
Acala Network

687 Members
CrossChain StableCoin platform based on #Substrate. https://acala.network24 Servers

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20 Apr 2020
@sota:matrix.orgsota | Plasmnice!07:57:55
@bette:matrix.orgBette Chen | Laminar & Acala

Hey folks, we are about to launch a new protocol for trustless staking liquidity, simply put
1/ you can deposit DOT, and get L-DOT (liquid DOT) back
2/ the DOTs will be staked, and you will earn a return
3/ the L-DOTs can be used (as collateral), traded, or invested etc

A question to you, we will have a new tab on our dApp, what'd be a straightforward name for it?
a. Liquid Asset
b. Liquid DOT (while the protocol is generalized, it is only launched for Polkadot for now)
c. Release Staked DOT
or something better?

Thanks a lot~

added options
a. Liquid Asset
b. Liquid DOT (while the protocol is generalized, it is only launched for Polkadot for now) +1
c. Release Staked DOT
d. DOT Bonds +1
e. L-DOT +1
or something better?

@marvintong:matrix.orgMarvin | Phala NetworkA small campain for bounty voting?09:40:45
@bette:matrix.orgBette Chen | Laminar & Acalayup got to earn it though~09:44:02
@marvintong:matrix.orgMarvin | Phala NetworkSure09:44:55
@nuevax:matrix.orgnuevaxuse the term Liquid DOT consistently, not just L-DOT when it is not clear what the L stands for. With more solutions in this category coming up on Polkadot a kind of brand name is needed, and Liquid DOT is a good one in this context.23:34:48
21 Apr 2020
@y3v63n:matrix.orgy3v63n | moonli.meI like Liquid DOT too06:33:34
@0xthreebody:matrix.org0xthreebody | Polkawallet & Acala

Hey folks, we are about to launch a new protocol for trustless staking liquidity, simply put
1/ you can deposit DOT, and get L-DOT (liquid DOT) back
2/ the DOTs will be staked, and you will earn a return
3/ the L-DOTs can be used (as collateral), traded, or invested etc

A question to you, we will have a new tab on our dApp, what'd be a straightforward name for it?
a. Liquid Asset
b. Liquid DOT (while the protocol is generalized, it is only launched for Polkadot for now)
c. Release Staked DOT
or something better?

Thanks a lot~

added options ✍︎
a. Liquid Asset
b. Liquid DOT (while the protocol is generalized, it is only launched for Polkadot for now) +3
c. Release Staked DOT
d. DOT Bonds +1
e. L-DOT +1
or something better?

23 Apr 2020
@vcryptor:matrix.orgvcryptorAre you going to experiment with KSM? If so, then Liquid Asset. If not then Liquid DOT13:51:19
@vcryptor:matrix.orgvcryptor * Are you going to experiment with KSM? If so, then Liquid Assets. If not then Liquid DOT15:47:18
@0xthreebody:matrix.org0xthreebody | Polkawallet & AcalaYeap, The front-end applications needs to be compatible with karura(Kusama Parachain). When the Honzon platform changed to Karura node, the title can't use the Liquid DOT. -> Liquid KSM.15:51:10
@vcryptor:matrix.orgvcryptorDOT and KSM will be first assets supported by Stake Liquidity Protocol. I believe that in the future it will support other POS assets, so I think it's reasonable to already use Liquid Assets. But this is just my 2 ACAs )))15:59:05
24 Apr 2020
@marvintong:matrix.orgMarvin | Phala NetworkRedacted or Malformed Event07:26:34
@siman:matrix.orgAlex Siman - Subsocialhi guys, do you have a page on you site or app that describes your faucet?12:25:36
@siman:matrix.orgAlex Siman - SubsocialI could not find it neither on your site, nor dapp12:25:58
@xlchen:matrix.orgBryan Chen | laminar.oneyou can check the faucet bot here https://github.com/AcalaNetwork/faucet-bot12:47:59
@siman:matrix.orgAlex Siman - Subsocial thanx Bryan Chen | laminar.one we also forked W3F bot and created our faucet recently 12:53:56
@siman:matrix.orgAlex Siman - Subsocialhttps://github.com/dappforce/dappforce-subsocial-faucet-bot12:53:58
25 Apr 2020
@david:matrix.parity.iodavid ( off - back 30th April) changed their display name from david to david ( off - back 30th April).15:45:43
26 Apr 2020
@jchaselubitz:matrix.orgjchaselubitz joined the room.15:32:44
27 Apr 2020
@nicole:matrix.parity.ionicole changed their profile picture.09:19:25
28 Apr 2020
@animaross:matrix.organimaross joined the room.11:21:46
@animaross:matrix.organimarosswhat about testnet? is it active or not?11:23:51
@xlchen:matrix.orgBryan Chen | laminar.oneMandala Testnet is live. You can access it at https://apps.acala.network/#/loan12:37:51
@xlchen:matrix.orgBryan Chen | laminar.oneBut we are in process of launch a new testnet. Stay tuned.12:38:22
@novy4:matrix.orgnovy4hi Brian, do you plan to keep separate validation nodes or you gonna use Kusama resources?12:39:31
@xlchen:matrix.orgBryan Chen | laminar.onewe will be join Kusama as a parachian so won't need validators. We will need collators instead.12:40:59
@xlchen:matrix.orgBryan Chen | laminar.oneWe have a rough idea of the incentive for collators, but still pending on collator technical details12:41:42
@novy4:matrix.orgnovy4looks promising12:42:18

Mandala Testnet is live. You can access it at https://apps.acala.network/#/loan

Is a incentivized testnet?


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