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27 Jul 2024
@_bifrost_wgreenhouse=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgwgreenhousemaybe there is not an sms route between you00:56:08
@_bifrost_fuzzywazool=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgfuzzywazoolcan i buy a second number & then troubleshoot with that? might be one way.00:56:51
@_bifrost_wgreenhouse=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgwgreenhousesure, there's a thing in the bot to make a sub account00:57:25
@_bifrost_fuzzywazool=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgfuzzywazooloof ... no sms route would be painful. i can check at that site?00:57:51
@_bifrost_wgreenhouse=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgwgreenhousebandwidth's docs might have info yeah. jmp support may also be able to look it up goven the number, at the address on jmp.chat/faq00:59:47
@_bifrost_fuzzywazool=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgfuzzywazoolthanks for the info01:00:30
@_bifrost_wgreenhouse=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgwgreenhouseyw, good luck01:00:45
@_bifrost_deimosBSD=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgdeimosBSDIs there a way to tell cheogram to use an external browser for all links?01:01:02
@_bifrost_wgreenhouse=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgwgreenhousedeimosBSD: train yourself to only long-press them, copying to clipboard and (in some android releases) popping up the share menu01:02:03
@_bifrost_deimosBSD=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgdeimosBSDI have been. Its annoying.01:04:50
@_bifrost_singpolyma=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgsingpolymaIt doesn't have an internal browser so does use an external one for all links :)01:52:55
@_bifrost_singpolyma=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgsingpolymaBut we can make an option to tell the external browser to use a different kind of window01:53:13
@_bifrost_moparisthebest=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgmoparisthebest> moparisthebest: Hmm, do you want it to go to your ID directly or to your JMP routing? The former as a sip.cheogram feature could make sense. I could definitely do it manually for people at least until there is demand singpolyma: for me that's the same so either, others maybe not?02:24:41
@_bifrost_singpolyma=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgsingpolymamoparisthebest: probably difference for you is voicemail or not02:29:22
@_bifrost_moparisthebest=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgmoparisthebestoh... good point02:29:38
@_bifrost_moparisthebest=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgmoparisthebestWhere's the prosody voicemail module anyway02:30:02
@_bifrost_moparisthebest=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgmoparisthebestThose prosody devs are really slacking... 🤣02:30:22
@_bifrost_singpolyma=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgsingpolymaPure XMPP doesn't really benefit from voicemail since you can send a message or voice message at any time anyway if a call isn't possible02:49:08
@_bifrost_aen7vequ=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgaen7vequ joined the room.02:58:40
@_bifrost_jackhill=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgjackhill 🤦‍♂️ of course it's the ev charging companies. 02:58:44
@_bifrost_Gnafu=20the=20Great=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgGnafu the GreatWho wouldn't want to relive the glory days of answering machines?02:59:08
@_bifrost_Gnafu=20the=20Great=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgGnafu the Great🎶 Believe it or not, Gnafu isn't at home Please leave a message at the beep I must be out, or I'd pick up the phone Where could I be? Believe it or not, I'm not home 🎶03:00:09
@_bifrost_Caleb=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgCaleb> Who wouldn't want to relive the glory days of answering machines? People don't seem to understand the concept of a home telephone anymore. ☎️03:02:08
@_bifrost_jackhill=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgjackhill ❤️ 03:06:47
@_bifrost_jackhill=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgjackhill Except all these places that ask me for multiple types of numbers. I'm only giving you one number, and I'll answer it if I want to or not. Day or night. Home or away. Work or play. Kthnx. 03:08:08
@_bifrost_johnxian=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgjohnxian> 🎶 Believe it or not, Gnafu isn't at home > Please leave a message at the beep > I must be out, or I'd pick up the phone > Where could I be? > Believe it or not, I'm not home 🎶 My own greeting is inspired by the opening of this song: https://invidious.materialio.us/watch?v=59rPhqttFIY03:08:51
@_bifrost_779=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.org779 joined the room.03:15:54
@_bifrost_Gnafu=20the=20Great=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgGnafu the GreatFantastic.03:18:14

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