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24 Oct 2018
Προς απάντηση στο @Grillby:matrix.org
I heard that computers handle shoes quite well. Mine, for example, even offers an automatized option to reboot it.
@Anon999:matrix.org@Anon999:matrix.orgLel indeed08:56:56

an automatized option to reboot it.

Sometimes that can be a downside, however. I once had a robot that rebooted so often I had to get rid of it before it bankrupted me. You know how much those fancy boots even cost?

@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.orgLucky you. My robod did that so fast that it ripped all of my shoes to so many threads that the processor couldn't handle it and exploded.11:10:34
@morranr:morr.usmorranrAh yes, threading is a tough issue as well. Those hyper-threading processors must do some crazy shenanigans to get that to work. But then again, most of their work ends up getting thrown out in the heat sink.11:13:20
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.org This is legitimately confusing. 13:55:19
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.orgchanged room power levels.14:07:52
@morranr:morr.usmorranrNo need to jump off a ledge; if you get close enough to a CPU you could find some L1 cash.14:42:58
27 Oct 2018
@m3tadisast3r:matrix.org@m3tadisast3r:matrix.org left the room.06:23:52
2 Nov 2018
@jgibbons:matrix.org@jgibbons:matrix.org joined the room.04:31:57
7 Nov 2018
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.org You guys know what kind of superhero I'd be?
@morranr:morr.usmorranrNice. Makes you wonder what Subman would be compared to Superman. Extra weak, can barely move or see? Or maybe completely different, he wears a sea-suit and lives underwater. Hmm20:19:34
You guys know what kind of superhero I'd be?
Whoa man! That's a stark contrast to heroes we are used to. If you wanna star in new Avengers, you got to tony it down
Nice. Makes you wonder what Subman would be compared to Superman. Extra weak, can barely move or see? Or maybe completely different, he wears a sea-suit and lives underwater. Hmm
Unlike our spandex-clad hero, Subman has no problem with collateral damage. Heck, he has no problems with any kind of damage- no villian bothers him, since they always end up eating those Sub sandwiches together
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEFHe's a really swell gay, this Subman.20:25:00
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEF*guy too20:25:03
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.orgThe typo makes it even better.20:25:20
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEFUnlike Superman, Subman frequently takes his opponents from behind.20:26:15
@Anon999:matrix.org@Anon999:matrix.orgWith his cheese and onion sauce20:26:57
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEFYes, that's the flavor of his specialty- footlong20:27:36
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEFIt ends up messy at the end, but everyone is still satisfied.20:27:49
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEF But oh, visit to the toilet is quite... an interesting experience. 20:28:58
@jgibbons:matrix.org@jgibbons:matrix.orgSub-parman is only competent when exposed to strong radiation from his destroyed home star system.22:33:53
@jgibbons:matrix.org@jgibbons:matrix.orgChatman strikes fear into the ears of his enemies.22:34:34
@jgibbons:matrix.org@jgibbons:matrix.org You could say chatman takes advantage of his opponents' ears. 22:39:25
12 Nov 2018
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.org invited @richardcorsale:matrix.orgShadow.12:53:19
@richardcorsale:matrix.orgShadow joined the room.13:47:24
16 Nov 2018
@iridescence:matrix.org@iridescence:matrix.org left the room.11:46:37
@richardcorsale:matrix.orgShadow changed their profile picture.21:26:12

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