
EthMagicians Lobby

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Ethereum Magicians main room.21 Servers

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4 Mar 2019
@pascalvanhecke:matrix.org@pascalvanhecke:matrix.orgOn VPNs: I am able to access wifi over VPN (Freedome). Just trying it now, don't know if it failed before12:15:07
@pascalvanhecke:matrix.org@pascalvanhecke:matrix.orgHey Magicians! If you end up with an action plan, a new concept or an EIP you want to gain traction for, it helps if you have a concise summary of that on video with slides. The last presentation slot on ETHC (Thursday March 7th - 18h20 – room Jean-Baptiste Say ) is a Lightning talks session with 10*5 minute presentations. I reserved 8 timeslots for EthMagicians that I will keep open till Tuesday noon. Please check out the procedure at http://j.mp/ETHCC-lightning -> physical assaults at my person do not reserve you a time slot ;-)12:22:05
@gitter_legogris:matrix.orgRobert Edström (Gitter) joined the room.12:49:21
@gitter_legogris:matrix.orgRobert Edström (Gitter) For anyone who missed it, there are side-events happening tonight and other days of the week as well: https://blockchainweek.fr/calendar/
Personally hoping to see you at the Kaiko/Chainlink demo tonight ;)
@gitter_lrettig:matrix.orgLane Rettig (Gitter) joined the room.13:33:44
@gitter_lrettig:matrix.orgLane Rettig (Gitter) Sorry guys lunch ran a bit over, I'm on my way back for the 5 why's session now 13:33:45
@gitter_lrettig:matrix.orgLane Rettig (Gitter) We're doing the cat herders session now in room left! 17:40:52
@tomislavmamic:matrix.orgtomoAnd privacy discussion in central room!17:55:41
5 Mar 2019

Hey Magicians!

Don't forget to grab your time slot for the Lightning talks session!

Check http://j.mp/ETHCC-lightning - from noon today, it's open for everyone!

12 Mar 2019
@burrrata:matrix.org@burrrata:matrix.org joined the room.04:27:54
26 Mar 2019
@xardas:matrix.orgxardas changed their profile picture.16:37:04
@sebass:matrix.orgSebas changed their profile picture.22:39:58
27 Mar 2019
@gitter_exiledsurfer_twitter:matrix.orgexiledsurfer (Gitter) joined the room.12:52:44
@gitter_exiledsurfer_twitter:matrix.orgexiledsurfer (Gitter) https://medium.com/ethberlin/its-tricky-to-rock-a-conf-that-s-right-on-time-it-s-tricky-e9191fcb93b1 12:52:44
@tomislavmamic:matrix.orgtomoGiving you two claps for two photos of Boris :)15:50:14
@exiledsurfer:matrix.orgexiledsurferone is run, the other is evm.15:51:02
1 Apr 2019
@ZhangSanfeng:matrix.orgZhangSanfeng joined the room.04:28:35
17 Apr 2019
@mmhh1910:matrix.orgmmhh1910 left the room.18:45:24
26 Apr 2019
@gitter_scherrey:matrix.orgBen Scherrey (Gitter) joined the room.04:58:11
@gitter_scherrey:matrix.orgBen Scherrey (Gitter)Can anyone recommend where one would go to discuss ERC-1155 or ERC-721 tokens, especially about recommendations for what kinds of exchanges these can be bought/sold (presumably in an auction format)?04:58:11
@gitter_gcolvin:matrix.orgGreg Colvin (Gitter) joined the room.05:16:22
@gitter_gcolvin:matrix.orgGreg Colvin (Gitter)

@scherrey If you go here:

you’ll find
Discussions-To ethereum/EIPs#11

@gitter_gcolvin:matrix.orgGreg Colvin (Gitter)

And ERC-721 is here.


@gitter_gcolvin:matrix.orgGreg Colvin (Gitter)It’s Final, so Google for various discussions.05:21:56
@gitter_gcolvin:matrix.orgGreg Colvin (Gitter) (edited) It’s Final, so Google for various discussions. => @scherrey If you go here: > https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1155 you’ll find > Discussions-To https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/1155 05:24:26
@gitter_gcolvin:matrix.orgGreg Colvin (Gitter) (edited) ... https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1155 you’ll find > ... => ... https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1155 you’ll find > ... 05:24:39
8 May 2019
@pet3rpan:matrix.orgpet3rpanwow its been a while12:26:44
27 May 2019
@shyBlugs:matrix.orgaaron set their display name to aaron.02:08:47
8 Jun 2019
@pet3rpan:matrix.orgpet3rpanI am thinking of hosting an Ethereum Magicians satelite event during Berlin Blockchain Week as part of MetaCartel Demo Day.09:29:33
@pet3rpan:matrix.orgpet3rpanWe'll have 2 tracks of speakers but also another break out space for a days worth of workshops, run in Magicians style rings. Likely focused on the application layer: UX, mobile, web3 providers, contract wallets etc.09:30:30

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