
General Esoteric

302 Members
Esoteric5 Servers

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15 Oct 2023
@banuuur:matrix.org@banuuur:matrix.org left the room.09:19:56
17 Oct 2023
@_discord_877864947328118854:t2bot.iognothi93#0 changed their display name from Gnothi#1577 to gnothi93#0.04:03:21
20 Oct 2023
@_discord_510155738946207754:t2bot.iocontemporarydetails joined the room.13:56:29
25 Oct 2023
@_discord_399271761822220290:t2bot.ioess.jay joined the room.23:14:18
@_discord_806685027978182656:t2bot.iojewels454 joined the room.23:44:23
26 Oct 2023
@_discord_921276758043529278:t2bot.iobeingsovran joined the room.05:52:38
@_discord_252150616896438272:t2bot.io_kolter012_ joined the room.07:27:14
@_discord_307789405765238794:t2bot.ioaidan_138 joined the room.09:36:45
@_discord_904687192679518248:t2bot.iothenotnumber joined the room.14:11:05
11 Nov 2023
@gnarlycherub:matrix.org@gnarlycherub:matrix.org joined the room.02:39:39
13 Nov 2023
@gnarlycherub:matrix.org@gnarlycherub:matrix.org joined the room.15:30:05
16 Nov 2023
@gnarlycherub:matrix.org@gnarlycherub:matrix.org left the room.17:24:40
20 Nov 2023
@emeraldghost:matrix.org@emeraldghost:matrix.org joined the room.14:48:48
@emeraldghost:matrix.org@emeraldghost:matrix.org left the room.14:48:57
29 Nov 2023
@man987:matrix.orgzbm joined the room.16:18:51
3 Dec 2023
@man987:matrix.orgzbm changed their display name from man987 to zxcv.10:14:46
6 Dec 2023
@man987:matrix.orgzbm changed their display name from zxcv to ..11:55:25
@man987:matrix.orgzbm changed their display name from . to _.12:07:39
@man987:matrix.orgzbm changed their display name from _ to ..12:10:52
@man987:matrix.orgzbm changed their display name from . to •.14:06:24
@man987:matrix.orgzbm changed their display name from • to _.15:17:05
8 Dec 2023
@supplementalsyrup:matrix.orgsupplementalsyrup joined the room.18:41:48
10 Dec 2023
@man987:matrix.orgzbm changed their display name from _ to zbm.08:47:56
11 Dec 2023
@xnovaone:matrix.orgxnovaone joined the room.15:31:47
23 Jan 2024
@saezheneia:matrix.imconfluentDemiurge changed their profile picture.23:54:03
24 Jan 2024
@saezheneia:matrix.imconfluentDemiurge changed their profile picture.00:01:12
7 Mar 2024
@saezheneia:matrix.imconfluentDemiurge changed their profile picture.21:05:15
13 Apr 2024
@marzio.f:matrix.orgMarzio.f changed their display name from marzio.f to Marzio.f.08:55:37
7 Jul 2024
@chile09:matrix.org@chile09:matrix.org left the room.23:48:10
23 Jul 2024
@saezheneia:matrix.imconfluentDemiurge changed their display name from eden to confluentDemiurge.16:46:03

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