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21 Jul 2024
@simonmic:matrix.orgsm Sorry about that elamohk 09:44:26
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmI should have listed it under Breaking changes and perhaps made a PR.09:44:52
@elamohk:matrix.orgelamohkOh np, just figured it was worth reporting it as a potential issue. I should've checked the release notes first XD.09:45:02
@elamohk:matrix.orgelamohkThanks for this project, it's really helped me get a grip on my finances.09:45:20
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmI haven't understood your setup in full detail but I know the other behaviour must sometimes be convenient. I just had some cases in mind where journals broke too easily when things get moved.09:45:48
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmGood to hear! 09:45:55
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmIf you ever get time to write up your gpg workflow, I think quite a few people would be interested.09:46:41
@elamohk:matrix.orgelamohkHmm, I thought I had a README here but turns out I don't. I'll add one just to explain a bit. https://github.com/mohkale/dotfiles/tree/master/prog/hledger09:47:38
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmnice. You might be interested in the recent discussions of hledger master's config files and the paisa web ui09:50:45
@simonmic:matrix.orgsm * nice. You might be interested in the recent discussions above of hledger master's config files and the paisa web ui09:50:59
@elamohk:matrix.orgelamohkOoh, that's very neat. Thanks 😍.09:52:07
@simonmic:matrix.orgsm * nice. You might be interested in the recent discussions above of hledger master's config files and the paisa web ui 09:55:46
@sean_:matrix.orgsean_is it possible to have an hledger.conf file that defines a week starting on Sunday and ending Saturday?15:20:46
@simonmic:matrix.orgsm sean_: you could put -p 'every sunday' in it 18:12:42
@sean_:matrix.orgsean_ hledger bal -p 'every sunday' -p thisweek ? 22:32:23
22 Jul 2024
@chris898:matrix.orgchris898 joined the room.12:35:50

I want to know how much i spent on a vacation.
I could tag all the transactions - ;vacation: ireland
I could do a date start and end

But is there a way to have a tag start and tag end, where it would calculate everything in between those tags?

@simonmic:matrix.orgsmsean_ not really. I do tag each individual txn associated with a trip14:29:45
@sean_:matrix.orgsean_Okay, that's cool14:30:52
@bharathcs:matrix.orgbharathcsIf you insist on this format, you could keep all the trip transaction in another file like 2024-07-ireland.ledger and use an include directive in the main journal 14:36:21
@bharathcs:matrix.orgbharathcsThen use -f to select only the trip file when u have your specific query14:36:36
@sean_:matrix.orgsean_yeah, that's fair14:42:22
23 Jul 2024
@sol:matrix.orgsol I used to use tags for this same purpose (marking trips) earlier. Now I just use the 'description' field (i.e., Bistro 45 | Spain Trip) instead. 15:35:27
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmperhaps tags should have been in the description field all along ?15:37:58
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmexcept you need them at the posting level also15:38:18
24 Jul 2024
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmA regexp / query puzzle: https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/issues/209510:32:22
25 Jul 2024
@jesseamos:matrix.orgjesseamosHello everyone, i haven't really contributed anything to Hledger since i came onboard basically because i was writing my second semester exams but i done now and i will love to start contributing: maybe a precise task could be assign to me or if the is any way i could find a problem then work toward fixing it (it will really help me understanding the code)21:24:15

Hi @jesseamos:matrix.org. Have a look at the Contributor Quick Start. Anything there that calls to you ?

@simonmic:matrix.orgsmYour first task is to test and give feedback on the new contributor experience and we have begun !21:36:43
@simonmic:matrix.orgsmafk. 21:50:16

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