
skywater-pdk: general

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30 Mar 2021
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SN0NRTT8:matrix.orgBudavarapu Mahesh joined the room.16:26:56
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SN0NRTT8:matrix.orgBudavarapu Mahesh changed their display name from _slack_skywater-pdk_U01SN0NRTT8 to Budavarapu Mahesh.16:35:29
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SN0NRTT8:matrix.orgBudavarapu Mahesh set a profile picture.16:35:30
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SN0NRTT8:matrix.orgBudavarapu Mahesh HI 16:37:22
@slackbot:matrix.orgSlack Integration invited @_slack_skywater-pdk_U01T7SQTS9X:matrix.orgDan Mihai Dumitriu.18:28:08
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01T7SQTS9X:matrix.orgDan Mihai Dumitriu joined the room.18:28:08
@slackbot:matrix.orgSlack Integration invited @_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SS6JPW1K:matrix.orgMichael Gester.18:29:53
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SS6JPW1K:matrix.orgMichael Gester joined the room.18:29:54
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SS6JPW1K:matrix.orgMichael Gester set a profile picture.18:29:54
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01T0HJMKHA:matrix.orgDavid Murphy changed their display name from _slack_skywater-pdk_U01T0HJMKHA to David Murphy.18:32:59
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01T0HJMKHA:matrix.orgDavid Murphy set a profile picture.18:33:00
@slackbot:matrix.orgSlack Integration invited @_slack_skywater-pdk_U01TK46TT32:matrix.orgVasily Shebalin.18:40:01
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01TK46TT32:matrix.orgVasily Shebalin joined the room.18:40:01
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01TK46TT32:matrix.orgVasily Shebalin changed their display name from _slack_skywater-pdk_U01TK46TT32 to Vasily Shebalin.18:40:51
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01TK46TT32:matrix.orgVasily Shebalin set a profile picture.18:40:52
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01T7SQTS9X:matrix.orgDan Mihai Dumitriu changed their display name from _slack_skywater-pdk_U01T7SQTS9X to Dan Mihai Dumitriu.19:10:36
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01T7SQTS9X:matrix.orgDan Mihai Dumitriu set a profile picture.19:10:37
31 Mar 2021
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01SMKA9QBY:matrix.orgAmod Wani changed their profile picture.05:18:02
In reply to@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01662JEWBH:matrix.org
Hi everyone! mehdi and I have been working on OpenFASOC a fully open source analog block generation based on FASOC (https://github.com/idea-fasoc/fasoc) using fully open-source tools like OpenROAD, Magic and Netgen. So far, we have pushed an automated temperature sensor generator to github: https://github.com/idea-fasoc/OpenFASOC. Please have a look and try our generator and let us know if there are any issues. We would be happy to assist. Thanks!
Hi! We have updated our spice simulation flow and added a partial + full verification modes. We have done so because of the slow runtime of ngspice. I would be really grateful if people could help us improve it. Any inputs or PRs are welcome! https://github.com/idea-fasoc/OpenFASOC Our channel: #skywater-pdk_fasoc:matrix.org
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U016HSA1H5Y:matrix.orgOlof Kindgren Hi mehdi OpenFASOC is very interesting. I haven't had the opportunity to work with analog flows yet but people seems to be excited about it 13:36:46
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U0169AQ41L6:matrix.orgmehdi Hi Olof Kindgren -- Great to hear that! It would be really cool to hear what could be improved in my flow (I am trying to set a CI right now). 13:40:18
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U016HSA1H5Y:matrix.orgOlof Kindgren mehdi FuseSoC integration would be nice of course 🙂 13:40:41
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U0169AQ41L6:matrix.orgmehdi Olof Kindgren I will check it! I am curious how it could be used for OpenFASOC.. 13:53:56
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U016HSA1H5Y:matrix.orgOlof Kindgren mehdi My thinking is that people can build a design with FuseSoC where part of it can be generated by OpenFASOC through the FuseSoC generator API 14:09:37
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U016HSA1H5Y:matrix.orgOlof Kindgren FuseSoC currently has a bunch of generators for turning high-level descriptions into something that the EDA tools natively understand 14:10:23
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U016HSA1H5Y:matrix.orgOlof Kindgren Example of this would be generating a wishbone or AXI interconnect from a memory map, generating verilog from Chisel, generating $readmemh hex files from C code etc 14:12:04
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U016HSA1H5Y:matrix.orgOlof Kindgren I know too little yet about the analog flow to see exactly where we can do the integration, but Klas Nordmark and I are adding support for the OpenLane flow in Edalize, which is the backend used by FuseSoC. So I think it will become clearer down the road. It would be good to already now look at how OpenFASOC can be used in conjunction with this 14:13:38
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U01S3KU0DFX:matrix.orgKlas Nordmark Yeah, I mean generating and adding analog/mixed signal blocks that aren't built straight from RTL would be part of what we minimally need for a full chip flow anyway, for IO if nothing else 14:17:02
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U0169AQ41L6:matrix.orgmehdi Olof Kindgren This sounds great! We do something similar with Socrates to stitch together our SoC (core + using APB/AHB peripherals). The issue is Socrates is an ARM tool (not open source). My understanding is FuseSoC could be used in a similar way? 14:17:28
@_slack_skywater-pdk_U016HSA1H5Y:matrix.orgOlof Kindgren mehdi I haven't used Socrates but from what I understand it does a bit more than what FuseSoC does. We can say it like this, FuseSoC contains all the parts needed to build a socrates tool 14:20:48

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