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13 Feb 2020
@adamnemecek:matrix.orgadamnemeceki guess the functions got renamed, in metallib they are called triangle_* but metallib never got recompiled17:24:48
@kvark:matrix.orgkvarkMake a pr plz?17:24:44
@adamnemecek:matrix.orgadamnemecekwill do, i also want to adda build script to compile the metallibs as opposd to include them in the repo17:25:47
@adamnemecek:matrix.orgadamnemecekbut i'm not sure how to get the name of the example in the build script17:26:06
@adamnemecek:matrix.orgadamnemeceki checked the environment variables but it doesn't seem to dump the example name, only the library name17:26:33
@adamnemecek:matrix.orgadamnemeceki guess i could recompile all the shaders?17:27:04
@kvark:matrix.orgkvark The build script is ran for the library, not each example 17:27:29
@adamnemecek:matrix.orgadamnemeceki guess i can use println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=...");17:28:26
@adamnemecek:matrix.orgadamnemecekon the shaders?17:28:29
@adamnemecek:matrix.orgadamnemecekor how would you do this?17:29:06
@kvark:matrix.orgkvarkI'm not fluent in build scripts:) groves can advise better but the rerun-if-changed sounds right here17:30:06
@adamnemecek:matrix.orgadamnemecekok i'll try to create a pr later today17:30:27
@kvark:matrix.orgkvarkthank you!17:30:35
@kvark:matrix.orgkvark * thank you! xxx18:45:44
@kvark:matrix.orgkvark * thank you!18:45:51
@mindtree:matrix.orgmindtree What is the most efficient approach to writing one texture to another where each have different TextureFormats? Would the recommended approach be to sample the first texture within a fragment shader and draw it to the second as an output attachment? Or will the copy_texture_to_texture command implicitly take care of the conversion? E.g. in Vulkan, I believe when you blit a linear sRGBA image to a non-linear sRGBA image the implementation will implicitly perform the conversion. I'm wondering if copy_texture_to_texture behaves similarly? 21:03:06
@adamnemecek:matrix.orgadamnemeceki'll add the build script 21:15:25
@adamnemecek:matrix.orgadamnemecek * i'll add the build script in a separate pr21:15:36
@kvark:matrix.orgkvark mindtree: only by a shader sampling from one and rendering to another (or a compute shader). Copies don't do conversions in wgpu by the spec today 21:32:05
@mindtree:matrix.orgmindtree@kvark thanks!21:33:18
@adamnemecek:matrix.orgadamnemecekturns out my shader wasn't quite right but it should be now21:46:48
@adamnemecek:matrix.orgadamnemeceki added the build script21:47:38
@adamnemecek:matrix.orgadamnemecekright now it recompiles both compute and window if either of them changes21:47:45
@adamnemecek:matrix.orgadamnemeceki'm not sure how to do it more selectively21:48:02
@adamnemecek:matrix.orgadamnemecekalso am i the only one for whom messages get delayed?21:48:14
@adamnemecek:matrix.orgadamnemecekthis issue can be closed now https://github.com/gfx-rs/metal-rs/issues/7521:48:25

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