
Fedora ARM

132 Members
Fedora on ARM/​aarch64 https:/​/​fedoraproject.​org/​wiki/​Architectures/​ARM details here including links to install and the Raspberry Pi25 Servers

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25 Jul 2024
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcinyou can clone my repo01:41:30
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcinensure to pick this tag: https://gitlab.com/marcinipv8/kernel-ark/-/tags/kernel-6.11.0-0.rc0.720261cfc732.6.opi5phwe01:41:38
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcinmake ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- O=builddtb allyesconfig dtbs01:42:13
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcinif it complains, do: make ARCH=arm64 mrproper01:42:28
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcinif you don't cross compile, skip CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-01:42:45
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcinand then copy over a generated dtb to your machine01:43:14
@farchord:matrix.orgFarchord (Steve Cossette)Oh I'm doing it directly on the orangepi :)01:43:29
@farchord:matrix.orgFarchord (Steve Cossette) marcin: yeah compiled the dtb, made a backup of what I had and replaced it. Now the orangepi aint' coming back online lol 02:09:59
@farchord:matrix.orgFarchord (Steve Cossette)I'll plug in the goblin debug cables tomorrow02:10:13
@farchord:matrix.orgFarchord (Steve Cossette)Gonna go to bed lol gnite02:10:36
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcinsee ya02:25:49
26 Jul 2024
@-yoda:matrix.orgYoda marcin suspend doesn't seem to work on your kernel - or should I say resume ? :-) 01:51:10
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcin Yoda: didn't work for me too, but I saw some late commit where they try to fix it 21:46:04
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcinor at least do something21:46:18
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcinI backport megi's commits related to power delivery, so that also may be a culprit21:46:39
In reply to @admin:matrix.ipv8.pl
Yoda: didn't work for me too, but I saw some late commit where they try to fix it
ok, I guess we will see a fix sooner or l8r then.
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcinI heard rumors Collabora wants to have everything merged for 6.12 kernel22:47:02
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcinbecause it will be the LTS kernel22:47:27
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcinbut I'm not sure22:47:30
@farchord:matrix.orgFarchord (Steve Cossette)I can't wait for a good dtb for the orangepi 5b lol22:47:40
In reply to @admin:matrix.ipv8.pl
I heard rumors Collabora wants to have everything merged for 6.12 kernel
they did send the first patch for HDMI over 1 month ago - but it required a number of changes - so they were too late for 6.11 -- so 6.12 makes perfectly sense to get it in shape now
In reply to @farchord:matrix.org
I can't wait for a good dtb for the orangepi 5b lol
its a bit weird there is not even an upstream dtb for that device yet; but since they do deliver there own images - maybe that has it ?
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcinanyway, regarding RK3588, recently tl lim (CEO of Pine64) said a thing or two22:59:52
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcinhe was informed by Rockchip, that they no longer consider RK3588 as an open source chip (whatever that means, he did not specify)23:00:31
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcinbut the reason was that Orange Pi 5 was used in a russian rocket23:00:42
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcinalso said things are much more complicated that he wanted to say publically23:01:04
@admin:matrix.ipv8.plmarcinand also that's the reason why QuartzPro64 is scrapped23:01:19
@-yoda:matrix.orgYoda yeah, I saw the comments - didn't really make a lot of sense though imho 23:04:34
27 Jul 2024
@ryanabx2:matrix.orgRyan Brue (ryanabx) joined the room.00:27:24

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