
Leafish Development

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2 Mar 2023
@wyndix:envs.net@wyndix:envs.netSpecifcally the UI part20:54:05
@wyndix:envs.net@wyndix:envs.netI think it needs a little refactor maybe20:54:28
@wyndix:envs.net@wyndix:envs.netEither that or I'm not used to it, but some it's a bit confusing20:54:42
@wyndix:envs.net@wyndix:envs.netI'm not exactly sure as to why every single element and definition is inside a single file20:54:56
@wyndix:envs.net@wyndix:envs.netI alsoƧ have no idea what the element! macro is for??20:55:06
@wyndix:envs.net@wyndix:envs.net * I alsol have no idea what the element! macro is for??20:55:10
@wyndix:envs.net@wyndix:envs.netI don't really think having 2000 lines of code in one file is a good idea...20:59:48
@PureTryOut:matrix.orgPureTryOut (matrix.org)Feel free to PR improvements21:12:29
@wyndix:envs.net@wyndix:envs.net I'm trying to it's just 21:14:44
@wyndix:envs.net@wyndix:envs.net All of this code seemd so deeply tied to itself 21:15:08
@wyndix:envs.net@wyndix:envs.net Does it come from Stevenarella? 21:15:20
3 Mar 2023
@wyndix:envs.net@wyndix:envs.net * All of this code seemds so deeply tied to itself07:19:07
@wyndix:envs.net@wyndix:envs.net * All of this code seems so deeply tied to itself07:19:13
@_discord_319463560356823050:t2bot.iouku#0 changed their profile picture.08:41:05
@_discord_160877998155759616:t2bot.ioskillman623 Yeah, a lot of it is inherited from the og project steven by thinkofdeath/thinkofname 15:13:49
@_discord_166311083739447296:t2bot.iokuratiusRedacted or Malformed Event16:20:06
4 Mar 2023
@_discord_319463560356823050:t2bot.iouku#0 changed their profile picture.23:46:51
7 Mar 2023
@katastrophe:kde.org@katastrophe:kde.org left the room.12:14:23
8 Mar 2023
@abhay_aysola:matrix.org@abhay_aysola:matrix.org joined the room.02:49:24
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@_discord_160877998155759616:t2bot.ioskillman623 A good day; I'm resuming work on the Microsoft Authentication server.

Also it seems there is a workaround for people under 18 who wish to use this, they just need to be added to a microsoft family.
2148916238: The account is a child (under 18) and cannot proceed unless the account is added to a Family by an adult. This only seems to occur when using a custom Microsoft Azure application. When using the Minecraft launchers client id, this doesn't trigger.
@_discord_160877998155759616:t2bot.ioskillman623 I'll take a look at it tomorrow time permitting, otherwise on Thursday or Friday. 06:47:04
@_discord_406168349219749900:t2bot.ioHotdog awesome! 11:09:22
@_discord_406168349219749900:t2bot.ioHotdog sorry for going dark on my own stuff, i got a bit overwhelmed and didn't make any more progress 11:09:44
@_discord_692668071210385448:t2bot.ioxenon#3674 joined the room.12:21:58
@_discord_692668071210385448:t2bot.ioxenon#3674 https://gist.github.com/AbhayAysola/103eb10c13d0fb5f349d5a317258a3ab
Hi, I made this gist based on a sample implementation, and it uses the client id that LynithDev in the github issue was talking about - https://github.com/Lea-fish/Leafish/issues/188
@_discord_692668071210385448:t2bot.ioxenon#3674 I don't have access to my minecraft account right now, but if anyone could test that would be great 12:22:15
@_discord_692668071210385448:t2bot.ioxenon#3674 also, one limitation of using this client id is that the redirect url is fixed and we can't change it to localhost 12:24:48
@_discord_692668071210385448:t2bot.ioxenon#3674 so the user has to copy paste the code 12:24:54
@_discord_160877998155759616:t2bot.ioskillman623 I will certainly try it. Setting up the Leafish side of things is relatively simple (including clientID). Azure stuff is the annoying part. 14:56:10

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