

21 Members
They're like paper Get a flashlight, dark humor is allowed to surround you Speaking or learning German? I've got the right room for you! You're welcome to join #Wortspiele:matrix.org3 Servers

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19 Nov 2018
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāı joined the room.07:23:55
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāı Did somebody mention puns? 07:24:18
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.org Well, that's the purpose of this room. 07:25:08
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāıI approve.07:25:23
22 Nov 2018
Download IMG_20181122_145618.png
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.org invited @dariaskalkina:matrix.orgDakotaDsk.14:01:25
@dariaskalkina:matrix.orgDakotaDsk joined the room.14:01:34
24 Nov 2018
25 Nov 2018
@richardcorsale:matrix.orgShadow changed their profile picture.14:24:23
26 Nov 2018
@jgibbons:matrix.org@jgibbons:matrix.orgI made a broth with a boolean cube. Half of the time it gave me true satisfaction.19:18:24
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEF 👍
There were flies floating in my soup.
I couldn't agree with the waitress exactly how many, however.
@jgibbons:matrix.org@jgibbons:matrix.orgDouble that.19:44:06
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEFWill take long to double, though. 19:47:58
@jgibbons:matrix.org@jgibbons:matrix.orgThen I guess you will have to listen to me attempt to "fiddle\0". I'm not sure I'm meant for string instruments.19:49:48
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEFDon't worry- they say it builds character19:50:39
@jgibbons:matrix.org@jgibbons:matrix.orgTo make matters worse, it looks like the local brass band has a trombone to pick.19:51:20
@jgibbons:matrix.org@jgibbons:matrix.orgLet me try that again...19:55:38
@jgibbons:matrix.org@jgibbons:matrix.orgTo make matters worse, it looks like the local brass band has a trombone to piccolo with the local woodwind players19:56:17
@jgibbons:matrix.org@jgibbons:matrix.orgThere are too many of us. we can't all locate an instrument to play.19:57:45
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEFLocal graveyards went on a strike against the noise- their inensitive songs hurt them down to the bone.19:58:04
@breezeman:matrix.orgZEF[sleep, btw]19:58:09
27 Nov 2018
@jgibbons:matrix.org@jgibbons:matrix.orgWhen is a dog's tail not a dog's tail?06:53:43
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgstink tails06:54:11
@jgibbons:matrix.org@jgibbons:matrix.orgWhen it's a wagon06:54:24
@jgibbons:matrix.org@jgibbons:matrix.orgWhy do ducks go underwater?06:54:45
@jgibbons:matrix.org@jgibbons:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event06:56:49

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