be easier to integrate with Microsoft AD. The SysOps at my job refuse to use anything but Microsft AD for user and rights management, but the Devs at my job want to use Linux more and more, but SysOps refuse to allow this because they can't get it setup to work with AD and they want all computers to be part of the domain... only exceptions are the workstations of the direction and my workstation21:35:58
13 Jan 2019
In reply to @finlaydag33k:matrix.org
also, I wish it would be easier to integrate with Microsoft AD. The SysOps at my job refuse to use anything but Microsft AD for user and rights management, but the Devs at my job want to use Linux more and more, but SysOps refuse to allow this because they can't get it setup to work with AD and they want all computers to be part of the domain... only exceptions are the workstations of the direction and my workstation
You can, gpg4win has an .msi package so you can distribute it via sccm
@jonathan:matrix.selea.sejonathanand with GPO's, you can give users the correct key12:36:25
@finlaydag33k:matrix.org@finlaydag33k:matrix.orgWell, we where talking about Linux itself, not GPG actualyl :p 12:42:26
@finlaydag33k:matrix.org@finlaydag33k:matrix.orgwait, aussie gov is working on an encryption ban? That sounds like an ehm... issue...19:53:57
@wiktor:stratum0.orgwiktorOnly if you have something to hide... Hehe19:55:51
@finlaydag33k:matrix.org@finlaydag33k:matrix.orgNaN cybercriminals like this law19:56:24
@wiktor:stratum0.orgwiktor Check out this interacting introductory vid https://youtu.be/eW-OMR-iWOE 19:56:51
W odpowiedzi do @wiktor:stratum0.org
Check out this interacting introductory vid https://youtu.be/eW-OMR-iWOE

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