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23 Sep 2023
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.ioTony VK3JED Good to see you got it up pedro_nz 00:54:51
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.ioTony VK3JED 00:54:57
@_discord_413201981784588289:t2bot.iopedro_nz Thanks Tony many channels I can't connect to... But some I can 00:55:45
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.ioTony VK3JED See https://vkmultimodenetwork.weebly.com to see what modules on M17-432 are linked somewhere (and therefore likely to be active). 00:58:12
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.ioTony VK3JED And the dashboard is at https://m17.vkradio.com 00:58:24
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.ioTony VK3JED to see actual activity. 00:58:46
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.ioTony VK3JED Also, try updating your hosts files (there's a checkbox in the config section of DroidStar). If you can't connect to M17-432, then your hosts file is ancient (like nearly a year old at least). 🙂 01:07:03
@_discord_1148833128987758693:t2bot.iobenkoh_76971 joined the room.03:28:43
@_discord_284282175107629056:t2bot.iokd2yfy set a profile picture.10:27:03
@_discord_284282175107629056:t2bot.iokd2yfy changed their display name from kd2yfy#0 to kd2yfy.10:27:04
@_discord_413201981784588289:t2bot.iopedro_nz Thanks Tony 20:59:18
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.ioTony VK3JED How did you go pedro_nz ? 21:00:37
@_discord_413201981784588289:t2bot.iopedro_nz Yes it's as you said. I can connect no problems 21:01:56
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.ioTony VK3JED Cool. 🙂 21:02:36
@_discord_387715206777798666:t2bot.ioTony VK3JED You should find some traffic on 432. 🙂 21:02:45
@_discord_413201981784588289:t2bot.iopedro_nz Thanks again 21:05:34
@_discord_1155265080896790558:t2bot.ioTediCross joined the room.22:24:33
24 Sep 2023
@_discord_642407997435543563:t2bot.iomkpapp joined the room.16:38:22
25 Sep 2023
@_discord_1065356682642849963:t2bot.iodh5aav#0 changed their display name from DH5AAV to dh5aav#0.18:11:21
26 Sep 2023
@veronika_dd:matrix.orgAngel Lofeyhttps://meetme.llc/dTNnZEW15:00:31
27 Sep 2023
@_discord_724927141971492884:t2bot.iophiln2edx joined the room.12:01:24
@_discord_1102752278949134336:t2bot.ioDemba joined the room.12:33:32
28 Sep 2023
@_discord_1155582707615666276:t2bot.iom0fxbandreas_45507 joined the room.08:12:18
@_discord_346864576731545600:t2bot.iodarthshrek. joined the room.17:11:59
29 Sep 2023
@_discord_468126631035142145:t2bot.iom0fxbandreas joined the room.11:51:43
@_discord_948226283924500511:t2bot.iojonkg4wkx joined the room.12:21:15
1 Oct 2023
@_discord_533779667845644308:t2bot.iogreggawatt joined the room.03:43:03
@_discord_409915482544668682:t2bot.iotuxedoham joined the room.03:52:13
@_discord_382220330132963328:t2bot.ioJakob DD5JFK joined the room.14:20:25
@_discord_1023656329090441266:t2bot.ioMarcony33 joined the room.15:47:37

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