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8 Feb 2025
@_bifrost_Gnafu=20the=20Great=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgGnafu the GreatBut I may be misremembering.23:42:37
@_bifrost_phosphadized=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgphosphadizedsingpolyma, downgraded haxe, build is much faster, error i sent previously persists.23:45:49
@_bifrost_singpolyma=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgsingpolymaphosphadized: which one?23:47:12
@_bifrost_phosphadized=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgphosphadizederror building the C/C++ library. `Error: ./src/snikket/jingle/InitiatedSession.cpp: In member function ‘virtual Dynamic snikket::jingle::InitiatedSession_obj::onPeerConnection()’:`23:47:57
@_bifrost_singpolyma=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgsingpolymaError is probably on the next line I guess. Can you put the whole output in a pastebin?23:48:50
@_bifrost_aspallyo=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgaspallyo> Well, with eSIM.me specifically I seem to recall there's some default profile that should never be deleted. So even if you connect it up with `lpac`, you shouldn't delete that. Euh was it the jmp.chat one ? Maybe this esim adapter is busted now... Maybe that default profile isn't enumerated to protect it?23:51:28
@_bifrost_singpolyma=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgsingpolymaphosphadized: Hmm. You have the lastest main from GitHub?23:53:24
@_bifrost_Gnafu=20the=20Great=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgGnafu the Greataspallyo: I'm not 100% sure; maybe singpolyma can confirm. I just feel like there was something with eSIM.me cards (not the JMP eSIM Adapter, but yes we've used eSIM.me cards for our physical SIM offering).23:54:34
@_bifrost_aspallyo=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgaspallyo> aspallyo: I'm not 100% sure; maybe singpolyma can confirm. I just feel like there was something with eSIM.me cards (not the JMP eSIM Adapter, but yes we've used eSIM.me cards for our physical SIM offering). Ya that's the one I have, I can send the EID to staff if they can remotely wipe it? I doubt it though right23:55:06
@_bifrost_singpolyma=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgsingpolymaIf you delete every profile from an esim.me card including the dummy one it makes some android OS unable to see it is something23:55:35
@_bifrost_singpolyma=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgsingpolymaSo if that's the problem then a card reader should work23:55:49
@_bifrost_Gnafu=20the=20Great=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgGnafu the Greathttps://media1.giphy.com/media/dvx0peMC2bQhm5EdyU/giphy.webp?cid=c5762defz6c4cula2y4mmintmu72bdlugz9rbffryzh39fbw&ep=v1_gifs_gifId&rid=giphy.webp&ct=g
Download https://media1.giphy.com/media/dvx0peMC2bQhm5EdyU/giphy.webp?cid=c5762defz6c4cula2y4mmintmu72bdlugz9rbffryzh39fbw&ep=v1_gifs_gifId&rid=giphy.webp&ct=g
9 Feb 2025
@_bifrost_aspallyo=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgaspallyo> So if that's the problem then a card reader should work The OS still sees the card, the issue is there's a profile I want to load, that failed loading the first time, and won't allow me to try again, thus my thought that provisioning failed so I wanted to wipe that with lpac00:04:17
@_bifrost_aspallyo=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgaspallyoWill have to test once I have stable wifi, im in a plane right now haha00:04:32
@_bifrost_aspallyo=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgaspallyo * Will have to test building with Termux once I have stable wifi, im in a plane right now haha00:04:51
@_bifrost_aspallyo=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgaspallyo> When I try to load an esim (that I tried previously but failed to load) onto the jmp old esim.me chip, I get this error > > Error code: ES10B_ERROR_REASON_UNDEFINED > Last APDU response (from SIM): 6985 > Last APDU response (from SIM) is a failure singpolyma: this is the error I'm getting trying to provision the same failed eSIM profile to the esim.me chip00:05:30
@_bifrost_singpolyma=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgsingpolymaaspallyo: that's more likely to be an issue with the profile if it was already downloaded once I think, but I don't recognize that error specifically00:08:14
@_bifrost_aspallyo=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgaspallyo> aspallyo: that's more likely to be an issue with the profile if it was already downloaded once I think, but I don't recognize that error specifically 👍00:13:01
@foghornleghorn9996:matrix.orgfoghornleghorn9996 joined the room.00:18:15
@foghornleghorn9996:matrix.orgfoghornleghorn9996 left the room.00:20:50
@_bifrost_phosphadized=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgphosphadizedsingpolyma, that was problem, i was on latest from sourcehut.01:14:49
@_bifrost_singpolyma=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgsingpolymaAh sorry, the sourcehut repo under my name is just whatever broken thing I'm hacking on in my fork01:15:22
@_bifrost_EZ=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgEZ joined the room.04:03:47
@_bifrost_vanillasweep69=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgvanillasweep69 joined the room.04:05:54
@_bifrost_EZZ=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgEZZ joined the room.04:18:25
@_bifrost_EZZ=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgEZZGood evening, should I be contacting private support for help with setting up a JMP number and getting a Snikket instance?04:25:57
@_bifrost_Gnafu=20the=20Great=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgGnafu the GreatEZZ: If you have an Android device, you can do that all through the Cheogram app. Otherwise, yes, please send a private inquiry to support to get a Snikket instance set up if you'll be registering using another OS.04:30:26
@_bifrost_wanyuoo=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgwanyuoo joined the room.05:00:27
@_bifrost_algebra=2fdiscuss=40conference.soprani.ca:aria-net.orgalgebra joined the room.05:01:53

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