
Leafish Development

258 Members
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18 Oct 2023
@_discord_319463560356823050:t2bot.iouku#0 changed their display name from the circle experience to uku#0.09:47:59
@_discord_664935074726412301:t2bot.ioyzn.h joined the room.11:27:32
@_discord_1121159551815782481:t2bot.iomolasseslover I'm guessing this is it? 12:12:41
@_discord_160877998155759616:t2bot.ioskillman623 Yes it is. 21:29:03
19 Oct 2023
@_discord_319463560356823050:t2bot.iouku#0 changed their profile picture.01:00:56
@_discord_726238291170426962:t2bot.iolunakittyyy#0 changed their profile picture.07:28:48
20 Oct 2023
@_discord_518513143589109771:t2bot.ioamogus enjoyer changed their display name from qewer33#0 to amogus enjoyer.13:57:06
21 Oct 2023
@_discord_806550260126187560:t2bot.ioninjadev64 changed their display name from Aman to ninjadev64#0.11:40:44
@_discord_806550260126187560:t2bot.ioninjadev64 changed their display name from ninjadev64#0 to Aman.11:48:33
@_discord_881957643122516028:t2bot.iojrmoulton changed their display name from jrmoulton#0 to jrmoulton.20:56:53
@_discord_806550260126187560:t2bot.ioninjadev64 changed their display name from Aman to ninjadev64.21:50:10
27 Oct 2023
@fsw.:matrix.org@fsw.:matrix.org left the room.21:49:01
3 Nov 2023
@_discord_160102980232806401:t2bot.ioalibaba1337 joined the room.18:58:45
11 Nov 2023
@_discord_714583473804935238:t2bot.iodustyangel47 joined the room.23:05:29
16 Nov 2023
@_discord_584486782897225757:t2bot.ioPumkinJake joined the room.03:08:56
25 Nov 2023
@_discord_981505595880386641:t2bot.iotwenty48 joined the room.13:06:21
28 Nov 2023
@_discord_1007015219425452043:t2bot.iotomasalias changed their profile picture.17:15:33
5 Dec 2023
@pedrohlc:ubiquelambda.devpedrohlc ⚡️ joined the room.14:52:17
10 Dec 2023
@_discord_385089890595110914:t2bot.iojuice joined the room.15:01:05
11 Dec 2023
@_discord_160877998155759616:t2bot.ioskillman623 changed their display name from carniferous to skillman623.14:36:17
@v90c:matrix.homelab.wf@v90c:matrix.homelab.wf joined the room.15:43:54
@_discord_309408702530846730:t2bot.iomatrix-t2bot joined the room.16:07:22
12 Dec 2023
@hakmark:matrix.orghakmark joined the room.05:53:54
14 Dec 2023
@_discord_265935563864014878:t2bot.io.pedrosf joined the room.03:25:45
22 Dec 2023
@_discord_160877998155759616:t2bot.ioskillman623 I just submitted an application for authorization to use the Azure Minecraft API. 05:48:37
@_discord_160877998155759616:t2bot.ioskillman623 Hey javaimpact could we get issue #49 closed on the github? It violates TOS to implement it and by labeling it with a priority to fix I feel like it may hamper the chances of the app's API access getting approved. 05:50:29
@_discord_422784254729256972:t2bot.iojavaimpact Alright, i will close it but i do see non-premium (cracked) accounts as something we should strive to implement eventually as it promotes inclusivity and openness 15:58:11
@_discord_160877998155759616:t2bot.ioskillman623 Given that you are one of the core devs of Leafish, you may do as you you see fit. If nonpremium accounts were to be implemented I would probably revoke the API key and cease involvement in project as well as revoke any significant code contributions.

I believe that violating microsoft's TOS can only invite trouble, possibly inviting a cease and desist (their terms of service for online play have you agree that they own derivative works and mods).
@v90c:matrix.homelab.wf@v90c:matrix.homelab.wfIs it possible to donate to Leafish team (don't remember from website and can't check atm)? I don't have a bank account or cards or anything; just physical cash and cryptocurrencies.17:33:05
23 Dec 2023
@_discord_160877998155759616:t2bot.ioskillman623 At the moment? No.
At some point in the future there may be.
Not much point in donating until there's some development momentum going IMO.

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