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18 Oct 2018
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.org hi BreezeMan 23:52:03
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEF Hi fractal !
How's life?
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgit's stink23:54:17
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEFThat stinks! :(23:54:45
19 Oct 2018
@Anon999:matrix.org@Anon999:matrix.org joined the room.17:19:12
@m3tadisast3r:matrix.org@m3tadisast3r:matrix.org joined the room.17:30:02
@morranr:morr.usmorranr joined the room.18:07:15
@Damian1:matrix.orgDamiani heard from someone that toys r us is coming back. is this true?22:03:00
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.org Damian: Are you sure you're asking in the room you wanted to? 22:04:19
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.orgBTW, welcome, everyone!22:04:35
@Damian1:matrix.orgDamianyes im sure. i want to know if my childhood is being re stored 22:06:06
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.orgI haven't heard of anything like that. Why do you thik this is the right room for asking something like that?22:06:57
@Damian1:matrix.orgDamianbecause for one you seem like the person to be well informed 22:09:21
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.orgMe? How'd you figure that?22:09:49
@Damian1:matrix.orgDamianwell you seem rather smart22:10:07
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.orgWell, thanks, but I don't know. Don't have the internet to stay informed (not that I would, even if I had).22:13:23
@Damian1:matrix.orgDamianah okay22:21:16
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.orgThere are many twists and turns. Eventually, you come to a fork in the road. But now's not the time for eating. So you put that fork back down and consider the two paths in front of you.23:43:40
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.orgYou picked right! I mean left. which was right.23:45:30
20 Oct 2018
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEFYour right or his right? 11:50:28
@iridescence:matrix.org@iridescence:matrix.orgAutism galore12:15:17
24 Oct 2018
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.orgI heard that computers handle shoes quite well. Mine, for example, even offers an automatized option to reboot it.05:27:31
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgoh no05:31:15
@iridescence:matrix.org@iridescence:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event06:24:19

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