
Actually Autistic

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21 Mar 2021
In reply to @djkhalis:matrix.org
Regarding to your career -- you really seem to have gone through so much!! At the same time, you also seemed to have accomplished a lot as well so congrats on that!

Thank you... Indeed... 'Been through a lot... Sometimes I think way too much for a lifetime... I've been through some very, VERY dark times -- moments that very few people have lived through in this world... But I guess I'm living proof that, no matter how hard things are, it is possible to make it through if you learn to accept and listen to your body, to respect nature, and to give things due time (to be patient, working on your healing whenever you can).

It's not easy, but if you learn to work with nature, not against her, it's not unrewarding either. There is joy, comfort, and peace to be found, and life's cycle goes on. There is actually purpose to be found in that natural cycle, in being a part of that larger miracle that humankind still knows so little about.

For example, that trees can both feel and talk/communicate -- and do so much more!


@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.orgThere is definitely great wisdom in respecting and appreciating nature's balance. It's not something that people will ever truly be able to fully comprehend/understand. The same way that we'll never truly be able to comprehend/understand our own working. It takes a lifetime to know yourself, and forever learning -- because who you are, too, keeps changing. Nature lives inside us, too -- we're made of nature.06:12:41

"Nowhere are we content with what nature displays before our senses. We look everywhere for what we call an explanation of the facts. That which we seek in things, over and above what is given to us immediately, splits our entire being into two parts. We become aware of standing in opposition to the world, as independent beings. ... We set up this barrier between ourselves and the world as soon as consciousness lights up within us. But we never lose the feeling that we do belong to the world, that a link exists that connects us to it, that we are creatures not outside, but within, the universe."

"We can only find nature outside us if we first know her within us. What is akin to her within us will be our guide."

~ Rudolf Steiner in 'Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path' a.k.a 'The Philosophy of Freedom'

@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.orgDownload 'Intuitive Thinking As a Spiritual Path' by Rudolf Steiner.pdf06:21:59
@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.org"A human being is a part of the whole called by us 'Universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." ~ Albert Einstein (in a letter to Norman Salit, 4 March 1950)06:32:12
In reply to @djkhalis:matrix.org
I believe so much in the balance of this cycle and see it as essential in not only ours but in life-forms-as-we-know-them's survival that I think it really is my "religion". Like, for me, it covers most aspects of a traditional religion. It sounds kind of silly but it gives me clarity, and so much happiness. If I have plants that dry up for any reason I keep them until they're literally a few sticks with some dirt underneath. And I always leave the fallen leaves of any of the plants on their soil, I love so much to see how life thrives on itself :) I love it in every stage

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the Mysterious — the knowledge of the existence of something unfathomable to us, the manifestation of the most profound reason coupled with the most brilliant beauty. I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, or who has a will of the kind we experience in ourselves. I am satisfied with the mystery of life's eternity and with the awareness of — and glimpse into — the marvelous construction of the existing world together with the steadfast determination to comprehend a portion, be it ever so tiny, of the reason that manifests itself in nature. This is the basics of cosmic religiosity, and it appears to me that the most important function of art and science is to awaken this feeling among the receptive and keep it alive.

I sense that it is not the State that has intrinsic value in the machinery of humankind, but rather the creative, feeling individual, the personality alone that creates the noble and sublime.

Man's ethical behavior should be effectively grounded on compassion, nurture and social bonds. What is moral is not the divine, but rather a purely human matter, albeit the most important of all human matters."

~ Albert Einstein in 'An Ideal of Service to Our Fellow Man'

@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.org * https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=467042306:50:43
In reply to @djkhalis:matrix.org
Made me so happy I could tear up hahah!! It means so much to me to share this feeling/view with somebody else. Oh and yes I jave seen his films:) not all of them, I'm sure

Have you seen any of Miyazaki's films?

If you haven't seen it yet, watch Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, and Princess Mononoke! Both deeply thought-provoking and moving. ;)

Also this 1987 animated short film (The Man Who Planted Trees):


@djkhalis:matrix.orgdjkhalisOh thanks for Steiner's book! :D I think I'll watch Nausicaa sometime soon, I meant to watch it a while ago but somehow didn't get to it yet. And Princess Mononoke is beautiful:) 13:44:34
22 Mar 2021
Download amythest_happyflapping.gif
@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.org Happy flaps. I think you'll love Nausicaa! :D <3 05:16:38

I realised something today. You know how neurotypical people will get offended if we don't notice that something is bothering them (if we miss NT social cues)?

Well, here's the thing: they actually do this to each other, too! They are so secretive about certain personal things that they actually withhold sharing information about their state with certain people, and then act all offended and against that person, simply because they're in that mood and it helps them emotionally to villainise a person.

@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.org *

I realised something today. You know how neurotypical people will get offended if we don't notice that something is bothering them (if we miss NT social cues)?

Well, here's the thing: they actually do this to each other, too! They are so secretive about certain personal things that they actually deliberately withhold sharing crucial information about their state/being/feelings with certain people, and then act all offended and against that person -- simply because they're in that mood and it helps them emotionally to villainise a person.

@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.org *

I realised something today. You know how neurotypical people will get offended if we don't notice that something is bothering them (if we miss NT social cues)?

Well, here's the thing: they actually do this to each other, too! They are so secretive about certain personal things that they actually deliberately withhold sharing crucial information about their state/being/feelings with certain people, and then act all offended and against that person -- simply because they're in that mood and it helps them emotionally to villainise a person.

So a lot of the time that this happens, it actually had nothing to do with us not realising their NT social cues, because they never actually gave out any!

@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.org *

I realised something today. You know how neurotypical people will get offended if we don't notice that something is bothering them (if we miss NT social cues)?

Well, here's the thing: they actually do this to each other, too! They are so secretive about certain personal things that they actually deliberately withhold sharing crucial information about their state/being/feelings with certain people, and then act all offended and against that person -- simply because they're in that mood and it helps them emotionally to villainise a person.

So a lot of the time that this happens, it actually had nothing to do with us not realising their NT social cues, because they never actually gave out any! It's just an empty excuse for them to single us out and vent their frustration (or whatever negative feelings they want to have) on us.

@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.org *

I realised something today. You know how neurotypical people will get offended if we don't notice that something is bothering them (if we miss NT social cues)?

Well, here's the thing: they actually do this to each other, too! They are so secretive about certain personal things that they actually deliberately withhold sharing crucial information about their state/being/feelings with certain people, and then act all offended and against that person -- simply because they're in that mood and it helps them emotionally to villainise a person.

So a lot of the time that this happens, it actually had nothing to do with us not realising their NT social cues, because they never actually gave out any! It's just an empty excuse for them to single us out and vent their frustration (or whatever negative feelings they want to have) on us.

I came to this realisation today.

@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.org *

I realised something. You know how neurotypical people will get offended if we don't notice that something is bothering them (if we miss NT social cues)?

Well, here's the thing: they actually do this to each other, too! They are so secretive about certain personal things that they actually deliberately withhold sharing crucial information about their state/being/feelings with certain people, and then act all offended and against that person -- simply because they're in that mood and it helps them emotionally to villainise a person.

So a lot of the time that this happens, it actually had nothing to do with us not realising their NT social cues, because they never actually gave out any! It's just an empty excuse for them to single us out and vent their frustration (or whatever negative feelings they want to have) on us.

I just came to this realisation today.

@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.org *

I realised something. You know how neurotypical people will get offended if we don't notice that something is bothering them (if we miss NT social cues)?

Well, here's the thing: they actually do this to each other, too! They are so secretive about certain personal things that they actually deliberately withhold sharing crucial information about their state/being/feelings with certain people, and then act all offended and against that person -- simply because they're in that mood and it helps them emotionally to villainise a person.

So a lot of the time that this happens, it actually had nothing to do with us not realising their NT social cues, because they never actually gave out any (deliberately)! It's just an empty excuse for them to single us out and vent their frustration (or whatever negative feelings they want to have) on us.

I just came to this realisation today.

@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.org *

I realised something. You know how neurotypical people will get offended if we don't notice that something is bothering them (if we miss NT social cues)?

Well, here's the thing: they actually do this to each other, too! They are so secretive about certain personal things that they actually deliberately withhold sharing crucial information about their state/being/feelings with certain people, and then act all offended and against that person -- simply because they're in that mood and it helps them emotionally to villainise a person.

So a lot of the time that this happens, it actually had nothing to do with us not realising their NT social cues, because they never actually gave out any (deliberately)! It's just an empty excuse for them to single us out and vent their frustration (or whatever negative feelings they want to have) on us.

I just came to this realisation today.

@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.org *

I realised something. You know how neurotypical people will get offended if we don't notice that something is bothering them (if we miss NT social cues)?

Well, here's the thing: they actually do this to each other, too! They are so secretive about certain personal things that they actually deliberately withhold sharing crucial information about their state/being/feelings with certain people, and then act all offended and against that person -- simply because they're in that mood and it helps them emotionally to villainise a person.

So a lot of the time that this happens, it actually had nothing to do with us not realising their NT social cues, because they never actually gave out any (deliberately)! It's just an empty excuse for them to single us out and vent their frustration (or whatever negative feelings they want to have) on us.

I just came to this eye-opening realisation today.

@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.org *

Everyone, I realised something. You know how neurotypical people will get offended if we don't notice that something is bothering them (if we miss NT social cues)?

Well, here's the thing: they actually do this to each other, too! They are so secretive about certain personal things that they actually deliberately withhold sharing crucial information about their state/being/feelings with certain people, and then act all offended and against that person -- simply because they're in that mood and it helps them emotionally to villainise a person.

So a lot of the time that this happens, it actually had nothing to do with us not realising their NT social cues, because they never actually gave out any (deliberately)! It's just an empty excuse for them to single us out and vent their frustration (or whatever negative feelings they want to have) on us.

I just came to this eye-opening realisation today.

@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.orgWhen we feel something strongly, and we are aware of it, we usually express ourselves in some way openly and directly. Neurotypical people are actually often very selective about who they choose to share their feelings with -- even if it involves/concerns that person!11:03:06
@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.org * When we feel something strongly, and we are aware of it, we usually express ourselves in some way openly and directly. Neurotypical people are actually often very selective about who they choose to share their feelings with -- even if it involves/concerns that person! 11:03:28
@djkhalis:matrix.orgdjkhalis"If you really knew me you would've noticed" -- thankfully I don't have many people like that in my life. Frankly, the low-level manipulation is really off-putting. Those subtle emotional games are so incredibly stressful for me personally!! Especially since I usually over-analyze body language and way of speech and generally can tell if there is **something** that's bothering someone. And then when you ask what's wrong you're faced with an ego-driven prideful answer that's either denying it or using you as a punching bag for relief14:43:11
@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.org Yep, exactly! Because NTs have a more pronounced ego (sense of self, socially), and a more emotionally driven, egocentric disposition, they can often appear more selfish to us, and I have to say sometimes they really are acting cruel and selfish. When the right (or rather wrong) mood strikes them, they can put their own emotions above everyone and everything else -- even going to far as hurting others to satisfy their sense of pride/ego and emotional state. 15:31:10
@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.org * Yep, exactly! Because NTs have a more pronounced ego (sense of self, socially), and a more emotionally driven, egocentric disposition, they can often appear more selfish to us, and I have to say sometimes they really are acting cruel and selfish. When the right (or rather wrong) mood strikes them, they can put their own emotions above everyone and everything else -- even going so far as hurting others to satisfy their sense of pride/ego and emotional state. 15:31:42
@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.org * Yep, exactly! Because NTs have a more pronounced ego (sense of self, socially), and a more emotionally driven, egocentric disposition, they can often appear more selfish to us, and I have to say sometimes they really are acting cruel and selfish. When the right (or rather wrong) mood strikes them, they can put their own emotions above everyone and everything else -- even going so far as hurting others to satisfy their sense of pride/ego and emotional state (i.e. emotional abuse). 15:32:29
@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.orgThe thing to do here is actually to not talk to them while they are in that mood, and to talk to them after that personal emotional state (mood) passes. But this is sometimes impossible, because they will actively seek out social interaction and conflict (even while they are in such a mood). Whatever you do, don't challenge their sense of self and social position and authority (ego) during this state, or you'll end up being blacklisted and you'll experience a tornado of an outlash at you at your person (verbal, emotional, and perhaps even physical abuse). What they're looking for most of all is for their emotions to be acknowledged/validated (without condescension), and their ego to be stroked.15:46:01
@kenoiyan:matrix.org@kenoiyan:matrix.org * The thing to do here is actually to not talk to them while they are in that mood, and to talk to them after that personal emotional state (mood) passes. But this is sometimes impossible, because they will actively seek out social interaction and conflict (even while they are in such a destructive/hurtful mood). Whatever you do, don't challenge their sense of self and social position and authority (ego) during this state, or you'll end up being blacklisted and you'll experience a tornado of an outlash at you at your person (verbal, emotional, and perhaps even physical abuse). What they're looking for most of all is for their emotions to be acknowledged/validated (without condescension), and their ego to be stroked.15:46:45

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