

85 Members
chat for https://github.com/t3chguy/matrix-static/ - deployed at https://view.matrix.org/47 Servers

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20 Jul 2022
@32s:matrix.orgboy43 joined the room.23:25:08
@32s:matrix.orgboy43 left the room.23:25:35
23 Jul 2022
@compy:hazenet.orgCompy joined the room.05:02:35
25 Jul 2022
@przemek:rom4nik.plPrzemek joined the room.21:55:59
4 Aug 2022
@jokergermany:matrix.orgJoker 🇩🇪Do you need to have activated guest access in synapse to use this?09:02:26
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)No, it can use any user account09:15:11
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)the little helper tool which registers a guest won't work obviously09:15:20
@jokergermany:matrix.orgJoker 🇩🇪
In reply to @x:riot.ovh
the little helper tool which registers a guest won't work obviously
what tool do you mean?
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-static/blob/develop/cmd/register-guest/register-guest.go09:17:29
@jokergermany:matrix.orgJoker 🇩🇪
In reply to @x:riot.ovh
where can i see it in action?
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)that tool is to help you deploy your own instance of matrix-static09:19:58
@ralfi:hasihome.ddnss.deralfi joined the room.09:20:01
@jokergermany:matrix.orgJoker 🇩🇪Every thought that it's a pitty that there is no obvious join button09:20:13
@rosebyte:matrix.orgRoseByte changed their profile picture.21:34:40
@rosebyte:matrix.orgRoseByte changed their profile picture.21:38:11
5 Aug 2022
@ralfi:hasihome.ddnss.deralfiHi, one question. If i setup static.matrix i am able to download files inside the room i am selected for this?05:59:53
@ralfi:hasihome.ddnss.deralfi left the room.07:52:44
9 Aug 2022
@sideshowbarker:matrix.orgsideshowbarker joined the room.01:28:50

I work for the W3C and I’m exploring how to set up some logging integration for a relatively large number of rooms (70+). Some specific things I’d like to find out more about:

  • Have any other people where written logs parsers for the https://view.matrix.org/ HTML format?
  • Does https://view.matrix.org/ host alternative logs in a plain-text (non-HTML) format?
@kay:faraday.questKatherine Faraday joined the room.01:32:20
@sideshowbarker:matrix.orgsideshowbarker *

I work for the W3C and I’m exploring how to set up some logging integration for a relatively large number of rooms (70+). Some specific things I’d like to find out more about:

  • Have any other people where written logs parsers for the https://view.matrix.org/ HTML format?
  • Does https://view.matrix.org/ host alternative logs in a plain-text (non-HTML) format?
  • Is there a query mechanism for retrieving date ranges?
@kay:faraday.questKatherine Faraday left the room.01:39:28
@sideshowbarker:matrix.orgsideshowbarker *

I work for the W3C and I’m exploring how to set up some logging integration for a relatively large number of rooms (70+). Some specific things I’d like to find out more about:

  • Have any other people where written logs parsers for the https://view.matrix.org/ HTML format?
  • Does https://view.matrix.org/ host alternative logs in a plain-text (non-HTML) format?
  • Is there a query mechanism for retrieving date ranges?


  • Is there an API to programmatically export the logs from a given room? (In the way that the Export chat option in the Element UI allows me to do manually.)
@sideshowbarker:matrix.orgsideshowbarker *

I work for the W3C and I’m exploring how to set up some logging integration for a relatively large number of rooms (70+). Some specific things I’d like to find out more about:

  • Have any other people where written logs parsers for the https://view.matrix.org/ HTML format?
  • Does https://view.matrix.org/ host alternative logs in a plain-text (non-HTML) format?
  • Is there a query mechanism for retrieving date ranges?


  • Rather than working with the https://view.matrix.org/ logs, is there an API to programmatically export the logs from a given room? (In the way that the Export chat option in the Element UI allows me to do manually.)
@compy:hazenet.orgCompy changed their display name from compy to Compy.03:03:51
@aaron:raim.istAaron MikeSmith: There are some programs to save chat logs such as https://github.com/russelldavies/matrix-archive, https://gitlab.com/etke.cc/emm, https://gitlab.com/argit/matrix-recorder/, https://github.com/bakkot/matrix-archive-bot, https://github.com/osteele/matrix-archive, etc 03:49:52
In reply to @aaron:raim.ist
MikeSmith: There are some programs to save chat logs such as https://github.com/russelldavies/matrix-archive, https://gitlab.com/etke.cc/emm, https://gitlab.com/argit/matrix-recorder/, https://github.com/bakkot/matrix-archive-bot, https://github.com/osteele/matrix-archive, etc
Thanks — I’ll take a look
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy) MikeSmith: there is currently an ongoing project as part of Gitter parity to replace matrix-static with something using hydrogen-web in SSR and using an MSC for date range support 07:45:31
@x:riot.ovhMichael (t3chguy)https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-public-archive being that WIP07:45:58
In reply to @x:riot.ovh
MikeSmith: there is currently an ongoing project as part of Gitter parity to replace matrix-static with something using hydrogen-web in SSR and using an MSC for date range support
Thanks — the details in https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-public-archive#matrix-public-archive sound great

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