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14 Mar 2019
@dariaskalkina:matrix.orgDakotaDsk changed their profile picture.13:41:50
@dariaskalkina:matrix.orgDakotaDsk changed their profile picture.16:56:37
15 Mar 2019
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāıI need more p u n s .13:03:46
@meteor_impact:matrix.org@meteor_impact:matrix.orgn o13:21:06
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāıT h e n p r e p a r e t o d i e , C a n o l a O i l .13:22:40
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāıFor my name is I n i g o M o n t o y a . You killed my father.13:26:44
@meteor_impact:matrix.org@meteor_impact:matrix.orgthat was a great movie13:27:29
19 Mar 2019
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.org changed their profile picture.20:21:52
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.org changed their profile picture.20:31:13
21 Mar 2019
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.org I asked my mum, "How much is a couple?" "2 or 3" she replied. Probably explains why her marriage collapsed. 07:47:29
@meteor_impact:matrix.org@meteor_impact:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event12:16:48
@meteor_impact:matrix.org@meteor_impact:matrix.orgHOLY SHIT THAT IS THE BEST12:17:02
25 Mar 2019
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.orgWhat does tofu and a dildo have in common? They’re both meat substitutes.08:04:08
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāıI thought tofu was its own thing.17:05:48
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.org Well it's said to have a somewhat similar density to meat, along some elements. 17:06:54
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orgoh no17:19:21
@lurpam:matrix.orgmıaomāıYour constant frowning… it forces me to smile.17:20:51
@fractal:matrix.org@fractal:matrix.orghi lurpam17:22:18
28 Mar 2019
@gsantner:matrix.org@gsantner:matrix.org changed their display name from gsantner to gsantner-.18:49:04
3 Apr 2019
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.org[At the scene of the murder] Cop 1: This seems racially motivated. Cop 2: Hate crime? Cop 1: Of course I hate crime, moron. That’s why I’m a cop.16:46:54

"Do you know what it is to be an orphan?"


"Yes, orphan. Do you know what it is to be one?"

"Often, often often!"

@jgibbons:matrix.org@jgibbons:matrix.orgFrom the Pirates of Penzance17:32:59
@Grillby:matrix.org@Grillby:matrix.orgPlease try to refrain from context dependant content in here, ok?18:41:12
@jgibbons:matrix.org@jgibbons:matrix.orgNo context necessary. Orphan and often sound alike.19:10:10

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