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24 Jul 2024
@cwfitzgerald:matrix.orgcwfitzgeraldEh, tomorrow doesn't start until you go to sleep or commit to pulling an all nigher :) 17:49:25
@cwfitzgerald:matrix.orgcwfitzgeraldThat's my spicy hot take17:49:30
@Bruce:matrix.orgbrucem Wondering why image isn't getting updated by dependabot since it is still at 0.24 rather than 0.25 17:50:34
@erichdongubler-mozilla:mozilla.orgErichDonGublerMight have been something we opted out of using one of its commands? πŸ€”17:56:43
25 Jul 2024
@satede:matrix.orgsatede joined the room.06:25:29
@marijns95:matrix.orgMarijn https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/6006 thanks teoxoy, that's some great timing there. I couldn't find my PR in the open PRs list, and definitely didn't recall seeing an email that it was already merged. 09:18:00
26 Jul 2024
@cszach:matrix.orgZach joined the room.04:23:16
@wumpf:matrix.orgwumpf🍿🍿🍿 https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/605207:49:33
@wumpf:matrix.orgwumpfI wonder what other bugs can be explained with this fix ...07:49:50
@wumpf:matrix.orgwumpfanother great motivation for the degenerification work07:50:10
@wumpf:matrix.orgwumpf(just to clarify: I'm amused by this error but don't be stupid and see this as a finger pointing. This sort of thing happens all the time and illustrates why unsafe code is.. you know.. unsafe! any tiny lapse of attention and stuff like this happens)08:01:44
@wumpf:matrix.orgwumpf * (just to clarify: I'm oddly amused by this error but don't be stupid and see this as a finger pointing. This sort of thing happens all the time and illustrates why unsafe code is.. you know.. unsafe! any tiny lapse of attention and stuff like this happens)08:02:21
@groves:matrix.orggrovesOh I wonder if that's the same problem we were seeing about surface drop order14:25:05
@wumpf:matrix.orgwumpfsurface drop order issue is exactly how I noticed this, so yes Also after merging this PR I noticed that there was already a fix for it going in which had a typo (my Pr essentially fixes the typo) that made the error more subtle14:40:24
@kpreid:matrix.orgkpreidI hear you're planning a minor release. Is there a way to hear about what is planned to include in it?16:58:37
@kpreid:matrix.orgkpreid* I hear you're planning a minor release. Is there a way to see what changes are going in to it?16:58:52
@kpreid:matrix.orgkpreid (My interest is that I'd love to see https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/5987 to unblock my own getting to use the latest.) 17:00:00
@kpreid:matrix.orgkpreid * (My interest is that I'd love to see https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/5987 to unblock my own getting to use the latest, but I first want to know if I even need to ask.) 17:01:02
In reply to @kpreid:matrix.org
(My interest is that I'd love to see https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/pull/5987 to unblock my own getting to use the latest, but I first want to know if I even need to ask.)
Yeah that'll definitely be in it
In reply to @kpreid:matrix.org
I hear you're planning a minor release. Is there a way to see what changes are going in to it?
All the PRs with the "needs backport" label. Or commits that already landed in the branch with the version name.
@kpreid:matrix.orgkpreidAh, I looked and missed the label...17:11:37
@teoxoy:matrix.orgteoxoyJust added it :)17:11:51
@kpreid:matrix.orgkpreid There isn't a v22.0.1 branch now, but presumably there will be soon. 17:11:53
@teoxoy:matrix.orgteoxoyI think we'll still use the v22 one, at least that's how it has been so far (one branch per major version).17:13:16
@kpreid:matrix.orgkpreid Then perhaps it could be namedv22 instead of v22.0.0, for clarity? 17:13:57
@kpreid:matrix.orgkpreid * Then perhaps it could be named v22 instead of v22.0.0, for clarity? 17:14:09
@teoxoy:matrix.orgteoxoy Yeah, I don't know why that one is named like that. cc @erichdongubler-mozilla:mozilla.org 17:14:48
@erichdongubler-mozilla:mozilla.orgErichDonGubler Oh, v22.0.0 is a leftover from the PR branch I created for the v22.0.0 release. I actually have a v22 branch locally, but apparently I never pushed it up? πŸ€” 17:25:28
@erichdongubler-mozilla:mozilla.orgErichDonGubler Just deleted the v22.0.0 branch (but not the tag of the same name) and pushed a v22 branch with the same commit. 17:26:43
@erichdongubler-mozilla:mozilla.orgErichDonGublerSorry for the confusion!17:26:52

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