
Acala Network

666 Members
CrossChain StableCoin platform based on #Substrate. https://acala.network24 Servers

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3 May 2023
@shaopengw:matrix.orgShaun -> @0xshaunw:matrix.org changed their display name from Shaun Wang | Laminar & Acala to Shaun -> @0xshaunw:matrix.org.05:29:16
5 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.inralph joined the room.09:26:50
10 May 2023
@oshibobo697:matrix.orgKadar joined the room.00:39:16
11 May 2023
@luffy:chat.mistli.netluffy joined the room.05:50:04
12 May 2023
@slayer1987:matrix.orgBrandon Smith joined the room.17:23:45
@slayer1987:matrix.orgBrandon Smithmay not be the place but i need some direction, was connecting my ledger and went to transfer dot that was on acala back to the polka extension trough the bridge. now al i get is "error 1010 transaction has a bad signature". i can see that the dot is there but i cannot touch it. or move it in any way. i am rather new so i could just be so green that im not seeing something. have not had an issue with anything else and now im all out of ideas17:26:59
@slayer1987:matrix.orgBrandon Smith * may not be the place but i need some direction, was connecting my ledger and went to transfer dot that was on acala back to the polka extension through the bridge. now aal i get is "error 1010 transaction has a bad signature". i can see that the dot is there but i cannot touch it. or move it in any way. i am rather new so i could just be so green that im not seeing something. have not had an issue with anything else and now im all out of ideas18:30:21
@slayer1987:matrix.orgBrandon Smith * may not be the place but i need some direction, was connecting my ledger and went to transfer dot that was on acala back to the polka extension through the bridge. now all i get is "error 1010 transaction has a bad signature". i can see that the dot is there but i cannot touch it. or move it in any way. i am rather new so i could just be so green that im not seeing something. have not had an issue with anything else and now im all out of ideas18:30:27
13 May 2023
@xlchen:matrix.orgBryan Chen | laminar.one
In reply to @slayer1987:matrix.org
may not be the place but i need some direction, was connecting my ledger and went to transfer dot that was on acala back to the polka extension through the bridge. now all i get is "error 1010 transaction has a bad signature". i can see that the dot is there but i cannot touch it. or move it in any way. i am rather new so i could just be so green that im not seeing something. have not had an issue with anything else and now im all out of ideas
could you try transfer dot to another polka acala extension account and then bridge back? always try small amount first to test if everything works
14 May 2023
@foretyhop:matrix.orgVincent Kadar joined the room.13:18:51
15 May 2023
@leanapple:matrix.orgLéa Narzis changed their display name from lea_na to Léa Narzis.07:55:01
@leanapple:matrix.orgLéa Narzis changed their profile picture.07:55:06
17 May 2023
@hani2706:matrix.orgnhi removed their display name nhi.03:20:37
20 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.inralph left the room.21:12:21
25 May 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F to David | W3F - OOO May 30.17:44:22
30 May 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - OOO May 30 to David | W3F.06:29:40
2 Jun 2023
@artk:matrix.orgArt K changed their display name from Art | PureStake to Art.13:23:38
@artk:matrix.orgArt K changed their display name from Art to Art K.13:23:43
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F to David | W3F - OOO June 12.19:02:53
5 Jun 2023
@rosie0801:matrix.orgRosie0801 joined the room.04:54:31
@rosie0801:matrix.orgRosie0801Redacted or Malformed Event05:39:06
@rosie0801:matrix.orgRosie0801Redacted or Malformed Event05:41:53
@motifnetwork:matrix.orgNICK || motifnetwork @[Bryan Chen | Laminar & Acala] 08:30:59
@xlchen:matrix.orgBryan Chen | laminar.one banned @rosie0801:matrix.orgRosie0801 ().08:31:33
@king-charming:matrix.orgHenrik Mark Fly Hansen left the room.19:21:05
7 Jun 2023
@juliosantos:matrix.orgjuliosantos left the room.15:25:53
8 Jun 2023
@elena_von_tsss:matrix.orgElena | Anagolay left the room.10:34:40
12 Jun 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David | W3F - OOO June 12 to David.06:19:51
19 Jun 2023
@john_whitton:matrix.org∞john∞ changed their display name from redKanga to ∞john∞.01:16:44
20 Jun 2023
@litty:matrix.orglitty joined the room.20:27:03

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