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9 Aug 2020
@mcarlton:nerdyredneck.netmcarltonit's really more of a client skeleton than an api client, but semantics01:06:23
@oddstr13:matrix.orgOddstr13also, I think we have like 4? entrypoints into the code, and all of them are importing everything and stuff is handled by try: pass everywhere to make that not poop itself01:06:32
@oddstr13:matrix.orgOddstr13yea, I think we need a new Python API client01:07:15
@oddstr13:matrix.orgOddstr13been holding off that due to the upcoming API changes tho01:07:35
@oddstr13:matrix.orgOddstr13that's going to be pure hell getting the kodi addon updated for01:07:57
@iwalton3:matrix.orgiwalton3I mean the API client itself is fine, just the way it is created in Kodi is confusing.01:08:14
@oddstr13:matrix.orgOddstr13I honestly haven't gone looking too much thru the code except from fixing bugs and styling issues when I come over them01:09:21
@oddstr13:matrix.orgOddstr13that, and adding logging. a bunch of logging.01:09:43
@iwalton3:matrix.orgiwalton3Speaking of logging, the latest version of MPV Shim doesn't log API keys to the console anymore. It makes it a lot easier to ask for logs.01:10:19
@oddstr13:matrix.orgOddstr13there where so many silent try blocks eating all them exceptions when we started01:10:27
@oddstr13:matrix.orgOddstr13do we sanitize API keys?01:10:59
@mcarlton:nerdyredneck.netmcarltoni'd actually looked into sanitizing logs in mpv shim a few weeks ago, but since you don't have a centralized logger i got lost.01:11:03
@oddstr13:matrix.orgOddstr13I know we do that for IP by default01:11:12
@mcarlton:nerdyredneck.netmcarltonyeah, kodi sanitizes both server and api_key01:11:14
@oddstr13:matrix.orgOddstr13well, for the exceptions we're able to catch anyways01:11:43
@iwalton3:matrix.orgiwalton3All of the logging goes through a custom formatter now that removes API keys. Previously it used basicConfig, but that doesn't let you control output as much. https://github.com/iwalton3/jellyfin-mpv-shim/blob/master/jellyfin_mpv_shim/log_utils.py01:12:21
@oddstr13:matrix.orgOddstr13I wonder how the git blame of that file looks :P01:13:22
@oddstr13:matrix.orgOddstr13I've touched most of the lines in loghandler it seems 😆01:14:31
@mcarlton:nerdyredneck.netmcarlton btw iwalton3 sneak peak of the survey results, we're a bit under 1800 responses and 13.5% of responders say they use mpv shim. no pressure 🤣 02:26:39
@iwalton3:matrix.orgiwalton3I'm not surprised. I've looked at the download stats.02:27:23
@sparky:matrix.possumlodge.mesparkyYeah. No pressure at all lol02:27:50
@iwalton3:matrix.orgiwalton3There was also a PyPI stats page, but it is giving me errors.02:29:02
@mcarlton:nerdyredneck.netmcarltonpypi stats are super unreliable02:29:35
@iwalton3:matrix.orgiwalton3There is this, but yeah I wonder sometimes how much of that is bots and mirrors. https://pepy.tech/project/jellyfin-mpv-shim02:30:25
@iwalton3:matrix.orgiwalton3Although those numbers are believable.02:32:12
@mcarlton:nerdyredneck.netmcarltonwell I have 32 stars on github and the survey says I have 12 users, but that site says I have 1200 downloads in the lsat 30 days. riiiiiiiiight02:32:22
@mcarlton:nerdyredneck.netmcarltonfor mopidy*02:32:28
@iwalton3:matrix.orgiwalton3The confusing thing about those stats is it shows downloads for old versions.02:34:19

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