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23 Aug 2022
In reply to @alexanderpart:matrix.org
The only thing protecting this project now is no one knows about it.
Yes to a certain point but I always see such systems as antifragile. We need to be attacked first so we can grow stronger... Premature optimization is the root of all evil, especially when you have such a large set of potential adversaries... I would imagine it would be impossible to cover all the angles
@alexanderpart:matrix.orgalexanderpartBut if you see a gaping hole, why leave it? Just to exclaim, ive been attacked! We hear about companies doing this and getting hacked. The fall out it causes damages so many people.01:49:23
@mike.bacoinin:matrix.orgmbacoininIf the solution is to move towards some centralization, then its a no go for me. I personally think that most of the initial vendors will not bother with the community markets... imho its pointless atm. Storefronts is the way to go. If one joins a list of storefronts, the search across them is incredibly fast...since everything is stored locally01:52:26
@mike.bacoinin:matrix.orgmbacoininIf some niche community wants a community market e.g. Pokemon cards then they could create such a list and maintain it 01:54:37
@alexanderpart:matrix.orgalexanderpartIf lists of storefronts is the most reasonable path to protecting ourselves from this, then im behind it. There still the issue of photos in the market browser. Ascii art you say? Maybe users shouldnt be able to upload, PM should simply enter their names into some text2img ai and use whatever they are given. 01:56:41
@mike.bacoinin:matrix.orgmbacoininUX wise, such lists could be displayed as a single market for example01:56:44
In reply to @alexanderpart:matrix.org
If lists of storefronts is the most reasonable path to protecting ourselves from this, then im behind it. There still the issue of photos in the market browser. Ascii art you say? Maybe users shouldnt be able to upload, PM should simply enter their names into some text2img ai and use whatever they are given.
IIRC correctly Arnold had suggested to supply the installation with a set of different icons such that the users could select one of those... They could even allow users to design thei icon sets and then PR to the PD repo ala Telegram style
In reply to @alexanderpart:matrix.org
If lists of storefronts is the most reasonable path to protecting ourselves from this, then im behind it. There still the issue of photos in the market browser. Ascii art you say? Maybe users shouldnt be able to upload, PM should simply enter their names into some text2img ai and use whatever they are given.
* IIRC correctly Arnold had suggested to supply the installation with a set of different icons such that the users could select one of those... They could even allow users to design icon sets and then PR to the PD repo ala Telegram style
@mike.bacoinin:matrix.orgmbacoinin * IIRC correctly Arnold had suggested to supply the installation with a set of different icons such that the market creators could select one of those... They could even allow users to design icon sets and then PR to the PD repo ala Telegram style 02:02:40
@alexanderpart:matrix.orgalexanderpartThat could work too, it would give a simpler look to everything. 02:02:52
@mike.bacoinin:matrix.orgmbacoininWe could have competition/voting for which icon pack to add every month :D02:03:38
@alexanderpart:matrix.orgalexanderpartWhat if a dnm wanted to submit an icon?02:04:09
@alexanderpart:matrix.orgalexanderpartAnd whats to stop stores from having the same one, such as using others logos without consent, or to phish?02:04:40
@mike.bacoinin:matrix.orgmbacoininNot an icon but an icon set I imagine, so I can't see any reason why an icon set with say all the logos of the DNMs that have existed so far not being added if the community votes for it 02:05:49
In reply to @alexanderpart:matrix.org
And whats to stop stores from having the same one, such as using others logos without consent, or to phish?
The market image problem is non existant for communities that choose not to advertize via the Market Browser
@mike.bacoinin:matrix.orgmbacoininThat is, if you get an invitation to a market you do not get the market logo nor its name nor its description (even if the market was advertised publicly at some point). Essentially invitation is a set of two cryptographic keys02:09:08
@mike.bacoinin:matrix.orgmbacoininSo the user has to write their own title for that market, description and choose a logo if they want02:09:53
@alexanderpart:matrix.orgalexanderpartBut for those that do use the browser, lets say i see someone has a successful store, i copy the name, all the photos and descriptions, and use the same icons, but i set the seller escrow to 0 and dont ship anything. Aside from the sellers public key which is hard to read, how would one tell the difference?02:10:55
@alexanderpart:matrix.orgalexanderpartA prospective buyer now has a 50/50 chance of being scammed if they are unfamiliar with the escrow system02:11:44
@alexanderpart:matrix.orgalexanderpartI mean, i guess that would be a good way for them to learn02:12:08
@mike.bacoinin:matrix.orgmbacoininVery easy, you can store an alias for the Public key that the original storefront seller uses so identity theft is impossible...02:12:17
@mike.bacoinin:matrix.orgmbacoininThe users only have to be careful when joining the 1st time the proper storefront. I assume that the original storefront sellers will include some link to their web-pages, online profiles where they have their invitation publicly posted02:14:05
@mike.bacoinin:matrix.orgmbacoinin * The users only have to be careful when joining the 1st time the proper storefront. I assume that the original storefront sellers will include some link to their web-pages, online profiles where they have their invitation/public key publicly posted02:15:56
@alexanderpart:matrix.orgalexanderpartI guess that goes back to lists being voted on02:17:28
@mike.bacoinin:matrix.orgmbacoininAfaik at some point we will have the invitation linked via some URI with the Particl Desktop, so clicking on the invitation would open the PD and join the market02:17:40
In reply to @alexanderpart:matrix.org
I guess that goes back to lists being voted on
Such lists can be very flexible, from completely centralized and static to dynamic decentralized ones
@mike.bacoinin:matrix.orgmbacoininLong story short, I can't see anyhow the community markets being used massively. It would take a single troll to destroy them02:20:40
@mike.bacoinin:matrix.orgmbacoininStorefronts on the other hand are impervious to such b/s as long as the owner shares very carefully the publishing key or avoids to do so02:22:13
@alexanderpart:matrix.orgalexanderpartIs the revocable key feature requiring some new form of cryptography? I have heard of revoking ones own key but not someone elses02:24:15
@mike.bacoinin:matrix.orgmbacoininI have no idea to be honest but I can imagine that it is possible with some form of hierachy of keys, with the creator having the root/master key and being able to cancel entire branches and create new publishable rights to a subset of existing keys. Note that this is just the imagination of someone who is still covering the discrete elliptic curve math so might be not possible. Though I never got the feeling from the team members that I have attempted to discuss the idea that it is impossible...02:29:46

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